10 research outputs found
Post-Filosofie N. 16 (2023) Anno 16. Numero 16. Un polittico ermeneutico per il polittico di Grünewald: con Martin Buber e Jean-Luc Nancy
Anno 16. Numero 16. Un polittico ermeneutico per il polittico di Grünewald: scritti in italiano, francese e tedesco di M. Buber, J.-L. Nancy e F. R. Recchia Lucian
Obsolescenza dell’umano. Günther Anders e il contemporaneo
Il pensiero e la produzione teoretica di uno dei più grandi filosofi del Novecento, Günther Anders, la cui riflessione si rivela sempre più decisiva per la comprensione della complessa fenomenologia del contemporaneo, sono il cuore dei saggi contenuti in questo libro. Essi indagano le originali idee di Anders spaziando dalle questioni politiche agli interrogativi etici che animarono il suo attivismo critico, attraversando il suo originale approccio estetico e il suo apporto nell’ambito della critica letteraria. Un pensiero originale che viene così fruttuosamente messo a confronto con quello di molti tra i più importanti intellettuali coevi, come Arendt, Adorno, Benjamin, Heidegger, Freud, Lacan, Levi, Montale, Morselli, Pasolini, Eco e altri, con l’auspicio di segnare un rilevante progresso conoscitivo e critico nel contesto della letteratura e degli studi andersiani in Italia.
Il volume raccoglie contributi di Micaela LATINI, Natascia MATTUCCI, Maria Pia PATERNÓ, Francesca R. RECCHIA LUCIANI, Andrea RONDINI, Antonio TRICOMI
Traduzione in italiano del volume del grande pensatore francese Jean-Luc Nancy "Sessistenza" dedicato ad una inedita filosofia dell'esistenza sessuata e una originale ontologia del desiderio
Sherocco. Le rivoluzioni del desiderio. Saperi, linguaggi, corpi
Le rivoluzioni del desiderio della comunità LGBTQIA+ raccontate attraverso le declinazioni differenti di saperi, linguaggi, corpi che si oppongono alle dinamiche di potere gender-based
Teleradiology in hospital emergencies: Our experience in CT images transmission
We propose a plan of a telemathic system for the CT images transmission in our Region. We provide a mono and bidirectional communication among all the public centres. It's possible to identify first and second level centres, on the ground of their structures and the amount of users. The second level centres are provided with all the diagnostic-therapeutic ways for the advanced urgency management
Growth Arrest of Alveolar Cells in Response to Cytokines from Spike S1-Activated Macrophages: Role of IFN-γ
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is characterized by severe hypoxemia and high-permeability pulmonary edema. A hallmark of the disease is the presence of lung inflammation with features of diffuse alveolar damage. The molecular pathogenetic mechanisms of COVID-19-associated ARDS (CARDS), secondary to SARS-CoV-2 infection, are still not fully understood. Here, we investigate the effects of a cytokine-enriched conditioned medium from Spike S1-activated macrophage on alveolar epithelial A549 cells in terms of cell proliferation, induction of autophagy, and expression of genes related to protein degradation. The protective effect of baricitinib, employed as an inhibitor of JAK-STAT, has been also tested. The results obtained indicate that A549 exhibits profound changes in cell morphology associated to a proliferative arrest in the G0/G1 phase. Other alterations occur, such as a blockade of protein synthesis and the activation of autophagy, along with an increase of the intracellular amino acids content, which is likely ascribable to the activation of protein degradation. These changes correlate to the induction of IFN-regulatory factor 1 (IRF-1) due to an increased secretion of IFN-γ in the conditioned medium from S1-activated macrophages. The addition of baricitinib prevents the observed effects. In conclusion, our findings suggest that the IFN-γ-IRF-1 signaling pathway may play a role in the alveolar epithelial damage observed in COVID-19-related ARDS
An artificial neural network modular system for the classification of anatomical objects in cerebral magnetic resonance images
An artificial modular system to get an anatomical objects classification is presented. The study analyzes cerebral images obtained by MR in normal subjects. The system consists of two modules based on neural architectures joined in sequence to perform an image segmentation followed by an anatomical objects classification. These two trials were performed with a Self Organizing Map and a Multilayer Perceptron trained with the Back Propagation learning rule respectively. The goal of the system is the automatic recognition of the anatomical structures in MR images of the cerebral section passing through the orbits and the visual pathways. To reach this purpose the Authors submitted the two networks to a training phase realized by an unsupervised process for the image segmentation and by a supervised process for regions labelling. This last step was based on topographic relations supplied by an expert neuroradiologist. The system was useful in discriminating 20 different classes of anatomical objects on the considered section. The results of the study are presented, and the data are examinated also in terms of efficiency and purity