742 research outputs found

    Trade-offs, condition dependence and stopover site selection by migrating sandpipers

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    Western sandpipers Calidris mauri on southward migration fly over the Gulf of Alaska to the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, where they stop for a few days to replenish reserves before continuing. In the Strait, individuals captured on the extensive tidal mudflats of the Fraser estuary (∌25000 ha) are significantly heavier (2.71 g, or >10% of lean body mass) than those captured on the small (<100 ha) mudflat of nearby Sidney Island. Previous work has shown that the difference cannot be attributed to seasonal timing, size, age or gender effects, and here we compare predictions made by six hypotheses about a diverse set of data to explain why, partway through a migratory journey of ∌10000 km, birds have such different body masses at two stopover sites within 40 km of each other. The ‘trade-off’ hypothesis – that the large Fraser estuary offers safety from predators, but a lower fattening rate, while the small Sidney Island site is more dangerous, but offers a higher fattening rate – made six successful predictions, all of which were upheld by the data. All other hypotheses failed at least one prediction. We infer that calidrid sandpipers arriving in the Strait of Georgia with little fat remaining (and therefore low body mass) choose to take advantage of the high feeding rate at small sites like Sidney Island because they are less vulnerable to avian predators than are individuals with higher fat reserves, who instead elect to feed at large open sites like the Fraser estuary mudflats

    The need for a supply of high quality organic vegetable seeds

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    Production of high quality organic vegetable seeds encounters several challenges. Research is performed to support seed companies in producing vigorous and healthy organic vegetable seeds. Examples are provided with respect to research on seed vigour, determining critical control points to avoid disease transmission to the seeds, seed treatments with natu-ral compounds, new seed sorting techniques and enhancement of the natural plant defence. It is noticed that the restrictions in EU regulation 2092/91 on organic production are at present blocking the use of promising natural and sustainable components for seed treatments

    Improvement of the quality of propagation material for organic farming system

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    The use of organic propagation material is obligatory according to the current EU regulations for organic production. However, frequently difficulties are en-countered regarding the availability, the costs or the quality. In the Netherlands a national research program aims at developing solutions, needed for improving the production of high quality organic propagation material. The main emphasis in the pro-gram is on the model crops cabbage, onion, wheat and potato. Individual projects within the program include epidemiological studies of seed borne dis-eases to develop disease prevention strategies, meth-ods to improve resistance of seeds and seedlings towards pathogens and methods to control silver scurf in seed potatoes, development of multi-spectral analysis and sorting techniques and methods for analysis and improvement of seed vigour. Active involvement of producers and users of the seeds or seed potatoes ensures that the results will be imple-mented in practice. The program also aims at strengthening the international collaboration, amongst others through involvement in international research projects

    Molecular dynamics study of melting of a bcc metal-vanadium II : thermodynamic melting

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    We present molecular dynamics simulations of the thermodynamic melting transition of a bcc metal, vanadium using the Finnis-Sinclair potential. We studied the structural, transport and energetic properties of slabs made of 27 atomic layers with a free surface. We investigated premelting phenomena at the low-index surfaces of vanadium; V(111), V(001), and V(011), finding that as the temperature increases, the V(111) surface disorders first, then the V(100) surface, while the V(110) surface remains stable up to the melting temperature. Also, as the temperature increases, the disorder spreads from the surface layer into the bulk, establishing a thin quasiliquid film in the surface region. We conclude that the hierarchy of premelting phenomena is inversely proportional to the surface atomic density, being most pronounced for the V(111) surface which has the lowest surface density

    Biharmonic pattern selection

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    A new model to describe fractal growth is discussed which includes effects due to long-range coupling between displacements uu. The model is based on the biharmonic equation ∇4u=0\nabla^{4}u =0 in two-dimensional isotropic defect-free media as follows from the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation for pattern formation -or, alternatively, from the theory of elasticity. As a difference with Laplacian and Poisson growth models, in the new model the Laplacian of uu is neither zero nor proportional to uu. Its discretization allows to reproduce a transition from dense to multibranched growth at a point in which the growth velocity exhibits a minimum similarly to what occurs within Poisson growth in planar geometry. Furthermore, in circular geometry the transition point is estimated for the simplest case from the relation rℓ≈L/e1/2r_{\ell}\approx L/e^{1/2} such that the trajectories become stable at the growing surfaces in a continuous limit. Hence, within the biharmonic growth model, this transition depends only on the system size LL and occurs approximately at a distance 60%60 \% far from a central seed particle. The influence of biharmonic patterns on the growth probability for each lattice site is also analysed.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. E. Copies upon request to [email protected]

    Bilingualism alters children’s frontal lobe functioning for attentional control

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    Bilingualism is a typical linguistic experience, yet relatively little is known about its impact on children’s cognitive and brain development. Theories of bilingualism suggest that early dualñ language acquisition can improve children’s cognitive abilities, specifically those relying on frontal lobe functioning. While behavioral findings present much conflicting evidence, little is known about its effects on children’s frontal lobe development. Using functional nearñ infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), the findings suggest that Spanishñ English bilingual children (n = 13, ages 7ñ 13) had greater activation in left prefrontal cortex during a nonñ verbal attentional control task relative to ageñ matched English monolinguals. In contrast, monolinguals (n = 14) showed greater right prefrontal activation than bilinguals. The present findings suggest that early bilingualism yields significant changes to the functional organization of children’s prefrontal cortex for attentional control and carry implications for understanding how early life experiences impact cognition and brain development.This fNIRS study investigated the impact of bilingual exposure on children’s brain organization for attentional control (N = 27, ages 7ñ 13). During a nonñ verbal attention task, bilinguals showed greater left frontal lobe activation than monolinguals. Monolinguals showed greater right frontal lobe activation than bilinguals. The findings suggest that bilingualism affects the functionality of children’s left prefrontal cortex for attentional control.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136694/1/desc12377-sup-0001-FigS1.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136694/2/desc12377.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136694/3/desc12377_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136694/4/desc12377-sup-0003-SupInfo.pd

    Bekalking en toevoegen van nutriënten; evaluatie van de effecten op het bosecosysteem; een veldonderzoek naar vegetatie, humus en bodemfauna

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    Dit rapport doet verslag van een deelonderzoek uit de Evaluatie van effectgerichte maatregelen in multifunctionele bossen 2004-2005 en is gericht op de effecten van de maatregelen bemesting en bekalking in bossen als overbruggingsmaatregel in het ka-der van het Overlevingsplan Bos en Natuur (OBN). In dit rapport worden de effecten besproken van de uitgevoerde maatregelen bekalking en mineralengiften (`bemestingÂż) op de vegetatie, het humusprofiel en de bodemfauna in een veldonderzoek. Bemesting en bekalking leiden beide tot een significante (sterke) toename van het aantal planten-soorten en tot hogere indicatiewaarden voor vocht, zuur en stikstof. Ook is een duide-lijk toename zichtbaar van de verjonging van struiken en Âż alleen bij bemesting - ook van loofbomen. Bekalking en bemesting hebben beide effect op de dikte van de ver-schillende humuslagen. Beide maatregelen leiden dus tot een snellere omzetting van strooisel en tot accumulatie van humus bovenin de Hr-laag. De aard van de humusla-gen is niet veranderd. De maatregelen bemesting en bekalking verschillen sterk van elkaar in het effect dat ze hebben op de bodemfauna. Bemesting laat enkele jaren na uitvoering geen aantoonbare veranderingen zien ten opzichte van de onbemeste situa-tie. Bekalking heeft enkele jaren na uitvoering van de maatregel wĂšl geleid tot aan-toonbare veranderingen in de bodemfauna. Het is mogelijk dat de veranderingen in de bodemfauna die na bekalking zijn opgetreden slechts tijdelijk zijn

    Tunneling spectra of submicron Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+ÎŽ_{8+\delta} intrinsic Josephson junctions: evolution from superconducting gap to pseudogap

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    Tunneling spectra of near optimally doped, submicron Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+ή_{8+\delta} intrinsic Josephson junctions are presented, and examined in the region where the superconducting gap evolves into pseudogap. The spectra are analyzed using a self-energy model, proposed by Norman {\it et al.}, in which both quasiparticle scattering rate Γ\Gamma and pair decay rate ΓΔ\Gamma_{\Delta} are considered. The density of states derived from the model has the familiar Dynes' form with a simple replacement of Γ\Gamma by γ+\gamma_+ = (Γ\Gamma + ΓΔ\Gamma_{\Delta})/2. The γ+\gamma_+ parameter obtained from fitting the experimental spectra shows a roughly linear temperature dependence, which puts a strong constraint on the relation between Γ\Gamma and ΓΔ\Gamma_{\Delta}. We discuss and compare the Fermi arc behavior in the pseudogap phase from the tunneling and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments. Our results indicate an excellent agreement between the two experiments, which is in favor of the precursor pairing view of the pseudogap.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Non-western contexts: the invisible half

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    Like many other disciplines within the broad area of social sciences (e.g., anthropology, gender studies, psychology, sociology, etc.), consumer research is also highly navigated by scholars from Western countries. This, however, does not mean, by any means, that consumer research is devoted to studying Western contexts only. As evident from the ever-increasing number of regional conferences (e.g., Asia-Pacific and Latin American conferences of the Association for Consumer Research) and non-Western students' enrolment in doctoral programs at Western universities, there are many more researchers (from non-Western countries) who are entering the field and enriching it by their colourful contributions. Yet, given the low number of publications on consumer research in non-Western contexts, it seems that our current knowledge in these societies has a long way to go to flourish. More specifically, and in the domain of consumption culture research, this gap is even further widened by the fact that the culture of consumption in such contexts is largely interpreted with reference to the 'grand narratives' of Western scholars (e.g., Foucault, Mafessoli, Bourdieu, Deleuze, Baudrillard, Nietzsche, Durkheim, Derrida, etc.). Therefore, from an ontological perspective, it seems that our existing knowledge about non-Western societies lies heavily on the 'theoretical structures' that are 'constructed' by Western philosophy as a set of ideas, beliefs, and practices (Said, 1978). As Belk (1995) reminds us, consumption culture always existed in all human societies. What makes contemporary societies different from that of our predecessors' is not the fact that consumption culture did not exist in those societies, but that consumption culture has become a prevailing feature in modern society (Slater, 1997; Lury, 1996; Fırat and Venkatesh, 1995; McCracken, 1988). Therefore, the nature and dynamics of consumption culture in each society should be studied not only against the sociocultural, historical, and economic background of a given context (Western or non-Western) but also with reference to the philosophical and epistemological viewpoints that analyse and interpret cultural practices of that society from within that culture. Addressing such issues, this paper discusses some of the key reasons for lack of theory development in the field from non-western contexts. The paper invites scholars in non-Western contexts to introduce the less articulated, and sometime hidden, body of knowledge from their own contexts into the field of marketing in general and consumer research in particular
