192 research outputs found

    Microscopic Theory of Damon-Eshbach Modes in Ferromagnetic Films

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    The surface spin wave branches in ferromagnetic films are studied using a microscopic theory which considers both magnetic dipole-dipole and Heisenberg exchange interactions. The dipole terms are expressed in a Hamiltonian formalism, and the dipole sums are calculated in a rapidly convergent form. The Damon-Eshbach surface modes are analyzed for different directions of the spin-wave propagation and also for different ratios of the strength of the dipole interactions relative to the exchange interactions. Numerical results are presented using parameters for Fe and GdCl3_3.Comment: 9 pages including figures, Revtex, to appear in the proceedings of the ICM 200

    Timing of insemination and fertility in dairy and beef cattle receiving timed artificial insemination using sex-sorted sperm

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    AbstractThe objective was to evaluate the effects of timing of insemination and type of semen in cattle subjected to timed artificial insemination (TAI). In Experiment 1, 420 cyclic Jersey heifers were bred at either 54 or 60 h after P4-device removal, using either sex-sorted (2.1 × 106 sperm/straw) or non-sorted sperm (20 × 106 sperm/straw) from three sires (2 × 2 factorial design). There was an interaction (P = 0.06) between time of AI and type of semen on pregnancy per AI (P/AI, at 30 to 42 d after TAI); it was greater when sex-sorted sperm (P < 0.01) was used at 60 h (31.4%; 32/102) than at 54 h (16.2%; 17/105). In contrast, altering the timing of AI did not affect conception results with non-sorted sperm (54 h = 50.5%; 51/101 versus 60 h = 51.8%; 58/112; P = 0.95). There was an effect of sire (P < 0.01) on P/AI, but no interaction between sire and time of AI (P = 0.88). In Experiment 2, 389 suckled Bos indicus beef cows were enrolled in the same treatment groups used in Experiment 1. Sex-sorted sperm resulted in lower P/AI (41.8%; 82/196; P = 0.05) than non-sorted sperm (51.8%; 100/193). In addition, there was a tendency for greater P/AI (P = 0.11) when TAI was performed 60 h (50.8%; 99/195) versus 54 h (42.8%; 83/194) after removing the progestin implant. In Experiment 3, 339 suckled B. indicus cows were randomly assigned to receive TAI with sex-sorted sperm at 36, 48, or 60 h after P4 device removal. Ultrasonographic examinations were performed twice daily in all cows to confirm ovulation. On average, ovulation occured 71.8 ± 7.8 h after P4 removal, and greater P/AI was achieved when insemination was performed closer to ovulation. The P/AI was greatest (37.9%) for TAI performed between 0 and 12 h before ovulation, whereas P/AI was significantly less for TAI performed between 12.1 and 24 h (19.4%) or >24 h (5.8%) before ovulation. In conclusion, sex-sorted sperm resulted in a lesser P/AI than non-sorted sperm following TAI. However, improvements in P/AI with delayed time of AI were possible (Experiments 1 and 3), and seemed achievable when breeding at 60 h following progestin implant removal, compared to the standard 54 h normally used in TAI protocols

    Qualidade fisiológica e comportamento de sementes de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) no armazenamento e no campo

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    Soybean, seeds (Glucine max (L.) Merrill) of IAC-Foscarin 31'(Group Vl)and ' IAC-8' (Group VIII) were harvested we ekly in field plots planted in 1981, 1982 and 1983; after harvests, seeds were stored under normal environment conditions, dry chamber (35% RH) and cold chamber (10°C + 80% RH) during six months at the Seed Laboratory of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de Sio Paulo,Brasil. The behavior of seeds during storage was evaluated bimonthly by germination, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and seedling emergence tests; plant performance was studied in field experiments planted in 1982, 1983 and 1984. Results showed that all laboratory tests were related to field emergence, but electrical conductivity was found to be the most efficient test to characterize physiological quality and field emergence potential. Seeds of'IAC -8' showed better quality than 'IAC-Foscarin 31', but this fact was related to environmental conditions during maturation and harvest time. Storability was determined by environmental relative humidity and initial quality of seeds.A presente pesquisa, conduzida entre 1931 e 1935, no Departamento de Agricultura e Horticultura da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"/ USP, constou de colheita, em diferentes épocas, de campos de sementes dos cultivares IAC-Foscarin 31 (precoce) e IAC-8 (semi-tardio). Os materiais coletados foram, em seguida, armazenados em câmara seca, câmara fria e ambiente normal; periodicamente , com intervalos bimestrais, conduziram-se testes de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, condutividade elétrica e emergência das plântulas, além de ensaios de campo instalados em época normal de semeadura para a cultura da soja. Observou-se que os testes realizados em laboratorio, com destaque para o de condutividade elétrica, mostraram-se eficientes para diferenciar níveis de qualidade fisiológica e estimar o potencial de emergencia das plântulas; sementes do cultivar precoce apresentaram qualidade fisiológica inferior às do semi-tardio, fato atribuido às condições climáticas adversas predominantes durante o final do ciclo das plantas. A umidade relativa do ambiente e a qualidade fisiológica inicial constituiram-se em fatores preponderantes no potencial de conservação das sementes

    Gravitational field around a time-like current-carrying screwed cosmic string in scalar-tensor theories

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    In this paper we obtain the space-time generated by a time-like current-carrying superconducting screwed cosmic string(TCSCS). This gravitational field is obtained in a modified scalar-tensor theory in the sense that torsion is taken into account. We show that this solution is comptible with a torsion field generated by the scalar field ϕ\phi . The analysis of gravitational effects of a TCSCS shows up that the torsion effects that appear in the physical frame of Jordan-Fierz can be described in a geometric form given by contorsion term plus a symmetric part which contains the scalar gradient. As an important application of this solution, we consider the linear perturbation method developed by Zel'dovich, investigate the accretion of cold dark matter due to the formation of wakes when a TCSCS moves with speed vv and discuss the role played by torsion. Our results are compared with those obtained for cosmic strings in the framework of scalar-tensor theories without taking torsion into account.Comment: 21 pages, no figures, Revised Version, presented at the "XXIV- Encontro Nacional de Fisica de Particulas e Campos ", Caxambu, MG, Brazil, to appear in Phys. Rev.