21 research outputs found

    Some Geographical Aspects of Rural Development with view of Montenegro: A Review

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    The paper discusses some geographical aspects of rural development with view of Montenegro. According to development of a heterogeneous, rural areas lag behind the urban and industrial, so the problem must be given more attention. In this regard, the European Union provides a powerful impetus to social and territorial cohesion of rural areas and attempt to provide a more efficient valorization of local development potential, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. Privacy and promote rural development in Montenegro is in the interest of the whole society, and investing in the range of industries in rural areas increases their attractiveness, encourages sustainable growth and employment opportunities, especially for young employees willing and able to accept the new philosophy of development

    Geographical Commentary on Agricultural Farms Northeastern Montenegro

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    The paper presents a geographical view of the farms of northeastern Montenegro. At the beginning of the nineties, Montenegro, like other socialist countries entered a period of transition. The beginning of the transition process is associated with a number of negative effects, such as the decline in employment and the decline in production, with a concurrent rise in prices. Agriculture is blocked and moved his are powerlessness logic. According to the census of 2003 in limited geographic space were 7.357 farms and total acreage totaled 67.379 ha. The average farm size is 9.16 ha of agricultural land. However, if one takes into account the arable land (6.772 ha), then the average size of farms decreased to 0.92 ha. In the region of 6.721 or 91.36% of agricultural households is disposed of possession of less than 5.00 ha. In addition, it is a chance for the region of small farms, which are in the conditions of market economy, is gaining in importance. In fact, distinguished by a high degree of flexibility, it is easy to adapt to the changes and demands of the environment in which they are located, secure for themselves not only survival, but also adequate growth and development, quality specialist. They are easier to manage, easier for them to achieve higher revenues, invest faster, easier to export, easier to innovate, they have an offensive entrepreneurial spirit, providing the dynamics of local development, is also better to solve the problem of unemployment. Despite recognition of the importance of rural development projects in the region so far, have not rested on national development programs, but mostly on private initiative of individuals and groups


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    The paper analyzes some of the economic and geographical factors of rural settlements northeastern Montenegro. Isolated traffic and geographical position adversely affects their economic and social development. Natural characteristics of space indicate that rural economy is not in compliance with all the natural conditions. Incompatibility between the available natural and current conditions of the rural economy is determined by the overall socio-economic factors of development. The percentage decrease in rural population in the municipality of Berane period 1948-2003 amounted to - 0.22%. However, the municipalities of Andrijevica and Plav, show significant deviations from these population dynamics. Thus the percentage decrease in population rural the same period was in the municipality Andrijevica - 49.44%, and the municipality of Plav - 26.8%.The main characteristic of the modern development of rural settlements give industrialization and urbanization processes. Age groups, due to migration and the reduction of fertility change and take on unfavorable characteristics, reduces the proportion of younger and older increases the proportion of the population. . In both cases, the disturbed age structure has a reverse effect on the movement of the population (the size of reproductive contingent), but also to all other structures of the population (the size of contingent employment, population, compulsory school contingent, contingent dependent population ratio). Rating natural conditions aimed at separation of homogenous territorial units with some degree of benefits and limitations for certain types of economic development

    Economic- Geographical View of the Flora and Fauna: The Case Northeastern Montenegro

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    The paper presents economic and geographical view of the flora and fauna of northeastern Montenegro. The importance of forest vegetation, grass cover, anthropogenic vegetation cover, and the peculiarities of flora, fauna evaluation. In the absence of more detailed geographical survey of wildlife, it is difficult to talk about the fauna of the considered geographic space, as a whole. A little more detail, relevant and valuable for the evaluation in terms of human needs, we know about hunting fauna, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, in the text the meaning of rated value of fish fauna and flora of hunting game, in terms of tourist and recreational needs

    Economic-Geographical View of the Status and Perspectives of Agricultural North -Eastern Montenegro

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    Natural resources with which it is disposed of northeastern Montenegro, for example the municipality of Berane, Plav and Andrijevica, reflect the high agricultural potential and a number of comparative advantages in agriculture. However, the orientation of industrialization of the country suppressed the attention of the most important industry, which provides food from which to live, and that is agriculture. Incomplete economic transition is also one of the reasons bad performances of the considered space. It had an effect on the marked decline of the agricultural population. Between 1961 do 2003, agricultural population decreased from 58.4% to 9.1%. In parallel with the decrease in number of agricultural population, reduce the area of arable land and gardens, as well as food production, despite the enviable opportunities in this part of northeastern Montenegro to the contrary. With all this agricultural activity took place in a limited economic conditions, resulting in that it has a relatively small agricultural areas of 67,740 ha, expressed per capita of 0.81 ha. Despite the indisputable fact that the considered area has great possibilities for agricultural development, it still lags behind other regions, both in terms of resources available in agriculture, and the results achieved

    Geographic View of the Industry Northeastern Montenegro with Special Emphasis on Handicrafts

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    The paper presents a geographical view of the industry northeastern Montenegro. The aim of this paper is to highlight the development, deployment, structure of the industry and the impacts of industry on the environment. At the beginning of the nineties, Montenegro, like other socialist countries entered a period of transition. Begin the process of transition is associated with a number of negative effects, such as the decline in employment and output decline, with the increase of prices. Are industry has been blocked and moved his powerlessness logic. Handicraft activity characteristic of development that does not fit are needs of the population and economic development for diverse and quality products and services. One of the major needs of the transition is to discern the vision of the system pursued, and the choice of the privatization model, which leads to the realization of that vision. A chance to entrepreneurship in the region, it is the formation of small businesses, which are in the conditions of market economy, is gaining in importance. In fact, distinguished by a high degree of flexibility, it is easy to adapt to the changes and demands of the environment in which they are located. Secure for themselves not only survival, but also adequate growth and development, quality specialist, they are easier to manage, easier for them to achieve higher revenues, faster invest, easier to export, easier to innovate, they have an offensive entrepreneurial spirit, providing dynamic local development, both qualitative problem solving unemployment. However, a large number of regulations and obligations in small businesses suppressed private initiative

    Agricultural Areas and Forests: The Case Regions Polimlje-Ibar

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    Among the growth potential regions Polimlje-Ibar primary importance occupies land. The structure of the surface by way of use, applying the method we have found alternate splitter type of secondary distribution of agricultural areas with a higher share of forests and barren land small share (PP3Å 2N1). The structure of agricultural land use is predominantly pasture stand type of agricultural land with a higher share of meadows (P4L2). Direction with equal participation of vegetables, animal fodder and fodder grain participation and uncultivated arable land (Po2Sk2Ž1No1), characterized by are use of the structure of arable land. Forest land and commercial forest area in is region, occupying an area of "‹"‹110.010 hectares, which means that 38.71% of the territory Polimlje-Ibar, covered with forest vegetation. Finally, the paper suggests not limiting factors of the optimal exploitation of the land fund. One of the priorities of the European partnership is the application of the concept of sustainable development

    Analysis of Change in Population Structure: The Case Northeastern Montenegro

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    This paper analyzes changes in the demographic structure of population in northeastern Montenegro, in the example of the municipality Berane, Andrijevica and Plav. Population age structure is changing, and takes unfavorable characteristics, reduces the proportion of younger and increases the proportion of elderly population. Disturbed age structure has a reverse effect on the movement of the population (the size of reproductive contingent), but also to all other population structure (size of contingent employment, population, mandatory school contingent, relationship maintenance). Despite significant changes in the demographic structures of all northeastern Montenegro, retains the characteristics of ethnically very heterogeneous environment

    Geographic Favor of Analyzing Rural Space: The Case Rural Local Communities Kralje

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    The paper analyzes the possibilities of development of the rural communities of the local Kralje. Types of Natural Resources and its qualitative characteristics are favorable for the development. However, analysis of the survey shows rural farming local community Kralje is not in agreement with all available natural conditions. Disagreement between the available natural resources and modern rural agriculture is determined economic policy, tradition, demographics, economic structure and market. Natural tourist attractions of the rural local community's Kralje are respectable potential for future tourism development and as such offer the possibility of practicing different: sports - leisure activities, fitness for a stay and rehabilitation. In addition, the rural local community Kralje provides opportunities for tourism development of special needs: rural tourism, hunting, fishing, sightseeing tourism, hiking in nature. Encouraging entrepreneurship and creation of conditions for its development is matures, inexhaustible opportunities for organic health food. The new rural development strategies must be equally'' cover'' the economic, demographic and socio-cultural dimension of development. This, of course, goes to the local initiative, which should based on the needs, interests and possibilities of community residents. In accordance with the concept of sustainable development is expected to work culture is based on humane principles ecumenical environmental and social performance. Going environmentally sound society is our essential needs, but also the obligation


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    This paper analyzes the Montenegrin rural village Gnjili Potok at the beginning of the twenty -first century. The population of Gnjilog Potok, as well as most other Montenegrin rural settlements, passed through the period from 1948 to 2017 all the characteristic stages of demographic transition. The maximum number of inhabitants was recorded in 1948 (325), and from the 1961 (281)  censuses, in the processes of industrialization, the depopulation began. In the post - transition phase in the last two censuses in 2003 and 2011, the number of inhabitants in the settlement was reduced from 111 to 87. According to the survey data from 2017, a total of 63 inhabitants live in the settlement. Compared to 1948, the number of inhabitants in 2017 was reduced by 194 %. The outflow of the population due to economic migration is constant and, unfortunately, there is no reversible flow, so it is necessary to define specific measures of social policy so that the demographic emptying of the space caused by these processes can be stopped or at least mitigated.  In a sociological sense, the population is attached to traditional values and preserving the common heritage. By ranking the answers about the biggest shortcomings in the settlement, the respondents state that: inability to work, access to health facilities, lack of content for young people, lack of social, cultural and sports facilities, access to trade, access to educational institutions, access to public transport ... Therefore, discouraging the fact that more than half of the respondents (69 %) think that they as individuals can do nothing to improve the lives of the neighborhood. If we add to this group a part of the respondents (12 %) who "do not know" what the individuals could change in the settlement, so we get the result of 81 % of respondents who are considered incompetent to discuss ways of improving the living standards of the village. In  these  considerations,  scientific research and practical experience of countries in which the processes of  rural development and cooperation has dominated for a long time can be a valuable asset for  Montenegro,  especially  given  the  current  national  development  trends,  intentions  and  commitments