51 research outputs found

    Ontogenetic scaling of foot musculoskeletal anatomy in elephants

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    This study quantifies the shape change in elephant manus and pes anatomy with increasing body mass, using computed tomographic scanning. Most manus and pes bones, and manus tendons, maintain their shape, or become more gracile, through ontogeny. Contrary to this, tendons of the pes become significantly more robust, suggesting functional adaptation to increasingly high loads. Ankle tendon cross-sectional area (CSA) scales the highest in the long digital extensor, proportional to body mass1.08±0.21, significantly greater than the highest-scaling wrist tendon (extensor carpi ulnaris, body mass0.69±0.09). These patterns of shape change relate to the marked anatomical differences between the pillar-like manus and tripod-like pes, consistent with differences in fore- and hindlimb locomotor function. The cartilaginous predigits (prepollux and prehallux) of the manus and pes also become relatively more robust through ontogeny, and their pattern of shape change does not resemble that seen in any of the 10 metacarpals and metatarsals. Their CSAs scale above isometry proportional to body mass0.73±0.09 and body mass0.82±0.07 respectively. We infer a supportive function for these structures, preventing collapse of the foot pad during locomotion

    Cytological and histopathological aspects of lipomas in Bothrops moojeni Aspectos citológicos e histopatológicos de lipomas em Bothrops moojeni

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    <abstract language="por">O presente relato descreve os achados citológicos e histológicos de seis neoplasias benignas em cinco ofídios da espécie Bothrops moojeni mantidas em cativeiro por um período médio de 11,4 anos. Os animais apresentavam nódulos subcutâneos com localização variada desde o terço anterior até a porção mediana. Os exames citológico e histopatológico revelaram tratar-se de tumores lipomatosos benignos compatíveis com o subtipo lipoma fusocelular

    Comparison of breast magnetic resonance imaging, mammography, and ultrasound for surveillance of women at high risk for hereditary breast cancer

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    1. Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Clinical Oncology.2. This article is hosted on a website external to the CBCRA Open Access Archive. Selecting “view/open” will launch the full-text article in another browser window

    Project overview of OPTIMOS-EVE: The fibre-fed multi-object spectrograph for the E-ELT

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    OPTIMOS-EVE (OPTical Infrared Multi Object Spectrograph - Extreme Visual Explorer) is the fibre fed multi object spectrograph proposed for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), planned to be operational in 2018 at Cerro Armazones (Chile). It is designed to provide a spectral resolution of 6000, 18000 or 30000, at wavelengths from 370 nm to 1.7 μm, combined with a high multiplex (&gt;200) and a large spectral coverage. Additionally medium and large IFUs are available. The system consists of three main modules: a fibre positioning system, fibres and a spectrograph. The recently finished OPTIMOS-EVE Phase-A study, carried out within the framework of the ESO E-ELT instrumentation studies, has been performed by an international consortium consisting of institutes from France, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Italy. All three main science themes of the E-ELT are covered by this instrument: Planets and Stars; Stars and Galaxies; Galaxies and Cosmology. This paper gives an overview of the OPTIMOS-EVE project, describing the science cases, top level requirements, the overall technical concept and the project management approach. It includes a description of the consortium, highlights of the science drivers and resulting science requirements, an overview of the instrument design and telescope interfaces, the operational concept, expected performance, work breakdown and management structure for the construction of the instrument, cost and schedule. © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering