13 research outputs found

    Cultivo de cachama blanca en altas densidades y en dos sistemas cerrados

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la tolerancia de la cachama blanca, Piaractus brachypomus, a cultivos en altas densidades en sistemas cerrados. Novecientos alevines de 44,3±26 g de peso, se distribuyeron en seis tanques de concreto, con 4,8 m³ de agua. Tres tanques presentaron cero recambio de agua (SCR), y en otros tres, el agua se hizo circular a través de un bioclarificador (SRA). Ambos tratamientos presentaron fuerte aireación para mantener los sólidos en suspensión y suministrar aire. Los peces se alimentaron a saciedad con pienso comercial por 192 días. Los parámetros de calidad de agua como: oxígeno disuelto, amonio total, nitritos, nitratos, alcalinidad, dureza, temperatura y pH, se midieron semanalmente. Los peces en el SCR crecieron a una tasa de 2,34±0,05 g por día, y tuvieron conversión alimenticia de 1,5±0,06, densidad final de 12,96±0,53 kg m-3, y peso final de 449,5±99 g. En el SRA, los peces crecieron 2,33±0,03 g por día, con conversión alimenticia de 1,6±0,07, densidad final de 12,13±1,12 kg m-3, y peso final de 446,5±10 g. La cachama blanca puede ser cultivada en sistemas cerrados con cero recambio de agua en altas densidades

    Effect of Support Medium, Hydraulic Loading Rate and Plant Density on Water Quality and Growth of Halophytes in Marine Aquaponic Systems

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    The development of marine intensive land-based aquaculture systems has been limited due to the absence of methods to manage saline wastewater. Aquaponic systems, although commonly applied to freshwater aquaculture, can potentially manage nutrient wastes while providing a secondary product. The aim of this study was to evaluate both the capacity for water treatment and the production requirements of two saltwater-tolerant plant species (Sesuvium portulacastrum and Batis maritima) when grown hydroponically in a marine aquaponic system. The presence of plants was found to significantly contribute to nitrate removal, such that mean nitrate concentrations were 10.1 ± 5.4 and 12.1 ± 6.1 mg/L NO3−-N in planted and unplanted treatments respectively. The use of coconut fibre as a planting medium also significantly contributed to nitrate removal, such that mean nitrate concentrations were 9.78 ± 5.4 and 12.4 ± 6.0 mg/L NO3−-N in coconut fibre and expanded clay treatments respectively. Daily nitrogen removal was greatest in the coconut fibre/plants treatment, ranging from −18% to 67%. Hydraulic loading rate, plant species and plant density did not significantly affect water quality or plant growth. The low flow/saltwort/low density treatment had the greatest mean daily nitrogen removal, ranging from 25% to 172%. The results indicate that the main nitrogen removal mechanisms were simultaneous nitrification–denitrification in the hydroponic plant beds and nitrogen removal through plant growth. This study demonstrates that marine aquaponics could be an effective way to manage nutrient removal in marine land-based aquaculture systems