23 research outputs found

    Fusing face and body display for Bi-modal emotion recognition: Single frame analysis and multi-frame post integration

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    This paper presents an approach to automatic visual emotion recognition from two modalities: expressive face and body gesture. Pace and body movements are captured simultaneously using two separate cameras. For each face and body image sequence single "expressive" frames are selected manually for analysis and recognition of emotions. Firstly, individual classifiers are trained from individual modalities for mono-modal emotion recognition. Secondly, we fuse facial expression and affective body gesture information at the feature and at the decision-level. In the experiments performed, the emotion classification using the two modalities achieved a better recognition accuracy outperforming the classification using the individual facial modality. We further extend the affect analysis into a whole image sequence by a multi-frame post integration approach over the single frame recognition results. In our experiments, the post integration based on the fusion of face and body has shown to be more accurate than the post integration based on the facial modality only. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

    Nowe spojrzenie na związek między chorobami układu sercowo-naczyniowego a depresją

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    Wstęp: Mimo że związek między depresją a chorobami układu sercowo-naczyniowego jest dobrze udokumentowany, mechanizmy leżące u podłoża tej zależności nie są dokładnie poznane. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono 3 prawdopodobne modele, które mogą odpowiadaæ za współwystępowanie depresji i chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Metody: W pierwszym modelu depresja stanowi czynnik ryzyka dla rozwoju chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego, zaś w drugim choroby te są rozpatrywane jako czynnik ryzyka depresji. Trzeci model zakłada istnienie wspólnego szlaku, poprzez który działania wywierane na organizm przez przewlekły stres objawiaja się depresją i chorobami układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Wnioski: Jeśli proponowany przez autorów model okaże się prawdziwy, wczesne działania prewencyjne, podjęte jeszcze przed wystąpieniem jawnych objawów klinicznych depresji i/lub chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego, mogą opóźnić wystąpienie tych poważnych schorzeń lub zapobiec mu

    Perception of Emotions from Static Postures

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    Virtually Cloning Real Human with Motion Style

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    Abstract. Our goal is to capture style from real human motion so it can be rendered with a virtual agent that represents this human user. We used expressivity parameters to describe motion style. As a first contribution, we propose an approach to estimate a subset of expressivity parameters defined in the literature (namely spatial extent and temporal extent) from captured motion trajectories. Second, we capture the expressivity of real users and then output it to the Greta engine that animates a virtual agent representing the user. We experimentally demonstrate that expressivity can be another clue for identifiable virtual clones of real humans

    Aggregating expert judgement

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    In a paper written some 25 years ago, I distinguished three contexts in which one might wish to combine expert judgements of uncertainty: the expert problem, the group decision problem and the textbook problem. Over the intervening years much has been written on the first two, which have the focus of a single decision context, but little on the third, though the closely related field of meta-analysis has developed considerably. With many developments in internet technology, particularly in relation to interactivity and communication, the textbook problem is gaining in importance since data and expert judgements can be made available over the web to be used by many different individuals to shape their own beliefs in many different contexts. Moreover, applications such as web-based decision support, e-participation and e-democracy are making algorithmic ‘solutions’ to the group decision problem attractive, despite many results showing we know that such solutions are, at best, rare and, at worst, illusory. In this paper I survey developments since my earlier paper and note some unresolved issues. Then I turn to how expert judgement might be used within web-based group decision support, as well as in e-participation and e-democracy contexts. The latter points to a growing importance of the textbook problem and suggests that Cooke’s principles for scientific reporting of expert judgement studies may need enhancing for such studies to be used by a wider audience

    Multimodal Analysis of Expressive Gesture in Music Performance

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    This chapter focuses on systems and interfaces for multimodal analysis of expressive gesture as a key element of music performance. Research on expressive gesture became particularly relevant in recent years. Psychological studies have been a fundamental source for automatic analysis of expressive gesture since their contribution in identifying the most significant features to be analysed. A further relevant source has been research in the humanistic tradition, in particular choreography. As a major example, in his Theory of Effort, choreographer Rudolf Laban describes the most significant qualities of movement. Starting from these sources, several models, systems, and techniques for analysis of expressive gesture were developed. This chapter will present an overview of methods for the analysis, modelling, and understanding of expressive gesture in musical performance. Techniques will be introduced starting from the research developed along years at the Casa Paganini \u2013 InfoMus Research Centre: from early experiments of human-robot interaction in the context of music performance up to recent set-ups of innovative interfaces and systems for active experience of sound and music content. The chapter ends with an overview of possible future research challenges

    Voice and speech characteristics and vocal hygiene in novice and professional voice broadcast journalists

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    Knowledge of differences in voice and speech characteristics between novice and professional broadcasters is essential for effective education of broadcast journalism students. Because newsreaders rely on optimal voice production, information pertaining to vocal hygiene is also important. The first aim of this study was to compare the voice and speech characteristics of professional newsreaders, student newsreaders and control participants. The second aim was to compare the awareness and use of vocal hygiene across these groups. Professional radio newsreaders, broadcast journalism students and two matched control groups were included in the study. Each participant recorded a news bulletin and completed a questionnaire on vocal hygiene. Data analysis of the recording included objective analysis and perceptual ratings by a panel of three judges. Significant student-professional differences were found. Compared to both the students and the control groups, the professional newsreaders had greater variation in speaking fundamental frequency, a faster rate of speech, fewer pronunciation errors and higher perceptual ratings on vocal quality, emphasis, continuity, phrasing and style of newsreading. Female professional newsreaders had a higher speaking fundamental frequency than both their control participants and the student newsreaders. Comparison of vocal hygiene awareness revealed few significant differences between any of the groups