14 research outputs found

    Carcinome métaplasique du sein : à propos d’un cas

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    Le carcinome métaplasique du sein est une tumeur maligne primaire rare et agressive, représentant 0,2-5% de tous les cancers du sein. Cette tumeur maligne est caractérisée par la présence histologique d'au moins deux types cellulaires, généralement des composants épithéliaux et mésenchymateux. Nous rapportons le cas d’une patiente qui présentait un carcinome métaplasique du sein droit. A travers ce cas et une revue de la littérature, les caractéristiques anatomo-cliniques, radiologiques, thérapeutiques et évolutives seront discutées.Les variantes métaplasiques sont agressives, chimiorésistantes et ont une forte propension à métastaser ainsi qu’un risque de récidive locale plus élevé, rendant ainsi leur pronostic plus sombre que les carcinomes du sein non métaplasiques c'est-à-dire, les carcinomes canalaires invasifs. Même si les carcinomes métaplasiques du sein sont traités de la même manière que les carcinomes invasifs, il n’en reste pas moins que leur prise en charge reste difficile et qu’il n’existe pas de standard thérapeutique. Le principal traitement reste la chirurgi

    Epicardial Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation for Which Patients?

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    With the widespread use of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, an increasing number of patients present with ventricular tachycardia (VT). Large multicentre studies have shown that ablation of VT successfully reduces recurrent VT and this procedure is being performed by an increasing number of centres. However, for a number of reasons, many patients experience VT recurrence after ablation. One important reason for VT recurrence is the presence of an epicardial substrate involved in the VT circuit which is not affected by endocardial ablation. Epicardial access and ablation is now frequently performed either after failed endocardial VT ablation or as first-line treatment in selected patients. This review will focus on the available evidence for identifying VT of epicardial origin, and discuss in which patients an epicardial approach would be benefitial

    Body Surface Electrocardiographic Mapping for Non-invasive Identification of Arrhythmic Sources.

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    The authors describe a novel three-dimensional, 252-lead electrocardiography (ECG) and computed tomography (CT)-based non-invasive cardiac imaging and mapping modality. This technique images potentials, electrograms and activation sequences (isochrones) on the epicardial surface of the heart. This tool has been investigated in the normal cardiac electrophysiology and various tachyarrhythmic, conduction and anomalous depo-repolarisation disorders. The clinical application of this system includes a wide range of electrical disorders like atrial arrhythmias (premature atrial beat, atrial tachycardia, atrial fibrillation), ventricular arrhythmias (premature ventricular beat, ventricular tachycardia) and ventricular pre-excitation (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome). In addition, the system has been used in exploring abnormalities of the His-Purkinje conduction like the bundle branch block and intraventricular conduction disturbance and thereby useful in electrically treating the associated heart failure (cardiac resynchronisation). It has a potential role in furthering our understanding of abnormalities of ventricular action potential (depolarisation [Brugada syndrome and repolarisation], long QT and early repolarisation syndromes) and in evaluating the impact of drugs on His-Purkinje conduction and cardiac action potential

    Oxidation and oxygen diffusion in Ti-6al-4V alloy: improving measurements during sims analysis by rotating the sample

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    Titanium alloys are attractive to the industrial world, as they offer the benefits of low density, great corrosion resistance, and relatively good strength, making them viable candidates for a multitude of applications. However, above 500 °C, oxidation and oxygen diffusion in titanium alloys need to be taken into account as they change their microstructure and then their mechanical properties. Oxidations were carried out between 600 and 750 °C on a specific titanium alloy: an a-b annealed Ti-6Al-4V. Oxidation kinetics and oxygen diffusion in the matrix were studied. SIMS analyses were realized on rotating specimens of this two-phase polycrystalline alloy in order to reduce roughness. Composition profiles along the sample thickness were compared to microhardness measurements. SIMS mappings were realized on the smooth slopes of the crater

    Appareil de mesure d'effet Hall en alternatif. Application MoTe 2 monocristallin

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    A double AC method for measuring the Hall voltage is described. A single pilot oscillator is used to produce the electric current and the magnetic field. The sample is placed in an electromagnet built inside the cryostat. Hall voltage of some 10 nV can be detected. Measurements performed on MoTe 2 show good linearity between the AC current and the magnetic field and put into evidence that MoTe2 behaves as a p type semiconductor.Un appareil de mesure d'effet Hall par la méthode double alternative a été réalisé au laboratoire. Le montage utilise un oscillateur pilote commun aux sources produisant, d'une part le courant électrique et, d'autre part, le champ magnétique dans un électro-aimant placé à l'intérieur du cryostat On obtient une résolution élevée (de l'ordre de 10 nV) sur des échantillons fortement résistifs. Des mesures sur MoTe2 monocristallin montrent une bonne linéarité courant-champ et mettent en évidence le type p du semi-conducteur

    The PANDA Framework for Hierarchical Planning

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    Consensus statement on diabetes in children

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    While T1DM has been traditionally seen as a minor concern in the larger picture of pediatric ailments, new data reveals that the incidence of T1DM has assumed alarming proportions. It has long been clear that while the disease may be diagnosed at an early age, its impact is not isolated to afflicted children. The direct impact of the disease on the patient is debilitating due to the nature of the disease and lack of proper access to treatment in India. But this impact is further compounded by the utter apathy and often times antipathy, which patients withT1DM have to face. Lack of awareness of the issue in all stakeholders, low access to quality healthcare, patient, physician, and system level barriers to the delivery of optimal diabetes care are some of the factors which hinder successful management of T1DM. The first international consensus meet on diabetes in children was convened with the aim of providing a common platform to all the stakeholders in the management of T1DM, to discuss the academic, administrative and healthcare system related issues. The ultimate aim was to articulate the problems faced by children with diabetes in a way that centralized their position and focused on creating modalities of management sensitive to their needs and aspirations. It was conceptualized to raise a strong voice of advocacy for improving the management of T1DM and ensuring that "No child should die of diabetes". The unique clinical presentations of T1DM coupled with ignorance on the part of the medical community and society in general results in outcomes that are far worse than that seen with T2DM. So there is a need to substantially improve training of HCPs at all levels on this neglected aspect of healthcare

    Current hot potatoes in atrial fibrillation ablation

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation has evolved to the treatment of choice for patients with drug-resistant and symptomatic AF. Pulmonary vein isolation at the ostial or antral level usually is sufficient for treatment of true paroxysmal AF. For persistent AF ablation, drivers and perpetuators outside of the pulmonary veins are responsible for AF maintenance and have to be targeted to achieve satisfying arrhythmia-free success rate. Both complex fractionated atrial electrogram (CFAE) ablation and linear ablation are added to pulmonary vein isolation for persistent AF ablation. Nevertheless, ablation failure and necessity of repeat ablations are still frequent, especially after persistent AF ablation. Pulmonary vein reconduction is the main reason for arrhythmia recurrence after paroxysmal and to a lesser extent after persistent AF ablation. Failure of persistent AF ablation mostly is a consequence of inadequate trigger ablation, substrate modification or incompletely ablated or reconducting linear lesions. In this review we will discuss these points responsible for AF recurrence after ablation and review current possibilities on how to overcome these limitations

    The 'double transition': a novel electrocardiogram sign to discriminate posteroseptal accessory pathways ablated from the right endocardium from those requiring a left-sided or epicardial coronary venous approach.

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    The precise localization of manifest posteroseptal accessory pathways (APs) often poses diagnostic challenges considering that a small area may encompass AP that may be ablated from the right or left endocardium, or epicardially within the coronary sinus (CS). We sought to explore whether the QRS transition pattern in the precordial lead may help to discriminate the necessary ablation approach. Consecutive patients who underwent a successful ablation of a single manifest AP over a 5-year period were included. Standard 12-lead electrocardiograms were reviewed. A total of 273 patients were identified. Mean age was 31 ± 15 years and 62% were male. Of the 110 identified posteroseptal AP, 64 were ablated from the right endocardium, 33 from the left endocardium, and 13 inside the CS. While a normal precordial QRS transition was most often observed, a subset of 33 patients presented an atypical 'double transition' pattern which specifically identified right endocardial AP. The combination of a q wave in V1 with a proportion of the positive QRS component in V1 < V2 > V3, predicted a right endocardial AP with a 100% specificity. In case of a positive QRS sum in V2, this 'double transition' pattern predicted a posteroseptal right endocardial AP with 99.5% specificity and 44% sensitivity. The positive predictive value was 97%. The only false positive was a midseptal AP. In the case of a negative or isoelectric QRS sum in V2, APs were located more laterally on the tricuspid annulus. The combination of a q wave in V1 with a double QRS transition pattern in the precordial leads is highly specific of a right endocardial AP and rules out the need for CS or left-sided mapping