144 research outputs found

    Visual Recognition of Bengali Sign Language using Local Binary Pattern Compared with ANN

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    This paper presents an overview of visual recognition of Bengali Sign Language. In this paper we learn and detect a sequence of sign words and recognize the sign language that are understandable to the deaf and hearing impaired people to help normal people understand the meaning of these words. The research discusses the characteristics of the human sign languages, the requirements and difficulties behind visual sign recognition, how to deal with others persons and the different techniques used in the sign language recognition. The paper consists of two major parts, namely the learning part and the detection part. The system takes the sign images as its input. First sign images are learnt by the proposed system. When a sign image is given for recognition, the detection part identifies the image with the help of previously learned images. For learning and detection we have used local binary pattern compared with back propagation algorithm of Artificial Neural Network. We believe that this research will be of much help to express their thoughts and feelings between the deaf people and the normal people

    SIR-Based Power Control Algorithms in CDMA Networks

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    This paper incorporates a comprehensive study about the distributed power control algorithm in cellular communication systems The algorithm requires only interference power estimations and or signal-to-interference ratio SIR estimations form the base station and converge even in cases where limits on available power render the target SIR unattainable Power control plays an important role to high demand for wireless communication services shows the need for technology to further increase the capacity of cellular communication systems The capacity of the system is maximized if the transmitter s power control is controlled so that its signal arrives at base station with minimum required signal-to-interference ratio Nash equilibrium power provides substantial power savings as compared to the power balancing algorithm and Foschini and Miljanic Algorithm while reducing achieved SIR only slightly Simulations show that the benefit of the Nash equilibrium power control over the power balancing solution increases as receiver noise power or number of users in the cell increase


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    Anthocyanins are plant bioactive compounds that control color of many vegetables, flowers, fruit, roots and other plant parts. In peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch], color is a key determinant for fruit quality and depends by flovonoids including anthocyanins. These bioactive molecules have potential benefits to human health including protection against cancer, cardiovascular diseases, inflammation and other chronic diseases. The R2R3-MYB transcription factors (TFs) control the expression of genes for the synthesis of anthocyanin pigments with the help of co-activators belonging to the basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) and WD40 repeat family. In the peach genome, through this study three MYB10-like (MYB10.1, MYB10.2 and MYB10.3) and three bHLH-like (bHLH3, bHLH33 and GL3) TFs were identified as best candidates to be the regulators of the anthocyanin accumulation in peach. Among these MYB10s, MYB10.1 is the highly expressed gene in ripe peach fruits. The accumulation of anthocyanins in yellow flesh peach fruits is highest in the peel, abundant in the part of the mesocarp surrounding the stone and lowest in the mesocarp. The expression of MYB10.1 and MYB10.3 genes were correlated with anthocyanin levels of different peach parts. They have also positive correlation with the key structural genes of the anthocyanin pathway, like chalcone synthase (CHS), flavanone-3?-hydroxylase (F3H), dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) and UDP-glucose:flavonoid-3-O-glucosyltransferase (UFGT). Functions of peach MYB10s were tested in tobacco and shown to activate key genes in the anthocyanin pathway when bHLHs were co-expressed as partners. Over-expression of MYB10.1/bHLH3 and MYB10.3/bHLH3 activated anthocyanin production by up-regulating NtCHS, NtDFR and NtUFGT while other combinations were not effective. To better understand the role of MYB10.1 in anthocyanin synthesis during peach ripening, its coding sequence has been constitutively expressed in tobacco transgenic plants. Its over-expression induce anthocyanin pigmentation in the reproductive parts of transgenic tobacco lines through the up-regulation of transcript levels of many important genes involved in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway like phenylalanineammonia-lyase (NtPAL), NtCHS, chalcone isomerase (NtCHI), NtF3H, NtDFR, anthocyanin synthase (NtANS) and NtUFGT. The pigment accumulation was always limited to reproductive parts and never present in the vegetative part like stem and leaves. Besides the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis, the ectopic expression of MYB10.1 leads to two different types of phenotype in transgenic as compared to WT tobacco. The strong phenotype, called type-I, is characterized by irregular leaf shape and size, reduced plant height, stamens with reduced filament length and non-dehiscing anthers, reduced pistil length, no nectary gland formation and reduced capsule development but pigmented reproductive parts including androecium, gynoecium and petals. On the contrary, so-called type-II plants, have a mild phenotype with regular plant growth and development, but purple seed coats. Surprisingly, the over-expression of MYB10.1 altered the floral development in transgenic tobacco lines. In type-I transgenic plants, the over-expression of peach MYB10.1 leads to down-regulation of NtMYB305, a gene similar, but not orthologous, to MYB10.1, which is required for floral development. Moreover, MYB10.1 up-regulates the expression of jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis (allene oxide synthase, NtAOS) and signaling (NtJAZd) pathway genes as well as 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (NtACO), a key gene in ethylene synthesis. Furthermore, NECTARIN1 (NtNCE1) that is known to be involved in nectary gland formation, was repressed since its transcription is regulated by NtMYB305. On the contrary, type-II transgenic plants showed opposite results for NtMYB305, NtAOS, NtJAZd and NtNEC1. Therefore, it can be concluded that the over-expression of peach MYB10.1 in tobacco not only regulates flavonoid biosynthesis in the reproductive parts but also affects (directly and/or indirectly) other process like vegetative and reproductive development. These new findings will promote further investigation to elucidate more diverse role of R2R3-MYB TFs. Furthermore, they will promote more and better insights on the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis and will aid fruit breeders to introduce new peach cultivars with higher antioxidant level as well as colored fruit

    Visual Recognition of Bengali Sign Language using Local Binary Pattern Compared with ANN

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    This paper presents an overview of visual recognition of Bengali Sign Language. In this paper we learn and detect a sequence of sign words and recognize the sign language that are understandable to the deaf and hearing impaired people to help normal people understand the meaning of these words. The research discusses the characteristics of the human sign languages, the requirements and difficulties behind visual sign recognition, how to deal with others persons and the different techniques used in the sign language recognition. The paper consists of two major parts, namely the learning part and the detection part. The system takes the sign images as its input. First sign images are learnt by the proposed system. When a sign image is given for recognition, the detection part identifies the image with the help of previously learned images. For learning and detection we have used local binary pattern compared with back propagation algorithm of Artificial Neural Network. We believe that this research will be of much help to express their thoughts and feelings between the deaf people and the normal people


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    Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is one of the oldest oilseed crops and important for high nutritional quality as well as medicinal value. Fifty diverse sesame genotypes were evaluated to study genetic variability. The results revealed that the genotypes were a significant variation in most of the studied characters. In all cases, the phenotypic variances were much higher than genotypic variances suggests a higher level of the environmental effect on the expression of these characters. The highest genotypic coefficient of variations (GCV) was observed in seed yield per plant while the highest heritability was exhibited by hundred seed weight followed by days to 80% maturity, pods per plant, number of branches per plant and seed yield per plant. The genotypic correlation with seed yield per plant showed a significantly strong positive with days to 50% flowering, plant height and number of pods per plant at both the genotypic and phenotypic level. The path coefficient analysis showed that pods per plant and seeds per pod were the most important contributing traits to seed yield. The 50 sesame genotypes were grouped into five clusters. The highest inter-cluster distance was observed between the cluster III and V while the lowest inter-cluster distance was observed between the cluster III and IV. Among 50 sesame genotypes G7, G36, G38 and G46 might be suggested for future hybridization program for the improvement of sesame yield.Sezam (Sesamum indicum L.) je jedan od najstarijih usjeva uljarica i važan zbog visoke hranidbene kakvoće kao i medicinske vrijednosti. Procijenjeno je pedeset različitih genotipova sezama po genetskoj varijabilnosti. Rezultati su pokazali da su genotipovi značajna varijacija u većini proučavanih karakteristika. U svim slučajevima fenotipske varijance bile su mnogo više nego genotipske varijance što upućuje na višu razinu djelovanja okoline na izražavanje tih karakteristika. Najviši genotipski koeficijent varijacija primijećen je za prinos sjemena po biljki dok je najviša heretabilnost u težini sto sjemenki zatim po danima do 80% zrelosti, mahuna po biljci, broju granćica po biljci i sjemena po biljci. Genotipska korelacija s prinosom sjemena po biljci bila je značajno vrlo pozitivna s danima do 50% cvjetanja, visinom biljke i brojem mahuna po biljci na genotipskoj i fenotipskoj razini. Prema analizi koeficienata broj mahuna po biljci i prinos sjemena po mahuni bili su najvažniji doprinos prinosu sjemena. Pedeset genotipova sezama svrstano je u pet klastera. Najveća udaljenost među klasterima primijećena je između klastera III i IV. Među 50 sezama genotipovi G7, G36, G38 i G46 mogu se predložiti za budući program hibridizacije za poboljšanje prinosa sezama

    Mobile Banking: The Bangladesh Experience

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    This study is about the Mobile Banking in Bangladesh. Major objectives of this study are to give an overview about cost, usage and all other benefits of Mobile Banking as well as to produce a scenario of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh. Both the primary and secondary data have been used for the study purpose.  The major findings of this study are 94% respondents think that it saves time than traditional banking, the highest number of respondents use Mobile Banking for ‘Air-time top-up’ service, out of 50 respondents 92% have replied it is less costlier than traditional banking, 100% respondents have agreed that it is speedy, and 100% respondents have opined any type of set can be used for Mobile Banking. Besides, 64% respondents have mentioned that DBBL plays a significant role in mobile baking sector, whereas 28% respondents have agreed that Bkash performs a vital role. Although this concept is new in Bangladesh but its potentiality is high and already it has started to contribute in the economy significantly. From this research, other researchers and policy makers will get an insight about the Mobile Banking in Bangladesh. Keywords:  M- Banking, Bkash, . ICTD, IBMC, SMS, NFC


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    A field experiment was conducted with 22 Brassica napus L. advanced lines at the experimental farm of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka to study the genetic variation among advanced lines of Brassica napus L. during November 2008 to March 2009. The genotypes were significantly different for all the characters studied except for days to 80% maturity. The characters days to 80% maturity, plant height, number of primary branches per plant, number of seeds per siliqua, number of siliqua per plant and seed yield per plant showed higher influence of environment whereas, siliqua length and 1000-seed weight showed the least. Moreover, the number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant, siliqua length, number of seeds per siliqua, number of siliqua per plant, 1000-seed weight and seed yield per plant showed moderate broad base heritability while plant height exhibited the highest heritability. The significant positive correlation with seed yield per plant was found in plant height, number of primary branches per plant and number of siliqua per plant. However, the highest significant positive correlation was found between days to 50% flowering and plant height. Path coefficient analysis showed that the plant height had maximum positive direct effect on seed yield followed by number of siliqua per plant and siliqua length. Plant height, number of primary branches per plant and number of siliqua per plant were the most important contributors to seed yield per plant which could be taken into consideration in future hybridization program.Od studenog 2008. do ožujka 2009. obavljeni su poljski pokusi s 22 napredne linije Brassicae napus L. na pokusnoj farmi Sher-e-Bangla Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Dhaki, radi istraživanja genetskog odstupanja među naprednim linijama Brassicae napus L. Genetski su se značajno razlikovale u svim istraživanim značajkama osim dana do 80% zrelosti. Značajke dana do 80% zrelosti, visina biljke, broj primarnih grančica po biljci, broj sjemenki po komušci, broj komušaka po biljci i prinos sjemena po biljci pokazale su veći utjecaj okoline dok su duljina komuške i težina 1000-sjemenki pokazali najmanji. Osim toga, broj primarnih grančica po biljci, broj sekundarnih grančica po biljci, duljina komuške, broj sjemenki po komušci, broj komušaka po biljci, težina 1000-sjemenki i prinos sjemena po biljci pokazali su umjereno široku osnovnu nasljednost, dok je visina biljke pokazala najveću nasljednost. Značajna pozitivna korelacija s prinosom sjemena po biljci nađena je u visini biljke, broju primarnih grančica po biljci i broju komušaka po biljci. Međutim, najviša značajna pozitivna korelacija nađena je između dana do 50% cvjetanja i visine biljke. Analiza koeficijenta kretanja pokazala je da je visina biljke maksimalno pozitivno direktno djelovala na prinos sjemena i zatim na broj komušaka po biljci i duljinu komušaka.Visina biljke, broj primarnih grančica po biljci i broj komušaka po biljci bili su najvažniji pomagači za prinos sjemena po biljci, što treba uzeti u obzir u budućem programu hibridizacije

    Comparative Study of Magnetization of Co Thin Films Deposited on Glass, GaAs (001) and Si (001) Substrates

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    The effect of surface induced anisotropy and interfacial anisotropy on the magnetic properties of Co thin films have been presented. The surface roughness of 100 nm Co film on both the glass and Si (001) substrate is found to be ~ 50 Oe. But the surface roughness of the same thick Co film on GaAs (001) substrate is enhanced to ~ 80 Oe. The enhancement of coercivity of Co thin film on GaAs (001) substrate is due to the special interaction between transition metal Co and GaAs (001). The anisotropy field due to the cobalt silicide interface is responsible for large saturation field required to saturate the Co/Si sample. The squareness of Co thin film on both the glass and GaAs (001) is ~ 1. On the other hand, it is reduced to 0.45 for Co/Si system. Both the surface induced and interfacial anisotropy fields influence the shape of the hysteresis loop

    Essential thrombocythemia presenting as digital ischemia

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    Essential thrombocythemia is a myeloproliferative disease and is characterized by increased production of platelet and increased megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. Though platelets are high in number but may not function normally and can cause hyperviscosity syndrome and blockage of the blood vessels and other complications. Here, we report two cases of essential thrombocythemia, presented with pain in hands and feet and one with digital infarction. Both the patients had headache and vertigo