695 research outputs found

    Outcomes and Critical Factors for Successful Implementation of Organizational Health Literacy Interventions:A Scoping Review

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    Organizational health literacy (OHL)-interventions can reduce inequality and demands in health care encountered by patients. However, an overview of their impact and critical factors for organization-wide implementation is lacking. The aim of this scoping review is to summarize the evidence on: (1) the outcomes of OHL-interventions at patient, professional and organizational levels; and (2) the factors and strategies that affect implementation and outcomes of OHL-interventions. We reviewed empirical studies following the five-stage framework of Arksey and O'Malley. The databases Scopus, PubMed, PsychInfo and CINAHL were searched from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2019, focusing on OHL-interventions using terms related to "health literacy", "health care organization" and "intervention characteristics". After a full-text review, we selected 24 descriptive stu-dies. Of these, 23 studies reported health literacy problems in relation to OHL-assessment tools. Nine out of thirteen studies reported that the use of interventions resulted in positive changes on OHL-domains regarding comprehensible communication, professionals' competencies and practices, and strategic organizational changes. Organization-wide OHL-interventions resulted in some improvement of patient outcomes but evidence was scarce. Critical factors for organization-wide implementation of OHL-interventions were leadership support, top-down and bottom-up approaches, a change champion, and staff commitment. Organization-wide interventions lead to more positive change on OHL-domains, but evidence regarding OHL-outcomes needs strengthening

    The role of functional health literacy in long-term treatment outcomes in psychosocial care for adolescents

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    Although among adolescents with psychosocial problems low health literacy may increase the risk of poor treatment outcomes, the contributing mechanisms within treatment remain unclear. A better understanding of these mechanisms could contribute to improved treatment processes and outcomes. This study aims to examine the relationship between functional health literacy, treatment processes (treatment adherence, learning processes), and treatment outcome (level of psychosocial problems) in adolescents in psychosocial care. We used data from a prospective cohort study among adolescents aged 12-18 (N = 390), collected in four successive measurements: at entry into care, and 3, 12, and 24 months thereafter. We used a mixed effect model to investigate the association between level of functional health literacy (adequate vs. inadequate) and treatment processes (treatment adherence, learning processes) and treatment outcome (level of psychosocial problems). Between adolescents with adequate and inadequate functional health literacy, we found no differences or change over time in adherence or learning processes. The level of psychosocial problems significantly declined over time (β = - 1.70, 95% CI [- 2.72, - 0.69], p = .001) to a similar degree in both groups, though, in all measurements, the level was consistently higher for adolescents with inadequate health literacy. We conclude that health literacy levels did not affect change in treatment processes nor in outcomes of psychosocial treatment. However, the consistently higher level of psychosocial problems among adolescents with inadequate health literacy suggests an unaddressed need in psychosocial care

    Pediatric metabolic syndrome definitions impact prevalence and socioeconomic gradients

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    The choice of pediatric metabolic syndrome (MetS) definition influences prevalence estimates, but further implications, especially on the association with socioeconomic status (SES), are not well-known. This hampers a synthesis of the evidence to help guide the relevant stakeholders. For this reason, we aim to assess the impact of alternative definitions on the prevalence of MetS, the children that are identified, and the association between SES and MetS.Data were used from the Lifelines Cohort Study, a prospective multigenerational cohort in the Netherlands. At baseline 9,754 children participated, of which 5,085 (52.1\ were included in the longitudinal analyses. We computed the prevalence of MetS according to five published definitions and measured the observed positive agreement between pairs of definitions, indicating the proportion of agreement across the average number of MetS cases. Logistic regression was used to assess the association between SES and MetS. All models were adjusted for age and sex; the longitudinal models were also adjusted for baseline MetS status.The prevalence rates of MetS varied between definitions (0.7-3.0\, but positive agreement between MetS definitions was generally fair to good ranging from 0.34 (95\CI) 0.28; 0.41) to 0.66 (95\.58; 0.75) at baseline. At both assessments, we found an inverse association between baseline SES and MetS, which ranged from 0.81 (95\.70; 0.93) to 0.92 (95\.86; 0.98) per definition in the longitudinal analyses with a mean follow-up (SD) of 3.0 (0.75) years.Alternative definitions of MetS lead to differing prevalence estimates, and they agreed on 50\ regardless of which definition was used we concluded low SES was a risk factor for developing MetS.Evidence regarding different definitions of metabolic syndrome in children can be combined because the agreement among definitions is generally fair to good.As low socioeconomic status is a consistent risk factor for developing metabolic syndrome, preventive interventions should preferentially target children from low socioeconomic backgrounds

    Youth health care, general practitioner and pediatrician:Smarter together in the care of the obese child

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    The lifestyle of the youth can sometimes cause problems for the healthcare of tomorrow. Fourteen percent of Dutch children is obese. That means that 14% has a great chance to have cardiovascular diseases at a young age. Therefore care for the child deserves extra attention. The somatic care in Netherlands is divided into three levels: the youth health care (JGZ) provides preventive care, the general practitioner primary curative care and the pediatrician provides the second and third line curative care. Only in good cooperation, we can do something about the obesity epidemic. In this article we give some suggestions.</p

    Interactions between Genetic, Prenatal, Cortisol, and Parenting Influences on Adolescent Substance Use and Frequency:A TRAILS Study

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    INTRODUCTION: Dynamic relations between genetic, hormone, and pre- and postnatal environments are theorized as critically important for adolescent substance use but are rarely tested in multifactorial models. This study assessed the impact of interactions of genetic risk and cortisol reactivity with prenatal and parenting influences on both any and frequency of adolescent substance use. METHODS: Data are from the TRacking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS), a prospective longitudinal, multi-rater study of 2,230 Dutch adolescents. Genetic risk was assessed via 3 substance-specific polygenic scores. Mothers retrospectively reported prenatal risk when adolescents were 11 years old. Adolescents rated their parents' warmth and hostility at age 11. Salivary cortisol reactivity was measured in response to a social stress task at age 16. Adolescents' self-reported cigarette, alcohol, and cannabis use frequency at age 16. RESULTS: A multivariate hurdle regression model showed that polygenic risk for smoking, alcohol, and cannabis predicted any use of each substance, respectively, but predicted more frequent use only for smoking. Blunted cortisol reactivity predicted any use and more frequent use for all 3 outcomes. There were 2 interactions: blunted cortisol reactivity exacerbated the association of polygenic risk with any smoking and the association of prenatal risk with any alcohol use. CONCLUSION: Polygenic risk seems of importance for early use but less so for frequency of use, whereas blunted cortisol reactivity was correlated with both. Blunted cortisol reactivity may also catalyze early risks for substance use, though to a limited degree. Gene-environment interactions play no role in the context of this multifactorial model

    Continuous admission to primary school and mental health problems

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    Background: Younger children in a school class have higher rates of mental health problems if admission to primary school occurs once a year. This study examines whether this relative age effect also occurs if children are admitted to school continuously throughout the year. Methods: We assessed mental health problems based on parent-reports (using the Child Behavior Checklist, CBCL) and on professional assessments, among two Dutch national samples of in total 12,221 children aged 5-15 years (response rate: 86.9%). Results: At ages 5-6, we found a higher occurrence of mental health problems in relatively young children, both for mean CBCL scores (p = 0.017) and for problems assessed by child health professionals (p <0.0001). At ages 7-15, differences by relative age did not reach statistical significance. Conclusion: Continuous admission to primary school does not prevent mental health problems among young children, but may do so at older ages. Its potential for the prevention of mental problems deserves further study

    Comparing three short questionnaires to detect psychosocial problems among 3 to 4-year olds

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    Background: Validated questionnaires help community pediatric services to identify psychosocial problems. Our aim was to assess which of three short questionnaires was most suitable for this identification among pre-school children. Methods: We included 1,650 children (response 64 %) aged 3-4 years undergoing routine well-child health assessments in 18 services across the Netherlands. Child healthcare professionals (CHPs) interviewed and examined children and parents. Parents were randomized regarding filling out the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) or the KIPPPI, a Dutch-origin questionnaire. In addition, all filled out the Ages and Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional (ASQ:SE) and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). We assessed the internal consistency and validity of each questionnaire, with CBCL and treatment status as criteria, and the degree to which each questionnaire could improve identification based solely on clinical assessment. Results: The internal consistency of the total problems scale of each questionnaire was satisfactory, Cronbach's alphas varied between 0.75 and 0.98. Only the SDQ discriminated sufficiently between children with and without problems as measured by the CBCL (sensitivity = 0.76 at a cut-off point with specificity = 0.90), in contrast to the other two questionnaires (with sensitivity indices varying between 0.51-0.63). Similar results were found for the treatment status criterion, although sensitivity was lower for all questionnaires. The SDQ seemed to add most to the identification of psychosocial problems by CHPs, but the differences between the SDQ and the ASQ: SE were not statistically significant. Conclusions: The SDQ is the best tool for the identification of psychosocial problems in pre-school children by community paediatric services

    Clustering of health and risk behaviour in immigrant and indigenous Dutch residents aged 19–40 years

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    Objectives\ud Studies on the co-occurrence, ‘clustering’ of health and other risk behaviours among immigrants from non-industrialised countries lack until now. The aim of this study was to compare this clustering in immigrant and indigenous adults.\ud \ud Methods\ud A representative sample (N = 2,982; response 71%) of the Dutch population aged 19–40, with 247 respondents from non-industrialized countries (Turkey, Morocco, Surinam, Netherlands Antilles), was asked about health behaviours (alcohol, smoking, drugs, unsafe sex, exercise, nutrition, sleep behaviour, traffic behaviour), and about rule-breaking behaviour and aggression. Data were collected using internet questionnaires, which excluded respondents unable to read Dutch.\ud \ud Results\ud Among indigenous adults, health and risk behaviours co-occur in three clusters (alcohol, health-enhancing behaviour, and rule-breaking behaviour), whereas among immigrant groups two clusters were found (alcohol and rule-breaking behaviour/smoking). Differences mostly concerned health-enhancing behaviours such as nutrition, which was not part of any cluster, and physical activity.\ud \ud Conclusions\ud This supports an integrated promotion of healthier lifestyles to immigrants who are able to read Dutch. Regarding potentially risky behaviours like alcohol use and rule-breaking behaviours, this could be similar to that for indigenous people\u