133 research outputs found

    An efficient in vitro transposition method by a transcriptionally regulated sleeping beauty system packaged into an integration defective lentiviral vector

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    The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon is a non-viral integrating system with proven efficacy for gene transfer and functional genomics. To optimize the SB transposon machinery, a transcriptionally regulated hyperactive transposase (SB100X) and T2-based transposon are employed. Typically, the transposase and transposon are provided transiently by plasmid transfection and SB100X expression is driven by a constitutive promoter. Here, we describe an efficient method to deliver the SB components to human cells that are resistant to several physical and chemical transfection methods, to control SB100X expression and stably integrate a gene of interest (GOI) through a "cut and paste" SB mechanism. The expression of hyperactive transposase is tightly controlled by the Tet-ON system, widely used to control gene expression since 1992. The gene of interest is flanked by inverted repeats (IR) of the T2 transposon. Both SB components are packaged in integration defective lentiviral vectors transiently produced in HEK293T cells. Human cells, either cell lines or primary cells from human tissue, are in vitro transiently transduced with viral vectors. Upon addition of doxycycline (dox, tetracycline analog) into the culture medium, a fine-tuning of transposase expression is measured and results in a long-lasting integration of the gene of interest in the genome of the treated cells. This method is efficient and applicable to the cell line (e.g., HeLa cells) and primary cells (e.g., human primary keratinocytes), and thus represents a valuable tool for genetic engineering and therapeutic gene transfer

    Clinical features of COVID-19 and SARS epidemics. A literature review

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    SARS-CoV-2, responsible for the current pandemic, is a novel strain of the Coronaviridae family, which has infected humans as a result of the leap to a new species. It causes an atypical pneumonia similar to that caused by SARS-CoV in 2003. SARS-CoV-2 has currently infected more than 9.200.000 people and caused almost 480.000 deaths worldwide. Although SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV have similar phylogenetic and pathogenetic characteristics, they show important differences in clinical manifestations. We have reviewed the recent literature comparing the characteristics of the two epidemics and highlight their peculiar aspects. An analysis of all signs and symptoms of 3,365 SARS patients and 23,280 COVID-19 patients as well as of the comorbidities has been carried out. A total of 19 and 75 studies regarding patients with SARS and COVID-19, respectively, were included in the analysis. The analysis revealed an overlap of some symptoms between the two infections. Unlike SARS patients, COVID-19 patients have developed respiratory, neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms, and, in a limited number of subjects, symptoms involving organs such as skin and subcutaneous tissue, kidneys, cardiovascular system, liver and eyes. This analysis was conducted in order to direct towards an early identification of the infection, a suitable diagnostic procedure and the adoption of appropriate containment measures

    Site-specific integration of functional transgenes into the human genome by adeno/AAV hybrid vectors

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    Uncontrolled insertion of gene transfer vectors into the human genome is raising significant safety concerns for their clinical use. The wild-type adeno-associated virus (AAV) can insert its genome at a specific site in human chromosome 19 (AAVS1) through the activity of a specific replicase/integrase protein (Rep) binding both the AAVS1 and the viral inverted terminal repeats (ITRs). AAV-derived vectors, however, do not carry the rep gene and cannot maintain site-specific integration properties. We describe a novel hybrid vector carrying an integration cassette flanked by AAV ITRs and a tightly regulated, drug-inducible Rep expression cassette in the framework of a high-capacity, helper-dependent adenoviral (Ad) vector. Rep-dependent integration of ITR-flanked cassettes of intact size and function was obtained in human primary cells and cell lines in the absence of selection. The majority of integrations were site specific and occurred within a 1000-bp region of the AAVS1. Genome-wide sequencing of integration junctions indicates that nonspecific integrations occurred predominantly in intergenic regions. Site-specific integration was obtained also in vivo, in an AAVS1 transgenic mouse model: upon a single tail vein administration of a nontoxic dose of Ad/AAV vectors, AAVS1-specific integrations were detected and sequenced in DNA obtained from the liver of all animals in which Rep expression was induced by drug treatment. Nonrandom integration of double-stranded DNA can therefore be obtained ex vivo and in vivo by the use of hybrid Ad/AAV vectors, in the absence of toxicity and with efficiency compatible with gene therapy applications

    Comparison of Genetic and Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Energy Cogeneration Optimization

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    Large process plants generally require energy in different forms: mechanical, electrical, or thermal (in the form of steam or hot water). A commonly used source of energy is cogeneration, also defined as Combined Heat and Power (CHP). Cogeneration can offer substantial economic as well as energy savings; however, its real-time operation scheduling is still a challenge today. Multiple algorithms have been proposed for the CHP control problem in the literature, such as genetic algorithms (GAs), particle swarm optimization algorithms, artificial neural networks, fuzzy decision making systems and, most recently, reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms.This paper presents the comparison of a RL approach and a GA for the control of a cogenerator, using as a case study a thermal power plant serving a factory during the year 2021. The two methods were compared based on an earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) metric. The EBITDA that could be obtained using the RL algorithm, exceeds both the EBITDA that could be generated using a per-week genetic algorithm and the one from the manual scheduling of the CHP. Thus, the RL algorithm proves to be the most cost-effective strategy for the control of a CHP

    Site-specific integration in mammalian cells mediated by a new hybrid baculovirus-adeno-associated virus vector

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    Baculovirus can transiently transduce primary human and rat hepatocytes, as well as a subset of stable celllines. To prolong transgene expression, we have developed new hybrid vectors which associate key elementsfrom adeno-associated virus (AAV) with the elevated transducing capacity of baculovirus. The hybrid vectorscontain a transgene cassette composed of the !-galactosidase (!-Gal) reporter gene and the hygromycin resistance(Hygr) gene flanked by the AAV inverted terminal repeats (ITRs), which are necessary for AAV replicationand integration in the host genome. Constructs were derived both with and without the AAV rep geneunder the p5 and p19 promoters cloned in different positions with respect to the baculovirus polyheidrinpromoter. A high-titer preparation of baculovirus-AAV (Bac-AAV) chimeric virus containing the ITR–Hygr–!-Gal sequence was obtained with insect cells only when the rep gene was placed in an antisense orientationto the polyheidrin promoter. Infection of 293 cells with Bac-AAV virus expressing the rep gene results in a 10-to 50-fold increase in the number of Hygr stable cell clones. Additionally, rep expression determined the localizationof the transgene cassette in the aavs1 site in approximately 41% of cases as detected by bothSouthern blotting and fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis. Moreover, site-specific integration of the ITRflankedDNA was also detected by PCR amplification of the ITR-aavs1 junction in transduced human fibroblasts.These data indicate that Bac-AAV hybrid vectors can allow permanent, nontoxic gene delivery of DNAconstructs for ex vivo treatment of primary human cells

    Relative influence of the adeno-associated virus (AAV) type 2 p5 element for recombinant AAV vector site-specific integration.

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    The p5 promoter region of the adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) rep gene has been described as essential for Rep-mediated site-specific integration (RMSSI) of plasmid sequences in human chromosome 19. We report here that insertion of a full-length or minimal p5 element between the viral inverted terminal repeats does not significantly increase RMSSI of a recombinant AAV (rAAV) vector after infection of growth-arrested or proliferating human cells. This result suggests that the p5 element may not improve RMSSI of rAAV vectors in vivo

    Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Genome-Editing Tools in Determining Gene Function and Therapy for Inherited Retinal Disorders

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    Inherited retinal disorders (IRDs) affect millions of people worldwide and are a major cause of irreversible blindness. Therapies based on drugs, gene augmentation or transplantation approaches have been widely investigated and proposed. Among gene therapies for retinal degenerative diseases, the fast-evolving genome-editing CRISPR/Cas technology has emerged as a new potential treatment. The CRISPR/Cas system has been developed as a powerful genome-editing tool in ophthalmic studies and has been applied not only to gain proof of principle for gene therapies in vivo, but has also been extensively used in basic research to model diseases-in-a-dish. Indeed, the CRISPR/Cas technology has been exploited to genetically modify human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to model retinal disorders in vitro, to test in vitro drugs and therapies and to provide a cell source for autologous transplantation. In this review, we will focus on the technological advances in iPSC-based cellular reprogramming and gene editing technologies to create human in vitro models that accurately recapitulate IRD mechanisms towards the development of treatments for retinal degenerative diseases

    β1 integrin activates Rac1 in Schwann cells to generate radial lamellae during axonal sorting and myelination

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    Myelin is a multispiraled extension of glial membrane that surrounds axons. How glia extend a surface many-fold larger than their body is poorly understood. Schwann cells are peripheral glia and insert radial cytoplasmic extensions into bundles of axons to sort, ensheath, and myelinate them. Laminins and β1 integrins are required for axonal sorting, but the downstream signals are largely unknown. We show that Schwann cells devoid of β1 integrin migrate to and elongate on axons but cannot extend radial lamellae of cytoplasm, similar to cells with low Rac1 activation. Accordingly, active Rac1 is decreased in β1 integrin–null nerves, inhibiting Rac1 activity decreases radial lamellae in Schwann cells, and ablating Rac1 in Schwann cells of transgenic mice delays axonal sorting and impairs myelination. Finally, expressing active Rac1 in β1 integrin–null nerves improves sorting. Thus, increased activation of Rac1 by β1 integrins allows Schwann cells to switch from migration/elongation to the extension of radial membranes required for axonal sorting and myelination

    125. Engineered Nucleases-Mediated In Situ Correction of a Genetic Defect By Homologous Recombination Into the Native Locus

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    Engineered nucleases specific for genomic targets are extensively used to generate DSBs that increase the rate and efficiency of homologous recombination (HR). We seek to determine the efficacy of nucleases in a clinical relevant genetic defect.The genetic defect we are addressing as model to test the nucleases-mediated genome editing technology is the junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB), a family of severe skin adhesion disorders due to autosomal recessive mutations in the LAMB3 gene coding for the laminin-332 heterotrimer, a key component of the dermal-epidermaljunction. Recently, we provided proof of principle that ZFN-mediated, AAVS1-targeted GFP addition can be achieved in human keratinocytes and in long-term repopulating epithelial stem cells in a validated preclinical model of xenotransplantation of human skin equivalents on immunodeficient mice.This project aims at the demonstration of a successful in situ correction of the LAMB3 gene in primary keratinocytes from Herlitz JEB patients. Recently TALEN-based gene correction for dystrophic EB has been reported. Similarly, we have developed a genome editing approach for JEB. In particular we have designed TALENs specific for the second intron of LAMB3 gene and a HR cassette including a splicible LAMB3 cDNA (from exon 3 to the end of the gene). In particular immortalized JEB keratinocytes were transfected with TALEN mRNAs and infected with an IDLV vector carrying the HR cassette. The in situ gene correction has been evaluated by site-specific PCR and knock-in expression of the corrected LAMB3 gene on bulk population. We then assessed targeting efficiency and specificity by extensive molecular analyses of single-cell clones isolated by limiting dilution from the TALENs/IDLV-treated immortalized JEB population. We isolated 256 clones and expanded 69 of them. Sixteen out of 69 clones showed an in vitro adhesion advantage, hosted the HR cassette correctly integrated into the predetermined locus, expressed the corrected LAMB3 gene and produced the laminin-332 protein. In parallel, CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease has been designed on the same locus to compare the transduction efficiency and cleavage activity and to translate the knock-in targeting platform to primary JEB keratinocytes

    N-Acetylaspartate Drives Oligodendroglial Differentiation via Histone Deacetylase Activation

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    An unmet clinical goal in demyelinating pathologies is to restore the myelin sheath prior to neural degeneration. N-acetylaspartate (NAA) is an acetylated derivative form of aspartate, abundant in the healthy brain but severely reduced during traumatic brain injury and in patients with neurodegenerative pathologies. How extracellular NAA variations impact the remyelination process and, thereby, the ability of oligodendrocytes to remyelinate axons remains unexplored. Here, we evaluated the remyelination properties of the oligodendroglial (OL) mouse cell line Oli-neuM under different concentrations of NAA using a combination of biochemical, qPCR, immunofluorescence assays, and in vitro engagement tests, at NAA doses compatible with those observed in healthy brains and during brain injury. We observed that oligodendroglia cells respond to decreasing levels of NAA by stimulating differentiation and promoting gene expression of myelin proteins in a temporally regulated manner. Low doses of NAA potently stimulate Oli-neuM to engage with synthetic axons. Furthermore, we show a concentration-dependent expression of specific histone deacetylases essential for MBP gene expression under NAA or Clobetasol treatment. These data are consistent with the idea that oligodendrocytes respond to lowering the NAA concentration by activating the remyelination process via deacetylase activation
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