29 research outputs found

    Evolution and networks in ancient and widespread symbioses between Mucoromycotina and liverworts

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    Like the majority of land plants, liverworts regularly form intimate symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomeromycotina). Recent phylogenetic and physiological studies report that they also form intimate symbioses with Mucoromycotina fungi and that some of these, like those involving Glomeromycotina, represent nutritional mutualisms. To compare these symbioses, we carried out a global analysis of Mucoromycotina fungi in liverworts and other plants using species delimitation, ancestral reconstruction, and network analyses. We found that Mucoromycotina are more common and diverse symbionts of liverworts than previously thought, globally distributed, ancestral, and often co-occur with Glomeromycotina within plants. However, our results also suggest that the associations formed by Mucoromycotina fungi are fundamentally different because, unlike Glomeromycotina, they may have evolved multiple times and their symbiotic networks are un-nested (i.e., not forming nested subsets of species). We infer that the global Mucoromycotina symbiosis is evolutionarily and ecologically distinctive

    Cochlear aqueduct flow resistance is not constant during evoked inner ear pressure change in the guinea pig

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    Inner ear fluid pressure was measured during 6.25 mHz square wave middle ear pressure manipulation, with a perforated tympanic membrane. After a negative-going middle ear pressure change the calculated flow resistance of the inner ear pressure release routes (mainly the cochlear aqueduct) was approximately constant, with a value of 12 Pa s/nl (averaged over two ears), when values for the inner ear window compliance are taken from the literature. After a positive-going middle ear pressure change the calculated flow resistance changed with round window position and with the pressure difference across the cochlear aqueduct. It reached an average maximum value of 114 Pa s/nl. The change of flow resistance during inner ear pressure variation can be explained by a permeability change of the cochlear aqueduct, caused by a change of structures filling the aqueduct and its entrance in scala tympani. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Monitoring inner ear pressure changes in normal guinea pigs induced by the Meniett (R) 20

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    The inner ear fluid pressure of guinea pigs was measured during a series of complex escalating middle ear pressure changes induced by the Meniett(R)20 (Pascal Medical, Sweden), a possible therapeutic pressure generator to be used by patients with Meniere's disease. Middle ear pressure changes were transferred instantly to the inner ear, although inner ear pressure declined while middle ear pressure stayed relatively stable. An average undershoot of - 1.0 cm H2O with respect to the steady-state pressure was seen after application of a pressure pulse, which was released in a few seconds. The results did not fully comply with a simple linear model in which a constant flow resistance between the inner ear and cerebrospinal space was assumed

    Cochlear aqueduct flow resistance depends on round window membrane position in guinea pigs

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    The resistance for fluid flow of the cochlear aqueduct was measured in guinea pigs for different positions of the round window membrane. These different positions were obtained by applying different constant pressures to the middle car cavity. Fluid flow through the aqueduct was induced by small pressure steps superimposed on these constant pressures. It was found that the resistance for fluid flow through the aqueduct depended on the round window position but not on flow direction. The results can be explained by special fibrous structures that connect the round window with the entrance of the aqueduct. It was also found that the equilibrium inner ear pressure depends on middle ear pressure, indicating that the aqueduct does not connect the inner ear with a cavity with constant pressure

    Change of guinea pig inner ear pressure by square wave middle ear cavity pressure variation

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    The inner ear fluid pressure of guinea pigs was measured during square wave middle ear cavity pressure variation. Time constants were derived for the slopes of the inner ear pressure recovery curves after middle ear pressure change. A "single exponential" function did not fit well and therefore more complicated functions were used for this purpose. For middle ear pressure increasing from zero to a few centimetres of water, returning to zero again, decreasing from zero to minus a few centimetres of water and then returning to zero again, time constants for the inner car pressure recovery curves were on average 15.0, 8.6, 2.5 and 2.5 s, respectively. The results could not be described using a linear model with constant window membrane compliance and cochlear aqueduct flow resistance. A possible explanation for the large difference in time constants for positive or negative middle ear pressure changes is a dependence on aqueduct flow resistance or round window membrane position