41 research outputs found

    Astroinformatics of galaxies and quasars: a new general method for photometric redshifts estimation

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    With the availability of the huge amounts of data produced by current and future large multi-band photometric surveys, photometric redshifts have become a crucial tool for extragalactic astronomy and cosmology. In this paper we present a novel method, called Weak Gated Experts (WGE), which allows to derive photometric redshifts through a combination of data mining techniques. \noindent The WGE, like many other machine learning techniques, is based on the exploitation of a spectroscopic knowledge base composed by sources for which a spectroscopic value of the redshift is available. This method achieves a variance \sigma^2(\Delta z)=2.3x10^{-4} (\sigma^2(\Delta z) =0.08), where \Delta z = z_{phot} - z_{spec}) for the reconstruction of the photometric redshifts for the optical galaxies from the SDSS and for the optical quasars respectively, while the Root Mean Square (RMS) of the \Delta z variable distributions for the two experiments is respectively equal to 0.021 and 0.35. The WGE provides also a mechanism for the estimation of the accuracy of each photometric redshift. We also present and discuss the catalogs obtained for the optical SDSS galaxies, for the optical candidate quasars extracted from the DR7 SDSS photometric dataset {The sample of SDSS sources on which the accuracy of the reconstruction has been assessed is composed of bright sources, for a subset of which spectroscopic redshifts have been measured.}, and for optical SDSS candidate quasars observed by GALEX in the UV range. The WGE method exploits the new technological paradigm provided by the Virtual Observatory and the emerging field of Astroinformatics.Comment: 36 pages, 22 figures and 8 table

    Photometric classification of emission line galaxies with machine-learning methods

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    In this paper, we discuss an application of machine-learning-based methods to the identification of candidate active galactic nucleus (AGN) from optical survey data and to the automatic classification of AGNs in broad classes. We applied four different machine-learning algorithms, namely the Multi Layer Perceptron, trained, respectively, with the Conjugate Gradient, the Scaled Conjugate Gradient, the Quasi Newton learning rules and the Support Vector Machines, to tackle the problem of the classification of emission line galaxies in different classes, mainly AGNs versus non-AGNs, obtained using optical photometry in place of the diagnostics based on line intensity ratios which are classically used in the literature. Using the same photometric features, we discuss also the behaviour of the classifiers on finer AGN classification tasks, namely Seyfert I versus Seyfert II, and Seyfert versus LINER. Furthermore, we describe the algorithms employed, the samples of spectroscopically classified galaxies used to train the algorithms, the procedure followed to select the photometric parameters and the performances of our methods in terms of multiple statistical indicators. The results of the experiments show that the application of self-adaptive data mining algorithms trained on spectroscopic data sets and applied to carefully chosen photometric parameters represents a viable alternative to the classical methods that employ time-consuming spectroscopic observations

    Photometric classification of emission line galaxies with Machine Learning methods

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    In this paper we discuss an application of machine learning based methods to the identification of candidate AGN from optical survey data and to the automatic classification of AGNs in broad classes. We applied four different machine learning algorithms, namely the Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP), trained respectively with the Conjugate Gradient, Scaled Conjugate Gradient and Quasi Newton learning rules, and the Support Vector Machines (SVM), to tackle the problem of the classification of emission line galaxies in different classes, mainly AGNs vs non-AGNs, obtained using optical photometry in place of the diagnostics based on line intensity ratios which are classically used in the literature. Using the same photometric features we discuss also the behavior of the classifiers on finer AGN classification tasks, namely Seyfert I vs Seyfert II and Seyfert vs LINER. Furthermore we describe the algorithms employed, the samples of spectroscopically classified galaxies used to train the algorithms, the procedure followed to select the photometric parameters and the performances of our methods in terms of multiple statistical indicators. The results of the experiments show that the application of self adaptive data mining algorithms trained on spectroscopic data sets and applied to carefully chosen photometric parameters represents a viable alternative to the classical methods that employ time-consuming spectroscopic observations

    Unsupervised Machine Learning for the Classification of Astrophysical X-ray Sources

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    The automatic classification of X-ray detections is a necessary step in extracting astrophysical information from compiled catalogs of astrophysical sources. Classification is useful for the study of individual objects, statistics for population studies, as well as for anomaly detection, i.e., the identification of new unexplored phenomena, including transients and spectrally extreme sources. Despite the importance of this task, classification remains challenging in X-ray astronomy due to the lack of optical counterparts and representative training sets. We develop an alternative methodology that employs an unsupervised machine learning approach to provide probabilistic classes to Chandra Source Catalog sources with a limited number of labeled sources, and without ancillary information from optical and infrared catalogs. We provide a catalog of probabilistic classes for 8,756 sources, comprising a total of 14,507 detections, and demonstrate the success of the method at identifying emission from young stellar objects, as well as distinguishing between small-scale and large-scale compact accretors with a significant level of confidence. We investigate the consistency between the distribution of features among classified objects and well-established astrophysical hypotheses such as the unified AGN model. This provides interpretability to the probabilistic classifier. Code and tables are available publicly through GitHub. We provide a web playground for readers to explore our final classification at https://umlcaxs-playground.streamlit.app.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures. Accepted in MNRA

    The use of neural networks to probe the structure of the nearby universe

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    In the framework of the European VO-Tech project, we are implementing new machine learning methods specifically tailored to match the needs of astronomical data mining. In this paper, we shortly present the methods and discuss an application to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey public data set. In particular, we discuss some preliminary results on the 3-D taxonomy of the nearby (z < 0.5) universe. Using neural networks trained on the available spectroscopic base of knowledge we derived distance estimates for ca. 30 million galaxies distributed over 8,000 sq. deg. We also use unsupervised clustering tools to investigate whether it is possible to characterize in broad morphological bins the nature of each object and produce a reliable list of candidate AGNs and QSOs

    Chandra Early-Type Galaxy Atlas

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    The hot ISM in early type galaxies (ETGs) plays a crucial role in understanding their formation and evolution. The structural features of the hot gas identified by Chandra observations point to key evolutionary mechanisms, (e.g., AGN and stellar feedback, merging history). In our Chandra Galaxy Atlas (CGA) project, taking full advantage of the Chandra capabilities, we systematically analyzed the archival Chandra data of 70 ETGs and produced uniform data products for the hot gas properties. The primary data products are spatially resolved 2D spectral maps of the hot gas from individual galaxies. We emphasize that new features can be identified in the spectral maps which are not readily visible in the surface brightness maps. The high-level images can be viewed at the dedicated CGA website, and the CGA data products can be downloaded to compare with data at other wavelengths and to perform further analyses. Utilizing our data products, we address a few focused science topics.Comment: 52 pages, 9 figures, accepted in ApJ Supp

    Two new catalogs of blazar candidates in the WISE infrared sky

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    We present two catalogs of radio-loud candidate blazars whose WISE mid-infrared colors are selected to be consistent with the colors of confirmed gamma-ray emitting blazars. The first catalog is the improved and expanded release of the WIBRaLS catalog presented by D'Abrusco et al. (2014): it includes sources detected in all four WISE filters, spatially cross-matched with radio source in one of three radio surveys and radio-loud based on their q22 spectral parameter. WIBRaLS2 includes 9541 sources classified as BL Lacs, FSRQs or mixed candidates based on their WISE colors. The second catalog, called KDEBLLACS, based on a new selection technique, contains 5579 candidate BL Lacs extracted from the population of WISE sources detected in the first three WISE passbands ([3.4], [4.6] and [12]) only, whose mid-infrared colors are similar to those of confirmed, gamma-ray BL Lacs. KDBLLACS members area also required to have a radio counterpart and be radio-loud based on the parameter q12, defined similarly to q22 used for the WIBRaLS2. We describe the properties of these catalogs and compare them with the largest samples of confirmed and candidate blazars in the literature. We crossmatch the two new catalogs with the most recent catalogs of gamma-ray sources detected by Fermi LAT instrument. Since spectroscopic observations of candidate blazars from the first WIBRaLS catalog within the uncertainty regions of gamma-ray unassociated sources confirmed that ~90% of these candidates are blazars, we anticipate that these new catalogs will play again an important role in the identification of the gamma-ray sky.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Iris: an Extensible Application for Building and Analyzing Spectral Energy Distributions

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    Iris is an extensible application that provides astronomers with a user-friendly interface capable of ingesting broad-band data from many different sources in order to build, explore, and model spectral energy distributions (SEDs). Iris takes advantage of the standards defined by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance, but hides the technicalities of such standards by implementing different layers of abstraction on top of them. Such intermediate layers provide hooks that users and developers can exploit in order to extend the capabilities provided by Iris. For instance, custom Python models can be combined in arbitrary ways with the Iris built-in models or with other custom functions. As such, Iris offers a platform for the development and integration of SED data, services, and applications, either from the user's system or from the web. In this paper we describe the built-in features provided by Iris for building and analyzing SEDs. We also explore in some detail the Iris framework and software development kit, showing how astronomers and software developers can plug their code into an integrated SED analysis environment.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Computin