155 research outputs found

    A gente vive equilibrando pratos: olhares sobre a violência que interroga a rede pública de saúde mental do município do Rio de Janeiro

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    Este artigo buscou caracterizar a rede de saúde mental do município do Rio de Janeiro e compreender os caminhos, práticas e discursos voltados à atenção prestada às pessoas em situação de violência que chegam a esses serviços. Realizou-se um estudo exploratório de abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa que abordou profissionais e gestores em 22 unidades de saúde mental. Como resultado identificou-se a produção de conhecimentos e estratégias para lidar e intervir nas situações tendo como efeitos a interrupção do ciclo de violência, entretanto estas ações têm pouca visibilidade em toda a rede de saúde e estão pouco integradas às diretrizes da Política Nacional de Redução da Morbimortalidade por Acidentes e Violências (PNRMAV). Conclui-se que a atenção na área da saúde mental às vítimas da violência vem sendo realizada, entretanto, de forma não integrada à PNRMAV o que expõe lacunas importantes

    Development of paediatric quality of inpatient care indicators for low-income countries - A Delphi study

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    BACKGROUND: Indicators of quality of care for children in hospitals in low-income countries have been proposed, but information on their perceived validity and acceptability is lacking. METHODS: Potential indicators representing structural and process aspects of care for six common conditions were selected from existing, largely qualitative WHO assessment tools and guidelines. We employed the Delphi technique, which combines expert opinion and existing scientific information, to assess their perceived validity and acceptability. Panels of experts, one representing an international panel and one a national (Kenyan) panel, were asked to rate the indicators over 3 rounds and 2 rounds respectively according to a variety of attributes. RESULTS: Based on a pre-specified consensus criteria most of the indicators presented to the experts were accepted: 112/137(82%) and 94/133(71%) for the international and local panels respectively. For the other indicators there was no consensus; none were rejected. Most indicators were rated highly on link to outcomes, reliability, relevance, actionability and priority but rated more poorly on feasibility of data collection under routine conditions. There was moderate to substantial agreement between the two panels of experts. CONCLUSIONS: This Delphi study provided evidence for the perceived usefulness of most of a set of measures of quality of hospital care for children proposed for use in low-income countries. However, both international and local experts expressed concerns that data for many process-based indicators may not currently be available. The feasibility of widespread quality assessment and responsiveness of indicators to intervention should be examined as part of continued efforts to improve approaches to informative hospital quality assessment

    Brazilian Maternal and Child Nutrition Consortium: establishment, data harmonization and basic characteristics.

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    Pooled data analysis in the field of maternal and child nutrition rarely incorporates data from low- and middle-income countries and existing studies lack a description of the methods used to harmonize the data and to assess heterogeneity. We describe the creation of the Brazilian Maternal and Child Nutrition Consortium dataset, from multiple pooled longitudinal studies, having gestational weight gain (GWG) as an example. Investigators of the eligible studies published from 1990 to 2018 were invited to participate. We conducted consistency analysis, identified outliers, and assessed heterogeneity for GWG. Outliers identification considered the longitudinal nature of the data. Heterogeneity was performed adjusting multilevel models. We identified 68 studies and invited 59 for this initiative. Data from 29 studies were received, 21 were retained for analysis, resulting in a final sample of 17,344 women with 72,616 weight measurements. Fewer than 1% of all weight measurements were flagged as outliers. Women with pre-pregnancy obesity had lower values for GWG throughout pregnancy. GWG, birth length and weight were similar across the studies and remarkably similar to a Brazilian nationwide study. Pooled data analyses can increase the potential of addressing important questions regarding maternal and child health, especially in countries where research investment is limited