5 research outputs found

    NOVAS FÃBRICAS, VELHAS PRÃTICAS: relações trabalhistas e sindicais na indústria automobilística brasileira

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    <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type"> (41) 03 Jos&eacute; Ricardo Ramalho <span style="font-size: 11pt; color: black; text-transform: uppercase;"> O debate em torno das transforma&ccedil;&otilde;es do processo produtivo nas tr&ecirc;s &uacute;ltimas d&eacute;cadas tem enfatizado acima de tudo o movimento de reestrutura&ccedil;&atilde;o das empresas frente &agrave;s exig&ecirc;ncias de um mercado cada vez mais competitivo e internacionalizado. A articula&ccedil;&atilde;o em rede passou a ser condi&ccedil;&atilde;o essencial, assim como uma ampla mudan&ccedil;a na organiza&ccedil;&atilde;o do trabalho dentro das f&aacute;bricas. A inten&ccedil;&atilde;o deste artigo &eacute; argumentar que as situa&ccedil;&otilde;es de trabalho decorrentes de experi&ecirc;ncias de &ldquo;produ&ccedil;&atilde;o enxuta&rdquo;, dependendo das condi&ccedil;&otilde;es do mercado de trabalho e da organiza&ccedil;&atilde;o oper&aacute;ria, podem resultar em um ambiente desfavor&aacute;vel aos trabalhadores, no sentido da intensifica&ccedil;&atilde;o de suas atividades f&iacute;sicas e mentais e de sua responsabiliza&ccedil;&atilde;o direta pelos problemas do local de trabalho. O exemplo a ser discutido, na regi&atilde;o Sul Fluminense, se insere no contexto das transforma&ccedil;&otilde;es pelas quais passou a ind&uacute;stria automobil&iacute;stica brasileira nos anos 1990, particularmente a fase em que as empresas, estimuladas por incentivos fiscais, sindicatos fracos e m&atilde;o de obra escolarizada e barata, fizeram novos investimentos e constru&iacute;ram novas plantas em locais distantes das regi&otilde;es industriais mais tradicionais. <span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 150%; color: black; text-transform: uppercase;"> Palavras chave<span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 150%; color: black;">: trabalho, qualidade de vida no trabalho, reestrutura&ccedil;&atilde;o produtiva, ind&uacute;stria automobil&iacute;stica. <span style="font-size: 11pt; color: black; text-transform: uppercase;" lang="EN-US"> <span style="font-size: 11pt; color: black; text-transform: uppercase;" lang="EN-US">New factories, old practices: <span style="font-size: 11pt; color: black;" lang="EN-US">union and workers relationships in Brazilian automobile industry <span style="font-size: 11pt; color: black;" lang="EN-US">Jos&eacute; Ricardo Ramalho <span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 150%; color: black;" lang="EN-US"> &nbsp; &nbsp; The debate about the transformations in the productive process in the three last decades has enhanced above all<span style="">&nbsp; the reestructuring of enterprises in the face of the demands of an ever more competitive and international market. The articulation in net has become an essential condition, just as an ample change in the work organization&nbsp; within<span style="">&nbsp; factories. The aim of this paper is to argue the fact that working situations coming from &ldquo;slim production&rdquo; experiences, depending on the conditions of the job market and workforce organization, may result in a hostile environment to workers in the sense of intensification of their physical and mental activities and their direct responsabilization for the problems in the workplace. The instance to be discussed, in the South Rio region, is inserted in the context of transformations by which the automobile industry in the 1990&rsquo;s, particularly the phase in which the businesses, stimulated by fiscal incentives, weak workers&rsquo; unions and cheap, educated workforce, made new investiments and built new plants in places distant from more traditional industrial regions. <span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 150%; color: black; text-transform: uppercase;" lang="EN-US"> Key words<span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 150%; color: black;" lang="EN-US">: work, life quality at work, productive reestruturing, automobile industry. <span style="font-size: 11pt; color: black; text-transform: uppercase;" lang="EN-US"> <span style="font-size: 11pt; color: black; text-transform: uppercase;" lang="EN-US">NOUVELLES FABRIQUES, VIEILLES PRATIQUES: <span style="font-size: 11pt; color: black;" lang="EN-US">les relations de travail et&nbsp; les relations syndicales dans l&rsquo;industrie automobile br&eacute;silienne<span style="text-transform: uppercase;"> <span style="font-size: 11pt; color: black;" lang="EN-US">Jos&eacute; Ricardo Ramalho <span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 150%; color: black;" lang="EN-US"> &nbsp; Le d&eacute;bat concernant les transformations du processus productif a, au cours des trois derni&egrave;res d&eacute;cennies, surtout mis en &eacute;vidence le mouvement de restructuration des entreprises face aux exigences d&rsquo;un march&eacute; de plus en plus comp&eacute;titif et internationalis&eacute;. L&rsquo;articulation en r&eacute;seau, tout comme d&rsquo;ailleurs un grand changement dans l&rsquo;organisation du travail au sein des fabriques, se sont av&eacute;r&eacute;s essentiels. Dans cet article, on essayera de d&eacute;montrer que les situations de travail d&eacute;coulants d&rsquo;exp&eacute;riences de &ldquo;production reserr&eacute;e&rdquo; peuvent, en foncion des conditions du march&eacute; du travail et de l&rsquo;organisation des ouvriers, cr&eacute;er une ambiance d&eacute;favorable pour les travailleurs &eacute;tant donn&eacute; l&rsquo;intensification de leurs activit&eacute;s physiques et mentales mais aussi du fait qu&rsquo;ils soient directement rendus responsables des probl&egrave;mes sur leur lieu de travail. L&rsquo;exemple pris en consid&eacute;ration, situ&eacute; dans la r&eacute;gion Sud de l&rsquo;Etat de Rio, s&rsquo;ins&egrave;re dans le contexte des transformations par lesquelles l&rsquo;industrie automobile br&eacute;silienne des ann&eacute;es 90 est pass&eacute;e, et tout particuli&egrave;rement dans la p&eacute;riode pendant laquelle ces entreprises, encourag&eacute;es par des exemptions fiscales, la faiblesse des syndicats et une main-d&rsquo;oeuvre scolaris&eacute;e et bon march&eacute;, ont fait de nouveaux investissments et construits de nouveaux plans dans des locaux &eacute;loign&eacute;s des r&eacute;gions industrielles les plus traditionnelles. <span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 150%; color: black; text-transform: uppercase;"> Mots-cl&eacute;s<span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 150%; color: black;">: travail, qualit&eacute; de la vie dans le monde du travail, restructuration productive, industrie automobile. Publica&ccedil;&atilde;o Online do Caderno CRH: <a href="http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br/">http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br </html

    VELHOS E NOVOS OPERÃRIOS DA INDÃSTRIA AUTOMOBILÃSTICA: comparações entre o ABC Paulista e o Sul Fluminense

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    <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type"> (46) 05 Iram J&aacute;come Rodrigues et al <span style="font-style: normal;"><span style="color: black;"> <span style="color: black;">A proposta deste texto &eacute; refletir, a partir de um survey com metal&uacute;rgicos da ind&uacute;stria automobil&iacute;stica de duas regi&otilde;es brasileiras, sobre as diferen&ccedil;as e semelhan&ccedil;as no perfil dos oper&aacute;rios de f&aacute;bricas rec&eacute;m reestruturadas de regi&atilde;o tradicional (ABC paulista) e de f&aacute;bricas rec&eacute;m inauguradas de regi&otilde;es novas e sem tradi&ccedil;&atilde;o oper&aacute;ria (Sul Fluminense). O objetivo &eacute; mostrar como esses trabalhadores, vivenciando contextos industriais diferentes, percebem as condi&ccedil;&otilde;es de trabalho, revelam a imagem que t&ecirc;m das empresas e das press&otilde;es que sofrem no cotidiano fabril. O argumento principal &eacute; o de que, a despeito das diferen&ccedil;as regionais, et&aacute;rias, salariais, de tempo de trabalho na empresa, escolaridade etc., presentes na experi&ecirc;ncia dos dois grupos, esses aspectos n&atilde;o mudam o comportamento e as opini&otilde;es dos dois segmentos pesquisados sobre uma gama variada de temas, em boa parte porque as mudan&ccedil;as no processo produtivo passaram a <span class="GramE">ser comuns &agrave;s f&aacute;bricas.&nbsp; Vale dizer, n&atilde;o h&aacute; rupturas e, sim, ind&iacute;cios de continuidades no fazer-se dessa classe trabalhadora. <span style="color: black;"><span style="text-transform: uppercase; color: black;"> Palavras-chave: classe oper&aacute;ria, metal&uacute;rgicos, ABC Paulista, Sul Fluminense, ind&uacute;stria automobil&iacute;stica. <span style="color: black;"><span style="text-transform: uppercase; color: black;" lang="EN-US">the old and NEW WORKERS of THE CAR INDUSTRY: <span style="color: black;" lang="EN-US">comparisons between the ABC in S&atilde;o Paulo and the south of Rio de Janeiro<span style="text-transform: uppercase;"> Iram J&aacute;come Rodrigues Cec&iacute;lia Carmen Cunha Pontes Jos&eacute; Ricardo Ramalho<span style="color: black;"> Marco Aur&eacute;lio Santana<span style="font-style: normal;"> <span style="color: black;"> <span style="color: black;" lang="EN-US">This paper aims at analyzing the differences and likenesses between the workers of<span style="">&nbsp; plants recently re-structed in the traditional region (ABC in S&atilde;o Paulo) and plants that have recently started operating without a labor traditional (South of Rio de Janeiro). The aim is to show how these workers who have experienced different industrial contexts, perceive the labor conditions, reveal the image that they make of the companies, as well as the pressures that they have to go through in the everyday life of a plant. The main argument is that despite the differences in terms of region, age group, salaries, term of service at the plant, schooling, which have been experienced by these two groups, these features do not change the behavior and the opinions of the two researched segments over a gamut of topics, since the changes in the productive process are common to the plants. It is worth mentioning that there are no ruptures but yet signs of continuities in the productive activity of this working class. <span style="text-transform: uppercase; color: black;" lang="EN-US"> Key words: labor class, steel workers, ABC in S&atilde;o Paulo, South of Rio de Janeiro, car industry. <span style="text-transform: uppercase; color: black;"> <span style="text-transform: uppercase; color: black;">LES ANCIENS ET LES NOUVEAUX OUVRIERS DE l&rsquo; INDUSTRIE AUTOMOBILE: <span class="SpellE">comparaisons<span style="color: black;"> entre l&rsquo;ABC Paulista (de S&atilde;o Paulo) et le <span class="SpellE">Sud Fluminense (de Rio de Janeiro) Iram J&aacute;come Rodrigues Cec&iacute;lia Carmen Cunha Pontes Jos&eacute; Ricardo Ramalho<span style="color: black;"> Marco Aur&eacute;lio Santana<span style="font-style: normal;"> &nbsp;<span style="color: black;"> <span class="SpellE"> <span style="color: black;">Le<span style="color: black;"> propos de ce texte <span class="SpellE">est de mener une r&eacute;flexion, &agrave; partir d&rsquo;un <span class="SpellE">survey <span class="SpellE">r&eacute;alis&eacute; <span class="SpellE">avec les m&eacute;tallurgistes de l&rsquo;industrie automobile de deux <span class="SpellE">r&eacute;gions <span class="SpellE">br&eacute;siliennes, <span class="SpellE">sur les diff&eacute;rences <span class="SpellE">et les similitudes du <span class="SpellE">profil des ouvriers de fabriques <span class="SpellE">r&eacute;cemment <span class="SpellE">restructur&eacute;es d&rsquo;une r&eacute;gion traditionnelle (ABC de <span class="SpellE">la r&eacute;gion de Sao Paulo) <span class="SpellE">et de fabriques <span class="SpellE">r&eacute;cemment <span class="SpellE">inaugur&eacute;es d&rsquo;une r&eacute;gion nouvelle n&rsquo;<span class="SpellE">ayant aucune tradition <span class="SpellE">ouvri&egrave;re (<span class="SpellE">Sud de la r&eacute;gion de Rio de Janeiro). L&rsquo;objectif est de <span class="SpellE">montrer comment ces <span class="SpellE">travailleurs, <span class="SpellE">ins&eacute;r&eacute;s <span class="SpellE">dans des contextes <span class="SpellE">industriels <span class="SpellE">diff&eacute;rents, <span class="SpellE">per&ccedil;oivent <span class="SpellE">les conditions de travail, <span class="SpellE">r&eacute;v&egrave;lent l&rsquo;image <span class="SpellE">qu&rsquo;<span class="SpellE">ils ont des <span class="SpellE">entreprises <span class="SpellE">et des pressions <span class="SpellE">auxquels ils sont <span class="SpellE">soumis quotidiennement dans <span class="SpellE">les fabriques. <span style="color: black;" lang="ES">L&rsquo;argument principal est que, en d&eacute;pit des diff&eacute;rences r&eacute;gionales, d&rsquo;&acirc;ge, de salaire, d&rsquo;anciennet&eacute; dans l&rsquo;entreprise, de scolarit&eacute;, etc., existants dans les deux groupes, ces aspects ne changent ni le comportement ni les opinions sur une gamme vari&eacute;e de th&egrave;mes des deux segments objets de la recherche, en grande partie parce que les changements qui ont lieu dans le processus productif sont devenus des &eacute;l&eacute;ments communs pour les fabriques. On peut dire qu&rsquo;il n&rsquo;y a pas de ruptures mais des indices de continuit&eacute; dans la construction de cette classe ouvri&egrave;re. <span class="SpellE"><span style="text-transform: uppercase; color: black;"> Mots-cl&eacute;s<span style="color: black;">: classe ouvri&egrave;re, m&eacute;tallurgistes, ABC Paulista, Sud <span class="SpellE">Fulminense, industrie <span class="SpellE">automobile Publica&ccedil;&atilde;o Online do Caderno CRH: <a href="http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br/">http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br </html

    Plantas da caatinga de uso terapêutico: levantamento etnobotânico

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    Plantas medicinais da caatinga nordestina são amplamente utilizadas na medicina popular pelas comunidades locais. Todavia, pouco se sabe sobre uso destes recursos naturais, seus efeitos fitoterápicos e seus princípios ativos. O presente trabalho faz parte de um projeto etnobotânico no Vale do São Francisco que tem como objetivo inicial fazer o levantamento de plantas medicinais e as práticas tradicionais de terapias utilizadas nas feiras livres, para avaliar sua importância para as populações locais. A coleta de dados foi realizada em seis feiras livres dos municípios de Petrolina - PE, Juazeiro e Sento-Sé - BA, por meio de um questionário, sendo entrevistados dezessete feirantes. O material botânico foi coletado, herborizado e depositado no Laboratório de Produção Vegetal do CEFET/Petrolina. Foram catalogadas 111 plantas de 53 espécies, pertencentes a 28 famílias e 50 gêneros. A família Leguminosae representou 19% da amostra, com 10 espécies. As espécies Erytrina mulungu (mulungu), Bauhinia forficata (mororó), Bowdichia virgilioides (sucupira), Anadenthera peregrina (angico), Amburana cearensis (umburana de cheiro) e Myracrotrum urundeuva (aroeira) foram encontradas em todas as feiras livres. Estas espécies são nativas da caatinga e possuem alto potencial medicinal; a coleta de suas cascas, raízes e frutos se dão de forma irracional e intensa podendo provocar o desaparecimento destas espécies no Vale do São Francisco. Palavras-chave: Fitoterapia; plantas medicinais nativas; leguminosas medicinais. ABSTRACT Medicinal plants of the northeastern savanna are used thoroughly in the popular medicine by the local communities. Though, little it is known abo.ut use of these natural resources, their effects natural therapy and their active beginnings. The present work is part of a project etnobotanical in the Valley of San Francisco that has as initial objective to survey medicinal plants and the traditional practices of therapies used in the free markets, to evaluate his importance for the local populations. The collection of data was accomplished in six free markets at county of Petrolina, state of Pernambuco, at counties of Juazeiro and Sento-Sé, state of Bahia, Brazil, through a questionnaire, being interviewed 17 merchants. The botanical material was collected, prepared and deposited at the Laboratory of Vegetable Production of CEFET/Petrolina. 111 plants of 53 species were classified, belonging to 28 families and 50 goods. The family Leguminosae represented 19% of the sample, with ten species. The species Erytrina mulungu (mulungú), Bauhinia forficata (mororó), Bowdichia virgilioides (sucupira), Anadenthera (angico), Amburana cearensis (smell umburana) and Myracrotrum urundeuva (aroeira) they were found in all of the free markets. These species are native of the savanna and they have high medicinal potential, the collection of their peels, roots and fruits feel irrational and intense form could provoke the disappearance of these species in the Valley of San Francisco. Keywords: Phytotherapy; native medicinal plants; medicinal leguminous.</div