221 research outputs found

    Expression and Functional Studies of Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydrolase L1 Regulated Genes

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    Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) have been increasingly implicated in regulation of cellular processes, but a functional role for Ubiquitin C-terminal Hydrolases (UCHs), which has been largely relegated to processing of small ubiquitinated peptides, remains unexplored. One member of the UCH family, UCH L1, is expressed in a number of malignancies suggesting that this DUB might be involved in oncogenic processes, and increased expression and activity of UCH L1 have been detected in EBV-immortalized cell lines. Here we present an analysis of genes regulated by UCH L1 shown by microarray profiles obtained from cells in which expression of the gene was inhibited by RNAi. Microarray data were verified with subsequent real-time PCR analysis. We found that inhibition of UCH L1 activates genes that control apoptosis, cell cycle arrest and at the same time suppresses expression of genes involved in proliferation and migration pathways. These findings are complemented by biological assays for apoptosis, cell cycle progression and migration that support the data obtained from microarray analysis, and suggest that the multi-functional molecule UCH L1 plays a role in regulating principal pathways involved in oncogenesis

    Radiating on Oceanic Islands: Patterns and Processes of Speciation in the Land Snail Genus Theba (Risso 1826)

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    Island radiations have played a major role in shaping our current understanding of allopatric, sympatric and parapatric speciation. However, the fact that species divergence correlates with island size emphasizes the importance of geographic isolation (allopatry) in speciation. Based on molecular and morphological data, we investigated the diversification of the land snail genus Theba on the two Canary Islands of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. Due to the geological history of both islands, this study system provides ideal conditions to investigate the interplay of biogeography, dispersal ability and differentiation in generating species diversity. Our analyses demonstrated extensive cryptic diversification of Theba on these islands, probably driven mainly by non-adaptive allopatric differentiation and secondary gene flow. In a few cases, we observed a complete absence of gene flow among sympatrically distributed forms suggesting an advanced stage of speciation. On the Jandía peninsula genome scans suggested genotype-environment associations and potentially adaptive diversification of two closely related Theba species to different ecological environments. We found support for the idea that genetic differentiation was enhanced by divergent selection in different environments. The diversification of Theba on both islands is therefore best explained by a mixture of non-adaptive and adaptive speciation, promoted by ecological and geomorphological factors

    Functional interplay between p63 and p53 controls RUNX1 function in the transition from proliferation to differentiation in human keratinocytes

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    The interfollicular epidermis is continuously renewed, thanks to a regulated balance between proliferation and differentiation. The ΔNp63 transcription factor has a key role in the control of this process. It has been shown that ΔNp63 directly regulates Runt-related transcription factor 1 (RUNX1) transcription factor expression in mouse keratinocytes. The present study showed for the first time that RUNX1 is expressed in normal human interfollicular epidermis and that its expression is tightly regulated during the transition from proliferation to differentiation. It demonstrated that ΔNp63 directly binds two different RUNX1 regulatory DNA sequences and modulates RUNX1 expression differentially in proliferative or differentiated human keratinocytes. It also showed that the regulation of RUNX1 expression by ΔNp63 is dependent on p53 and that this coregulation relies on differential binding and activation of RUNX1 regulatory sequences by ΔNp63 and p53. We also found that RUNX1 inhibits keratinocyte proliferation and activates directly the expression of KRT1, a critical actor in early keratinocyte differentiation. Finally, we described that RUNX1 expression, similar to ΔNp63 and p53, was strongly expressed and downregulated in basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas respectively. Taken together, these data shed light on the importance of tight control of the functional interplay between ΔNp63 and p53 in regulating RUNX1 transcription factor expression for proper regulation of interfollicular epidermal homeostasis

    AXY3 encodes a α-xylosidase that impacts the structure and accessibility of the hemicellulose xyloglucan in Arabidopsis plant cell walls

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    Xyloglucan is the most abundant hemicellulose in the walls of dicots such as Arabidopsis. It is part of the load-bearing structure of a plant cell and its metabolism is thought to play a major role in cell elongation. However, the molecular mechanism by which xyloglucan carries out this and other functions in planta is not well understood. We performed a forward genetic screen utilizing xyloglucan oligosaccharide mass profiling on chemically mutagenized Arabidopsis seedlings to identify mutants with altered xyloglucan structures termed axy-mutants. One of the identified mutants, axy3.1, contains xyloglucan with a higher proportion of non-fucosylated xyloglucan subunits. Mapping revealed that axy3.1 contains a point mutation in XYLOSIDASE1 (XYL1) known to encode for an apoplastic glycoside hydrolase releasing xylosyl residues from xyloglucan oligosaccharides at the non-reducing end. The data support the hypothesis that AXY3/XYL1 is an essential component of the apoplastic xyloglucan degradation machinery and as a result of the lack of function in the various axy3-alleles leads not only to an altered xyloglucan structure but also a xyloglucan that is less tightly associated with other wall components. However, the plant can cope with the excess xyloglucan relatively well as the mutant does not display any visible growth or morphological phenotypes with the notable exception of shorter siliques and reduced fitness. Taken together, these results demonstrate that plant apoplastic hydrolases have a larger impact on wall polymer structure and function than previously thought

    Multi-Trait and Multi-Environment QTL Analyses for Resistance to Wheat Diseases

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    BACKGROUND: Stripe rust, leaf rust, tan spot, and Karnal bunt are economically significant diseases impacting wheat production. The objectives of this study were to identify quantitative trait loci for resistance to these diseases in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) from a cross HD29/WH542, and to evaluate the evidence for the presence loci on chromosome region conferring multiple disease resistance. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The RIL population was evaluated for four diseases and genotyped with DNA markers. Multi-trait (MT) analysis revealed thirteen QTLs on nine chromosomes, significantly associated with resistance. Phenotypic variation explained by all significant QTLs for KB, TS, Yr, Lr diseases were 57%, 55%, 38% and 22%, respectively. Marginal trait analysis identified the most significant QTLs for resistance to KB on chromosomes 1BS, 2DS, 3BS, 4BL, 5BL, and 5DL. Chromosomes 3AS and 4BL showed significant association with TS resistance. Significant QTLs for Yr resistance were identified on chromosomes 2AS, 4BL and 5BL, while Lr was significant on 6DS. MT analysis revealed that all the QTLs except 3BL significantly reduce KB and was contributed from parent HD29 while all resistant QTLs for TS except on chromosomes 2DS.1, 2DS.2 and 3BL came from WH542. Five resistant QTLs for Yr and six for Lr were contributed from parents WH542 and HD29 respectively. Chromosome region on 4BL showed significant association to KB, TS, and Yr in the population. The multi environment analysis for KB identified three putative QTLs of which two new QTLs, mapped on chromosomes 3BS and 5DL explained 10 and 20% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study revealed that MT analysis is an effective tool for detection of multi-trait QTLs for disease resistance. This approach is a more effective and practical than individual QTL mapping analyses. MT analysis identified RILs that combine resistance to multiple diseases from parents WH542 and/or HD29

    Structure-based functional inference of hypothetical proteins from Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae

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    Enzootic pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is a major constraint to efficient pork production throughout the world. This pathogen has a small genome with 716 coding sequences, of which 418 are homologous to proteins with known functions. However, almost 42% of the 716 coding sequences are annotated as hypothetical proteins. Alternative methodologies such as threading and comparative modeling can be used to predict structures and functions of such hypothetical proteins. Often, these alternative methods can answer questions about the properties of a model system faster than experiments. In this study, we predicted the structures of seven proteins annotated as hypothetical in M. hyopneumoniae, using the structure-based approaches mentioned above. Three proteins were predicted to be involved in metabolic processes, two proteins in transcription and two proteins where no function could be assigned. However, the modeled structures of the last two proteins suggested experimental designs to identify their functions. Our findings are important in diminishing the gap between the lack of annotation of important metabolic pathways and the great number of hypothetical proteins in the M. hyopneumoniae genome

    Comprehensive in vivo Mapping of the Human Basal Ganglia and Thalamic Connectome in Individuals Using 7T MRI

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    Basal ganglia circuits are affected in neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease (PD), essential tremor, dystonia and Tourette syndrome. Understanding the structural and functional connectivity of these circuits is critical for elucidating the mechanisms of the movement and neuropsychiatric disorders, and is vital for developing new therapeutic strategies such as deep brain stimulation (DBS). Knowledge about the connectivity of the human basal ganglia and thalamus has rapidly evolved over recent years through non-invasive imaging techniques, but has remained incomplete because of insufficient resolution and sensitivity of these techniques. Here, we present an imaging and computational protocol designed to generate a comprehensive in vivo and subject-specific, three-dimensional model of the structure and connections of the human basal ganglia. High-resolution structural and functional magnetic resonance images were acquired with a 7-Tesla magnet. Capitalizing on the enhanced signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and enriched contrast obtained at high-field MRI, detailed structural and connectivity representations of the human basal ganglia and thalamus were achieved. This unique combination of multiple imaging modalities enabled the in-vivo visualization of the individual human basal ganglia and thalamic nuclei, the reconstruction of seven white-matter pathways and their connectivity probability that, to date, have only been reported in animal studies, histologically, or group-averaged MRI population studies. Also described are subject-specific parcellations of the basal ganglia and thalamus into sub-territories based on their distinct connectivity patterns. These anatomical connectivity findings are supported by functional connectivity data derived from resting-state functional MRI (R-fMRI). This work demonstrates new capabilities for studying basal ganglia circuitry, and opens new avenues of investigation into the movement and neuropsychiatric disorders, in individual human subjects