18 research outputs found

    South Carolina Bond for money between D. Goudelock and Anderson Pound[?], Union District, February 8, 1860. Signed by States Rights Gist and John R. R. Giles

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    $5000 South Carolina bond for money between D. Goudelock and Anderson Pound[?], Union District, February 8, 1860. Signed by States Rights Gist, John R. R. Giles, T.W.G. Giles and one other.https://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/littlejohnmss/1243/thumbnail.jp

    Eomesodermin Is a Localized Maternal Determinant Required for Endoderm Induction in Zebrafish

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    SummaryIn zebrafish, endoderm induction occurs in marginal blastomeres and requires Casanova (Cas), the first endoderm-specific factor expressed in the embryo. Whereas the transcription factors Gata5 and Bon are necessary and sufficient for cas expression in marginal blastomeres, Bon and Gata5 are unable to induce cas in animal pole cells, suggesting that cas expression requires an additional, unidentified factor(s). Here, we show that cas expression depends upon the T box transcription factor Eomesodermin (Eomes), a maternal determinant that is localized to marginal blastomeres. Eomes synergizes potently with Bon and Gata5 to induce cas, even in animal pole blastomeres. We show that Eomes is required for endogenous endoderm induction, acting via an essential binding site in the cas promoter. Direct physical interactions between Eomes, Bon, and Gata5 suggest that Eomes promotes endoderm induction in marginal blastomeres by facilitating the assembly of a transcriptional activating complex on the cas promoter

    Low-cost microprocessed instrument for evaluating soil temperature profile Instrumento microprocessado de baixo custo para avaliação da temperatura em perfil de solo

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    This paper describes a low-cost microprocessed instrument for in situ evaluating soil temperature profile ranging from -20.0°C to 99.9°C, and recording soil temperature data at eight depths from 2 to 128 cm. Of great importance in agriculture, soil temperature affects plant growth directly, and nutrient uptake as well as indirectly in soil water and gas flow, soil structure and nutrient availability. The developed instrument has potential applications in the soil science, when temperature monitoring is required. Results show that the instrument with its individual sensors guarantees ±0.25°C accuracy and 0.1°C resolution, making possible localized management changes within decision support systems. The instrument, based on complementary metal oxide semiconductor devices as well as thermocouples, operates in either automatic or non-automatic mode.<br>Este artigo descreve um instrumento microprocessado de baixo custo para avaliação in situ da temperatura em perfil de solo na faixa de -20,0°C a 99,9°C com armazenagem de dados de até oito profundidades, de 2 a 128 centímetros. A temperatura do solo é de grande importância para o crescimento de plantas, absorção de nutrientes, fluxo de gases e estrutura. O instrumento desenvolvido encontra várias aplicações na área da ciência do solo, onde o monitoramento de temperatura do solo é requerido. Resultados mostram que a caracterização do instrumento e seus sensores individuais garantem uma acurácia de ±0,25°C e uma resolução de 1,0°C. Também proporciona a produtores ou pesquisadores a oportunidade do manejo localizado para sistemas de tomada de decisão. O instrumento é baseado em dispositivos semicondutores com tecnologia de óxido metálico complementar e termopares. E pode operar tanto no modo manual quanto no modo automático

    Innovation in Marketing Channels

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    In more recent years, the context of globalization in which market channel structures and strategies are developing is bringing to a more complex concept of marketing channels, with disintermediation or reintermediation, multichanneling and new roles/specializations that are emerging as new issues. In this context, innovation in marketing channels becomes a complex, multiorganizational, multidisciplinary activity that requires collaboration and interactions across various entities within the supply chain network. In recent years, the innovation processes in marketing channels have occurred with high intensity and speed, especially following the changes spurred by technology that allowed the adoption of more efficient organizational solutions