17 research outputs found
Unusual asthma syndromes and their management
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Pulsed discharge emission detector — Application to analytical spectroscopy of permanent gases
- Author
- A.J. McCormack
- A.V. Phelps
- B.A. Tomkins
- B.D. Quimby
- B.D. Quimby
- C. J. Meyer
- C. Mouren
- C.A. Bache
- C.B. Collins
- C.H. Hartman
- C.S. Cerbus
- D.J. David
- D.S. Ballantine
- G.E. Veatch
- G.W. Rice
- H. Fay
- H. Haraguchi
- I.T. Urasa
- J.B. Austin
- J.C. Sternberg
- M.A. Biondi
- M.A. Biondi
- M.A. Eckhoff
- M.M. Abdillahi
- P. Emmett
- R.J. Skelton Jr.
- R.J. Skelton Jr.
- R.J. Skelton Jr.
- R.S. Braman
- R.S. Braman
- R.S. Juvet
- S. D. Stearns
- S. V. Vasnin
- S.A. Estes
- W. E. Wentworth
- W.E. Wentworth
- W.E. Wentworth
- W.E. Wentworth
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Measurement of atmospheric aerosols and photochemical products at a rural site in SW Ontario
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Arsenic distribution and neurochemical effects in peroral sodium arsenite exposure of rats
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Vertical lidar sounding of atomic mercury and nitric oxide in a major Chinese city
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Correntes teóricas da ciência da informação
- Author
- BRAMAN Sandra
- CAPURRO Rafael
- CAPURRO Rafael
- Carlos Alberto Ávila Araújo
- REES Alan
- RIVIÈRE Georges
- SHERA Jesse
- SOREN Brier
- WERSIG Gernot
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Organometallic Compounds
- Author
- A. Bettencourt De
- A. Jeruelev
- A. Kenis
- A. Penncicchioni
- A.A. El-Awady
- A.G. Howard
- A.M. Bond
- A.M. Kiemeneij
- A.O. Valkirs
- A.O. Valkirs
- A.W. Andrer
- B.H. Olsen
- C. Huey
- C. Patterson
- C.A. Dooley
- C.J. Cappon
- C.R. Hammerschmidt
- D. Dolphin
- D.C. McAvoy
- D.G. Langley
- D.L. Johnson
- D.T. Burns
- Department of the Environment and National Water Council (UK)
- E. Pocurull
- E. Shin
- E.A. Jenne
- E.A. Woolson
- E.G. Jong De
- F. Frimmel
- F.D. Pierce
- F.E. Brinckman
- F.E. Brinckmann
- G. Compeau
- G. Cumont
- G. Lundgren
- G. Schulze
- G. Westhoo
- G. Westhoo
- G.E. Millward
- G.L. Mills
- H. Agemian
- H. Tao
- H. Waggon
- H.A. Meinema
- H.A. Sloot Van der
- H.E. Guard
- I. Ferrer
- I.M. Davis
- J. Blum
- J. Carron
- J. Ealy
- J. Persson
- J. Vercauteren
- J. Yamamoto
- J.A. Jackson
- J.D. Nelson
- J.D. Smith
- J.E. Longbottom
- J.F. Uthe
- J.M. Wood
- J.R. Encinar
- J.S. Edmonds
- K. Duhamel
- K. Furakawa
- K. Furakawa
- K. Furakawa
- K. May
- K.I. Mahan
- K.R. Olson
- L. Bertilsson
- L. Ebdon
- L. Sipos
- L.S. Seidel
- M. Filipelli
- M. Ochsenkuhn-Petropolu
- M. Schintu
- M. Stoeppler
- M. Yamada
- M. Yamada
- M. Yamada
- M. Yamamoto
- M.A. Klisenko
- M.D. Müller
- M.G. Haywood
- M.H. Arbab-Zavar
- M.J. Waldock
- M.O. Andraea
- N.E. Imura
- O.F. Schedlbauer
- P.A. D’ltri
- P.A. Krenkel
- P.J. Ke
- P.O. Bartlett
- P.T.S. Wong
- R. Pongratz
- R.B. Laughlin
- R.J. Baltisberger
- R.J. Maguire
- R.J. Maguire
- R.J. Pentreath
- R.J. Pentreath
- R.S. Braman
- R.S. Braman
- R.S. Braman
- R.S. Braman
- R.W. Heiden
- S. Jensen
- S. Tugrul
- S.J. Bluden
- T. Fagerstrom
- T. Hobo
- T. Kamada
- T. Nagase
- T.A. Hinners
- T.M. Dowling
- U. Talmi
- V.F. Hodge
- W.A. Aue
- W.F. Fitzgerald
- W.F. Fitzgerald
- W.P. Ridley
- W.R. Penrose
- Y. Talmi
- Y. Thibaud
- Y.K. Chau
- Y.K. Chau
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
Cations in Estuary, Bay, and Coastal Waters
- Author
- A. Nelson
- A. Nelson
- A. Shaikh
- A.J. Paulson
- B.R. Berg
- C. Feldman
- C.Y. Chan
- D. Amankwah
- D. Zhang
- Department of the Environment and the National Water Council Standing Committee of Analysts Manganese in Raw and Potable Waters by Spectrophotometry (using Formaldoxime) 1977
- E. Peter
- F.K. Arey
- G. Topping
- G. Topping
- G.A. Cutter
- G.E. Batley
- G.L. Batley
- H. Agemian
- H.M. Kingston
- H.S. Epstein
- I.M. Davies
- J. Agget
- J. Gardner
- J. Wang
- J.P. Riley
- J.R. Hasle
- K. Tsujii
- L. Ebdon
- L.-G. Danielsson
- M. Yamamoto
- M. Yamamoto
- M.J. Gardner
- M.O. Andreae
- M.P. Newton
- N.G. Beck
- P. Berger
- R.E. Pellenberg
- R.E. Sturgeon
- R.E. Sturgeon
- R.E. Sturgeon
- R.F.C. Mantoura
- R.G. Clem
- R.K. Skogerboe
- R.S. Braman
- R.S. Braman
- S. Apte
- S. Knox
- S. Nakashima
- S. Nakashima
- S. Shuman
- S.C. Apte
- S.N. Willie
- T. Nakahara
- V.B. Stein
- Y. Yamamoto
- Y. Yamamoto
- Y. Yamamoto
- Y. Yamamoto
- Z. Horvath
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
Nitrogen Stable Isotopes of Macrophytes Assess Stormwater Nitrogen Inputs to an Urbanized Estuary
- Author
- A. Gartner
- B. Fry
- B.J. Peterson
- C.A. Suttle
- C.A. Suttle
- C.F. Bower
- C.J. Walsh
- D.A. Tomasko
- D.H. Kohl
- D.J. Valiela
- D.M. Sigman
- D.R. Corbett
- E. Derse
- E.K. Lipp
- I. Wallentinus
- J.P. Chanton
- J.R. Pennock
- Jeffrey P. Chanton
- K.D. Dillon
- K.S. Dillon
- Kevin S. Dillon
- L.A. Cifuentes
- L.A. Desimone
- L.I. Wassenaar
- R. Aravena
- R.M. Holmes
- R.R. Sokal
- R.S. Braman
- S.D. Costanzo
- S.V. Smith
- T. Mutchler
- T.E. Thomas
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Transformation processes involving mercury species in the atmosphere — results from a literature survey
- Author
- A. Iverfeldt
- B.A. Soldano
- B.J. Finlayson-Pitts
- C. Brosset
- C. Brosset
- C.E. Junge
- Concord Scientific Corporation
- D.C. Wigfield
- D.L. Johnson
- D.S. Ballantine Jr.
- E.L. Kothny
- F. Slemr
- G. Petersen
- G. Yarwood
- I. Sanemasa
- I.W. Fay
- J.D. McCullough
- J.O. Nriagu
- L.T. Cupitt
- M. Grade
- M. Ogata
- M. Ogata
- N. Bloom
- O. Lindqvist
- O. Lindqvist
- R. Menke
- R.S. Braman
- S.C. Wroblewski
- S.E. Lindberg
- T. Kobayashi
- T.F. Bidleman
- T.R. Zacharewski
- V.A. P'yankov
- W.H. Schroeder
- W.H. Schroeder
- W.H. Schroeder
- W.H. Schroeder
- Y. Takizawa
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study