3,254 research outputs found

    Implementasi Keperawatan Islami Perawat Pelaksana terhadap Pasien Safety di Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Bandung Tahun 2017

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    Islam telah mengajarkan tentang pelayanan kesehatan yang memberikan pelayanan komprehensif baik bio-psiko-sosio-kultural maupun spritual yang ditujukan kepada individu maupun masyarakat, dengan pemikiran yang hipotetik tentang pelayanan kesehatan yang Islami dapat mewujudkan pelayanan prima di rumahsakit-rumahsakit Islam. Patien safety telah menjadi isu dunia yang perlu mendapat perhatian bagi sistem pelayanan kesehatan. Patien safety merupakan prinsip dasar dari pelayanan kesehatan yang memandang bahwa keselamatan merupakan hak bagi setiap pasien dalam menerima pelayanan kesehatan.Metode: jenis penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan adalah pretest-posttest with control group design fase, dengan 60 sample yang dibagi dua kelompok yang satu sebagai kelompok kontrol dan satu sebagai kelompok intervensi. Hasil: tahap pertama: untuk melihat penerapan patien safety oleh perawat pelaksana di 4 ruangan. Tahap ke dua penerapan modul keperawatan islami terhadap kelompok intervensi, tahap ke 3 akan ada pengaruh modul pelayanan islami terhadap patien safety.uji statistic didapat hahwa Sig 0,000 < 0,05 ada perbedaan yang signifikan pelaksanaan patien safety sesudah dilakukan intervensi pada kelompok intervensi. Uji general linier model menunjukkan ada beda kelompok intervensi pre-test dan post-test secara umum tidak ada perbedaan pencapaian patien safety antar kedua kelompok. Hasil tes tidak ada perbedaan rata rata selisih skor pencapaian kompetensi antar keempat pengukuran yaitu p=0,230(P<?): hasil uji statistic didapat

    Sebaran Kepiting Mangrove (Crustacea: Decapoda) Yang Terdaftar Di Koleksi Rujukan Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi-lipi 1960-1970 [the Mangrove Crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) Recorded in Refference Collection of Research Centre for Oceanografi-Indonesian Insitute of Sciences 1960-1970]

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    Brachyura is a group of Crustaceans species often found in mangrove areas. Mangrove crabs in this study were from mangrove areas found in almost all Indonesian waters that were stored in the Reference Collection of Marine Biota Division, Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) from 1960 to 1970. The aim of this study was to assess the presence and distribution of mangrove crabs from the waters of Indonesia as a search and as a reference collection from 1960 to 1970.A total of 359spesimens were observed, consisted of 54 species, 22 genera, and seven families. The data were stored in a database system to perform spatial information analisys

    Analisis Swot sebagai Dasar Keputusan Strategi Pemasaran pada Perusahaan Server Pulsa di Kota Batam (Studi Kasus pada CV. Star Pratama)

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    This study aims to determine the factors that become the strengths and weaknesses, the factors that become challenges and threats, knowing how the position of CV STAR PRATAMA server business compared with other server business and strategy that must be applied by the CV STAR PRATAMA server business. From the results of the study using SWOT analysis shows that based on the SWOT diagram, CV STAR PRATAMA has a position in quadrant I. In this quadrant is very profitable, based on the Matrix IE (Internal-External Matrix) then CV STAR PRATAMA is on the cell and analysis results In the final stage of using QSPM, it can be seen that the current strategy is one of the ST (Strength-Threat) strategy that is by improving the excellent service and after sales service to satisfy the customer

    Analisis Kekuatan Landasan Aluminium Pada Perangkat Brakiterapi Medium Doserate

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    A STRENGHT ANALYSIS OF THE ALUMINiUM ANVIL OF THE MEDIUM DOSE RATE (MDR) BRACHYTHERAPHY EQUIPMENT. A strenght analysis of the aluminium anvil of the medium dose rate (MDR) brachytheraphy equipment has ben performed. The analysis is to evaluate the strenght of anvil structure used in brachytheraphy equipmen. The anvil serves to connect the wire driver module, the source container module and the channels distributor module. The method is to analyze stresses by using mathematical model. The analysis shows that the aluminium anvil has the largest stress at 6,676 N/mm2 and it is still under the yeild stress at 199,73 N/mm2 . Evaluation results of the structure analysis can be used in designing the anvil for MDR brachytheraphy equipment. ANALISIS KEKUATAN LANDASAN ALUMINIUM PADA PERANGKAT BRAKITERAPI MEDIUM DOSERATE (MDR). Telah dilakukan analisis kekuatan landasan aluminium pada perangkat Brakiterapi medium doserate (MDR). Analisis dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekuatan struktur landasan perangkat brakiterapi. Landasan berfungsi menghubungkan modul penggerak sling, modul container sumber dan modul distributor chanel. Metode yang dilakukan adalah menganalisis tegangan dengan menggunakan pemodelan matematika. Dari analisis diperoleh bahwa nilai tegangan stress sebesar 6,676 N/mm2 masih jauh dibawah nilai yield sebesar 199,73 N/mm2. Hasil evaluasi dari analisis pada struktur tersebut dapat digunakan dalam desain landasan untuk perangkat brakiterapi MD

    Kajian Kuat Lentur Beton pada Perkerasan Kaku Jalan Tol Balikpapan-Samarinda

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    The Balikpapan - Samarinda toll road is one part of the trans Kalimantan toll road that arrived currently under construction. The construction of this toll road uses rigid pavement. Road construction This toll road by the East Kalimantan Provincial Public Works Department requires a minimum flexural strength of 45 kg / cm² for 28 days of concrete age. The purpose of this study is to study flexural strength concrete on the rigid pavement of the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road based on the planning of concrete mixes at field. This study uses experimental methods in the laboratory. Credit samples are made based on concrete mix planning in the field and testing in the laboratory. The sample as many as 24 pieces for a cylinder size of 15 x 30, and 12 pieces for blocks measuring 15 x 15 x 60, which will remain at the age of 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The results of the strong test on the cylinder is obtained at 382 kg / cm2, 27% bigger than planning, and flexural strength in the beam of 53.48 kg / cm2, 18% greater than requirements. So it can be concluded that the pavement work is rigid on the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road Has been in accordance with the provisions stipulated by the East Kalimantan Provincial Public Works Department

    Trimmed Equilateral Microstrip Antena Dengan Electro-Magnetically Coupled Untuk WLAN 2,4 GHz

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    Antena mikrostrip segitiga sama sisi dengan metode trim dirancang untuk bekerja pada frekuensi wireless LAN 2,4 GHz karena frekuensi ini masih menjadi pilihan utama dibandingkan dengan frekuensi wireless LAN 5,2 GHz. Antena dirancang agar memiliki VSWR d” 2 dan return loss d” 2. Sedangkan pencatuan electro magnetically coupled dipilih untuk memperlebar bandwidth. Pengubahan frekuensi dapat dilakukan dengan metode menghitung ulang panjang sisi patch atau dengan metode trim. Metode trim dipilih karena cara ini terbukti lebih efisien baik pada saat simulasi ataupun pada saat fabrikasi. Dengan metode ini dimensi patch yang diperoleh bisa diperkecil. Dari hasil pengukuran antena fabrikasi didapat bandwidth antena dari 2,3993 GHz -2,48368 GHz. VSWR terendah adalah 1,0845 dan return loss terendah adalah 27,046 dB keduanya terjadi pada frekuensi resonansi 2,444 GHz. Berkas utamapola radiasi antena ini adalah pada sudut 0o. Sedangkan gain yang diperoleh sebesar 4,644 dB pada frekuensi 2,44 GHz

    Efektifitas Penyelesaian Sengketa Warisan melalui Majelis Adat Aceh (Studi di Kecamatan Darussalam, Kabupaten Aceh Besar)

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    Judicially, there are types of settling a dispute case: by litigation in the court and by non-litigation outside of the court. In non-litigation as an alternative settling. In Aceh Besar, a dispute is dominantly settled through Majelis Adat (Adat Council) like a problem of inheritance because the people think that it is in accordance with the people's sense of justice which is more effective. It is, therefore, interesting to analyze is how far the effectiveness of settling a dispute in inheritance the Majelis Adat is. It was located in Darussalam Subdistrict. The result of the research showed that the legal ground for Majelis Adat Aceh Besar in settling dispute in inheritance by handing down the Verdict No. 40/1999 on Organization of Aceh Special Region in which Aceh and Law No. 11/2006 on Aceh Provincial Government. The role of Majelis Adat Aceh Besar in settling dispute in inheritance is a mediator and as a communicator. The implementation of the ruling of the Majelis Adat Aceh Besar in settling dispute in inheritance for the conflicting parties was effective since it is carried out by the stakeholders so that it can be settled by adat (custom) without any conflict in the future