20 research outputs found

    Dynamical Gaussian quantum steering in optomechanics

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    Einstein-Podolski-Rosen steering is a form of quantum correlation exhibiting an intrinsic asymmetry between two entangled systems. In this paper, we propose a scheme for examining dynamical Gaussian quantum steering of two mixed mechanical modes. For this, we use two spatially separated optomechanical cavities fed by squeezed light. We work in the resolved sideband regime. Limiting to the adiabatic regime, we show that it is possible to generate dynamical Gaussian steering via a quantum fluctuations transfer from squeezed light to the mechanical modes. By an appropriate choice of the environmental parameters, one-way steering can be observed in different scenarios. Finally, comparing with entanglement - quantified by the Gaussian R\'enyi-2 entropy-, we show that Gaussian steering is strongly sensitive to the thermal effects and always upper bounded by entanglement degree

    Monitored non-adiabatic and coherent-controlled quantum unital Otto heat engines: First four cumulants

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    Recently, measurement-based quantum thermal machines have drawn more attention in the field of quantum thermodynamics. However, the previous results on quantum Otto heat engines were either limited to special unital and non-unital channels in the bath stages, or a specific driving protocol at the work strokes and assuming the cycle being time-reversal symmetric i.e. V†=UV^{\dagger}=U (or V=UV=U). In this paper, we consider a single spin-1/2 quantum Otto heat engine, by first replacing one of the heat baths by an arbitrary unital channel and then we give the exact analytical expression of the characteristic function from which all the cumulants of heat and work emerge. We prove that under the effect of monitoring, ν2>ν1\nu_{2}>\nu_{1} is a necessary condition for positive work, either for a symmetric or asymmetric-driven Otto cycle. Furthermore, going beyond the average we show that the ratio of the fluctuations of work and heat is lower and upper-bounded when the system is working as a heat engine. However, differently from the previous results in the literature, we consider the third and fourth cumulants as well. It is shown that the ratio of the third (fourth) cumulants of work and heat is not upper-bounded by unity nor lower-bounded by the third (fourth) power of the efficiency, as is the case for the ratio of fluctuations. Finally, we consider applying a specific unital map that plays the role of a heat bath in a coherently superposed, manner and we show the role of the initial coherence of the control qubit on efficiency, on the average work and its relative fluctuations

    Bidirectional quantum teleportation of even and odd coherent states through the multipartite Glauber coherent state: Theory and implementation

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    Quantum teleportation has become a fundamental building block of quantum technologies, playing a vital role in the development of quantum communication networks. Here, we present a bidirectional quantum teleportation (BQT) protocol that enables even and odd coherent states to be transmitted and reconstructed over arbitrary distances in two directions. To this end, we employ the multipartite Glauber coherent state, comprising the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger, ground and Werner states, as a quantum resource linking distant partners Alice and Bob. The pairwise entanglement existing in symmetric and antisymmetric multipartite coherent states is explored, and by controlling the overlap and number of probes constructing various types of quantum channels, the teleportation efficiency of teleported states in both directions may be maximized. Besides, Alice's and Bob's trigger phases are estimated to explore their roles in our protocol using two kinds of quantum statistical speed referred to as quantum Fisher information (QFI) and Hilbert-Schmidt speed (HSS). Specifically, we show that the lower bound of the statistical estimation error, quantified by QFI and HSS, corresponds to the highest fidelity from Alice to Bob and conversely from Bob to Alice, and that the choice of the pre-shared quantum channel has a critical role in achieving high BQT efficiency. Finally, we show how to implement the suggested scheme on current experimental tools, where Alice can transfer her even coherent state to Bob, and at the same time, Bob can transfer his odd coherent state to Alice

    Superspin Chains Solutions from 4D Chern-Simons Theory

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    As a generalisation of the correspondence linking 2D integrable systems with 4D Chern-Simons (CS) gauge theory, superspin chains are realized by means of crossing electric and magnetic super line defects in the 4D CS with super gauge symmetry. The oscillator realization of Lax operators solving the RLL relations of integrability is obtained in the gauge theory by extending the notion of Levi decomposition to Lie superalgebras. Based on particular 3-gradings of Lie superalgebras, we obtain graded oscillator Lax matrices for superspin chains with internal symmetries given by A(m−1∣n−1)A(m-1\mid n-1), B(m∣n)B(m\mid n), C(n)C(n) and $D(m\mid n)

    Estimating phase parameters of a three-level system interacting with two classical monochromatic fields in simultaneous and individual metrological strategies

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    Recently, the Hilbert-Schmidt speed, as a special class of quantum statistical speed, has been reported to improve the interferometric phase in single-parameter quantum estimation. Here, we test this concept in the multiparameter scenario where two laser phases are estimated in a theoretical model consisting of a three-level atom interacting with two classical monochromatic fields. When the atom is initially prepared in the lower bare state taking into account the detuning parameters, we extract an exact analytical solution of the atomic density matrix in the case of two-photon resonant transition. Further, we compare the performance of laser phase parameters estimation in individual and simultaneous metrological strategies, and we explore the role of quantum coherence in improving the efficiency of unknown multi-phase shift estimation protocols. The obtained results show that the Hilbert-Schmidt speed detects the lower bound on the statistical estimation error as well as the optimal estimation regions, where its maximal corresponds to the maximal quantum Fisher information, the performance of simultaneous multiparameter estimation with individual estimation inevitably depends on the detuning parameters of the three-level atom, and not only the quantum entanglement, but also the quantum coherence is a crucial resource to improve the accuracy of a metrological protocol

    Quantum teleportation and dynamics of quantum coherence and metrological non-classical correlations for open two-qubit systems: A study of Markovian and non-Markovian regimes

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    We investigate the dynamics of non-classical correlations and quantum coherence in open quantum systems by employing metrics like local quantum Fisher information, local quantum uncertainty, and quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence. Our focus here is on a system of two qubits in two distinct physical situations: the first one when the two qubits are coupled to a single-mode cavity, while the second consists of two qubits immersed in dephasing reservoirs. Our study places significant emphasis on how the evolution of these quantum criterion is influenced by the initial state's purity (whether pure or mixed) and the nature of the environment (whether Markovian or non-Markovian). We observe that a decrease in the initial state's purity corresponds to a reduction in both quantum correlations and quantum coherence, whereas higher purity enhances these quantumness. Furthermore, we establish a quantum teleportation strategy based on the two different physical scenarios. In this approach, the resulting state of the two qubits functions as a quantum channel integrated into a quantum teleportation protocol. We also analyze how the purity of the initial state and the Markovian or non-Markovian regimes impact the quantum teleportation process