171 research outputs found

    Effects on strength of vibratory exercise compared to walking in postmenopausal women

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    A major problem associated with advanced adult age is the remarkable decline in functional capacity and the associated loss of independence (1). Muscle strength of the lower extremities is a major neuromuscular determinant of these losses and mobility (2). Vibration exercise is a new method of training with ameliorations on bone (3), balance (4), strength of lower extremities (5, 6) and neuromuscular performance (7), and it easily to apply on previously physically untrained and frail persons. We hypothesized that a low-frequency vibrating board for 8 months would be feasible and improve more the functional capacity and the muscle strength of lower limbs than a walking-based program in post-menopausal women.The present study shows that our WBV training program may have a muscular positive effect, improving explosive strength. Moreover, to our knowledge, the current study is the first had obtained these results using low-frequency vibration in postmenopausal women. WBV seems to require longer sessions to pursue relevant effects on isokinetic strength. Walking programs should be prescribed to achieve significant improvements in health status related with usual daily physical tasks


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    Gerontological research has shown that there is a marked decline in health with age and an associated demand for expensive medical services (Shepard, 1993). Some previous studies underline sedentary lifestyle as main responsible factor for hypokinetic diseases and reduction in quality of life (Rejeski et al, 1996). By contrast, among the elderly evidences show a positive relationship between regular physical activity and a high physical fitness on reduction of anxiety and depression levels, improving older peopleʼs quality of life (ACSM, 1998, 2000; Blair et al, 1995). Otherwise, the acquisition and maintenance of motor skills are critical to the preservation of an independent lifestyle and quality of life in the elderly (Rikli and Edwards, 1991). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between physical activity levels, physical fitness and quality of life among institutionalized and non-institutionalized older people. • Older people with institutional community dwelling had lower physical activity levels than non-institutionalized similar individuals. • Physical activity influences older people's functional capacity especially aerobic capacity, and quality of life in several domains. • The above results suggest that caring elderly in their own homes seems to provide higher activity patterns, functional capacities and quality of life

    Effects of a multimodal exercise program on cognitive functioning and physical fitness of nursing home residents

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    Physical activity is an important strategy to promote successful aging, being associated with several health benefits and a reduction in risk of all-cause mortality. In recent years there has been a growing interest in the study of the effects of multimodal exercise in the functional capacity of older adults (e.g., Vaughan et al., 2014), but the investigation is still scarce. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of a multimodal exercise program on cognitive functioning and physical fitness of nursing home residents

    O Problema do Sedentarismo. Benefícios da Prática de Atividade Física e Exercício

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    Sendo o sedentarismo reconhecido como um problema de saúde pública com elevada repercussão no surgimento de doenças crónicas, no capítulo inicial deste livro, será apresentada uma revisão da literatura focada no Efeito do Sedentarismo na Saúde da População. Serão reportados alguns dos resultados obtidos num estudo financiado pelo Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, relativos aos níveis de aptidão física e atividade física da população portuguesa no capítulo Aptidão e Atividade Física das População Portuguesa. No seguimento desta temática, serão ainda reportadas as Recomendações de Atividade Física para Crianças, Adultos e Idosos e evidenciados alguns dos Benefícios da Prática de Atividade Física. Este livro surge como manual de apoio à unidade curricular “Benefícios da Atividade Física na Saúde” do Mestrado em Exercício e Saúde da Universidade de Évora e à unidade curricular “Saúde e Condição Física” da Licenciatura em Ciências do Desporto da mesma universidade

    Effects os a physical exercise program in the functional fitness and body composition of na elderly population

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    Introduction Exercise is a key mean for the maintenance of health, functional capacity, quality of life and independence in the elderly, being recommended the performance at least 3 sessions/week (ACSM, 2009). Although many elderly adhere to these recommendations, the absenteeism can be an impediment to exercise benefits. This study aimed to analyze the effects of a 3 months exercise program (3 sessions/week; 50-60’; 50-60%HRmax.), accounting for absenteeism, in elderly women. Methods Participants were 44 women ≥60 yrs clustered into 3 groups: Experimental 1 (E1: 20-59% sessions; n:13; age: 69,3±6,9 yrs); Experimental 2 (E2: =60% sessions; n:15; age: 70.9±5.6 yrs); Control (C: 0% sessions; n:16; age: 68.7±9.2 yrs). Anthropometry and DXA assessed body composition. Clinical analysis determined the lipid profile. Functional Fitness Test assessed physical fitness. POMS-SF questionnaire assessed the Mood States. The variation between pre post intervention were computed for all variables. Comparisons between groups were performed by ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc test or by Kruskal-Wallis and Pair Wise Wilcoxon tests. The level of significance was set at p<0.05. Results There were significant differences between groups concerning variation in upper (p=.001,E2>C) and lower strength (p=.009,E2>C=E1), lower flexibility (p=.020,E2>C), aerobic endurance (pC) and speed/agility/balance (pC) and confusion (p=.027,E2<E1). Variations concerning body composition and lipid profile variables were not significantly different from 0 in any group. Discussion The women engaged in the exercise program improved their physical fitness and mood states even when there was 40% of absenteeism. The benefits were decreasing with increased absenteeism. This founds complement previous researches (Spidurso et al., 2005) showing a strong relationship among systematic exercise, improved physical fitness and a positive psychological state in elderly population. Food ingestion and medications were not controlled and the exercise program (50-60%HRmax) lasted 3 weeks. This suggests why body composition and lipid profile did not improve, since other studies (Tran et al. 1983)endorsed both caloric restriction and a long time exercise engagement at intensity =60%HRmax to improve these parameters. In conclusion, this study highlights the usefulness of programs adopting an active lifestyle through exercise because proved that exercise have benefices in physical fitness and mood state even with a high absenteeism

    Benefits of Exercise in Self Improvement in Elderly Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases

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    Introduction Physical Exercise (PE) seems positively influence the functional autonomy. The aim of this study was to investigate the benefits of a program to improve the EF functional autonomy in elderly patients with cardiovascular disorders. Methodology A total of 39 seniors, including 28 females and 11 males, with a mean age of 77 years, underwent a 90-day program EF. The program consisted of fine and gross motor control sessions, individual counseling, gait training and sensory stimulation. These sessions were held for 5 days per week with a duration of 55 minutes each. This study consisted of two phases: an initial, before the implementation of the program and the other end, after the application. In these moments, were taken several measures kinanthropometric (HR rest, maximal HR, systolic BP, diastolic BP, BMI, weight, Test March 6 mins Rikli & Jones) and performed a functional assessment of activities of daily living (AIV'S), with application Scale Lawton (1969). The comparison between the behavior of variables kinanthropometric and "score" total autonomy in IADL assessed'S (Scale Lawton, 1969) at baseline and the end was done by t test for related samples. And he made the comparison at the time of the initial and final behavior of the 9 items that constitute the scale of Lawton, through the sign test for Related Samples. Results When comparing the "score" of Autonomy at the beginning and end found a statistically significant increase of the values of autonomy, having seen an average increase of 7 (95% CI: 5.4 to 7.7). We also found statistically significant differences between the measures kinanthropometric the initial and final moments, when there was an average decrease in the following variables: 4.8 bpm in resting HR (95% CI: 1.2 - 8.3) and 1.1 HMG in systolic BP (95% CI: 1.5 - 2). It was also observed an average increase of 81.5 m in Test 6 Mins Walking (95% CI: 61.9 to 101.1). The results obtained by studying the behavior of each of the items of the Lawton Scale (1969) were also statistically significant differences in the ability to climb stairs (10.3% - 82.2%), ability to perform gear abroad (12.8% - 74.4%), ability to make purchases (2.6% - 41%), ability to wash, dry and put away clothes (0% - 48.7); ability to perform cleaning ( 0% - 48.7); cooking capacity (7.7% - 56.4%); ability of small arrangements (0% - 38.8%), ability to use the phone (76.9% - 89 7%) and ability to handle the money (48.7% - 64.1%). Discussion of Results The results of the study suggest that the comparison of the initial and final time kinanthropometric measures, an average decrease of 4.8 bpm (95% CI: 1.2 - 8.3) and resting HR in systolic BP of 1.1 HMG ( 95% CI: 1.5 - 2). Second, Michel (1) (2001) the EF has a positive impact on hypertension. It was also observed an average increase of 81.5 m in Test 6 Mins Walking (95% CI: 61.9 to 101.1). In the study by Sousa (2) et al. (2010) sought to compare the level of functional ability and practice of EF in adults and the elderly with chronic diseases were statistically significant differences in the re-test Test March 6 min, where there was an increase in the number of meters traveled. The results obtained in the "Score" of autonomy through the Lawton Scale (1969), we observed a statistically significant increase in the values of autonomy, having been an average increase of 7 (95% CI: 5.4 to 7.7). In the study by Correia (3) et al. (2010) found statistically significant improvement in functional capacity in elderly patients with diabetic disease practitioners EF.Os results for each of the items of the scale of Lawton, helped strengthen all results. In this context, it appears that this program EF was effective for the improvement of autonomy in IADL'S in locomotor capacity and cardiovascular endurance. However, it was not effective in reducing body weight

    Ageing comparative study between diferent cities in Brazil and Portugal: A health analyses, ageing and quality of life

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    Introduction The demographic epidemiologic transition is a worldwide phenomenon and it is present both in the developed countries and increasingly in the developing ones. The population estimates in the studied countries show that Portugal is nowadays in the list of the oldest countries in the world and in Brazil the “ageing of the top” will occur up to 2025 occupying the 6th elderly population of the world, in absolute terms. Methods The aim of this study was to analyze comparatively Life Quality between the senior citizens who participate in the Public Physical Activity Programs at Nisa, Portugal (Program Activ Sénior) and Florianópolis, Brazil (Programa Floripa Ativa). A transversal descriptive study was carried out including 258 senior citizens, both genders, from October to December 2011 using the Brazilian and Portuguese versions of the Short Form 36 questionnaire. The statistics tests performed were Student’s t-teste, ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis test and K-S test. Results The global Cronbach’s alpha was 0.72 for the Physical and 0.73 for the Mental Component. Descriptive analysis showed that the subjects' average age was 69,56 years old (PD:+/- 5,74 years) and that most of them were women (84,8%). The best scores for both cities/countries were obtained for the Mental Component: Social Function (83,8), Emotional Performance (75,5) and Mental Health (73,8). The worst scores appeared in Physical Pain (63,9), General Health (67,9) and Vitality (69,1). There were statistically significant differences for the following dimensions: Physical Pain, General Health and Vitality. It could be observed through the comparative analysis that there were significant differences between both genders. Discussion Therefore, it was possible to conclude that the most significant percentage belongs to the women (55,7% in Portugal and 44,3% in Brazil), from 60 to 69 years old. The feminization of ageing, estimates for average age and participation of women in studies related to ageing are always in greater numbers, similar results in other studies (Matsudo et al.,2011). That being in the oldest age category is not related with the worst Life Quality and that the dimensions that were related to the Mental Component show the best scores for life quality in both cities/countries. The results of this study suggest that the collective health strategies that have been adopted in Nisa/Portugal and Florianópolis/Brazil through their Programs were able to establish social bonds and provide health gains, bringing benefits for active ageing

    Influencia de programas de ejercicio físico vibratorio sobre los factores determinantes para las fracturas óseas, función neuromuscular y calidad de vida en mujeres mayores

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    A debilidade muscular, assim como os problemas de equilíbrio, estão directamente associados com o aumento do risco de quedas em populações de idosos (Hausdorff JM et al., 2001). Sabe-se inclusivamente que as quedas domésticas resultantes da falta de equilíbrio, são a causa mais comum das fracturas ósseas nos idosos (Jesup JV et al., 2003). Os programas de exercício físico são frequentemente utilizados como uma estratégia de intervenção não farmacológica. O objectivo geral concretiza-se em 2 mais específicos: a) Comparar os efeitos de um programa de 8 meses de treino vibratório de baixa intensidade na densidade mineral óssea da anca e coluna, com um programa de caminhar em mulheres pós-menopáusicas. b) Comparar os efeitos de 8 meses de treino vibratório de baixa intensidade na condição física, com um programa de caminhar em mulheres pós-menopáusicas. A amostra de 36 mulheres pós-menopáusicas com capacidade para cumprirem os programas de exercício, com idades compreendidas entre os 60 e os 80 anos de idade. Estas foram distribuídas aleatoriamente num grupo de exercício vibratório (GEV = 18), e num grupo de caminhar (GC = 18). I. O programa de treino de 8 meses na plataforma vibratória recíproca com uma intensidade baixa, mostrou ser mais eficaz para melhorar a capacidade de equilíbrio (um dos factores determinantes para as quedas) em mulheres pós-menopáusicas, que o programa de caminhar.II. Oito meses de treino vibratório com uma intensidade baixa, foi mais eficaz que o programa de caminhar em contrariar a tendência de perca de densidade mineral óssea na anca, mais especificamente no colo do fémur

    Example of exercise programs in Portugal applied for different kinds of populations and their benefits. How to develop a study to characterize the population, and possible implications for policy strategies

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    Example of exercise programs in Portugal applied for different kinds of populations and their benefits. How to develop a study to characterize the population, and possible implications for policy strategies

    Effects of Physical Exercise on the Quality of Life of Type 2 Diabetes Patients

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    Diabetes is one of the most important chronic diseases that impact human health, and the total number of diabetes patients worldwide may rise to about 370 million in 2030 (170 million in 2000). Type 2 diabetes patients account for 90% of all diabetes worldwide. Previous literature reported that type 2 diabetes patients have lower quality of life (QoL) than those healthy persons and that a sedentary lifestyle is a modifiable risk factor for type 2 diabetes and an independent predictor of poor quality of life. When the physical activity is planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement performed to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness, it is a denominated physical exercise. Physical exercise has been effective by altering the body composition, glycemic control, blood pressure, insulin resistance, and mental and physical components of QoL. In this chapter, we also focus our attention on mental disorders. Depression and anxiety are the most common in those patients, which can lead to unfavorable influences on metabolic control and micro- and macrovascular complications compared to those with diabetes alone