785 research outputs found

    Adoption, Management, and Impact of Hybrid Maize Seed in India

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    This paper presents results of a 1995 survey of 864 maize-growing households in six states that account for more than 70% of India's maize area: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. The current adoption of improved open-pollinated maize varieties (OPVs) and hybrids is quantified, the relationship between adoption of improved germplasm and use of improved crop management practices is examined, the economic impacts of adoption are estimated, farmers' seed procurement and management practices are described, and implications for maize research and development policy are discussed. On the whole, the survey results confirm that India's national maize seed industry is expanding rapidly. Since seed policy reforms were introduced in the late 1980s, the area planted to improved OPVs and hybrids has grown rapidly, and adoption of improved germplasm has fueled important changes in farmers' crop management practices. However, special policy measures may be needed to ensure that the benefits of improved germplasm are widely shared, such as the introduction of targeted input subsidies designed to reduce the cost of adopting improved seed and complementary inputs, government investment in irrigation infrastructure to reduce production risk in drought-prone environments, and market development initiatives to provide small-scale producers with access to stable and reliable outlets where they can sell surplus grain.Crop Production/Industries,

    Unitarity Restoration in the Presence of Closed Timelike Curves

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    A proposal is made for a mathematically unambiguous treatment of evolution in the presence of closed timelike curves. In constrast to other proposals for handling the naively nonunitary evolution that is often present in such situations, this proposal is causal, linear in the initial density matrix and preserves probability. It provides a physically reasonable interpretation of invertible nonunitary evolution by redefining the final Hilbert space so that the evolution is unitary or equivalently by removing the nonunitary part of the evolution operator using a polar decomposition.Comment: LaTeX, 17pp, Revisions: Title change, expanded and clarified presentation of original proposal, esp. with regard to Heisenberg picture and remaining in original Hilbert spac

    Interactions between proteins bound to biomembranes

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    We study a physical model for the interaction between general inclusions bound to fluid membranes that possess finite tension, as well as the usual bending rigidity. We are motivated by an interest in proteins bound to cell membranes that apply forces to these membranes, due to either entropic or direct chemical interactions. We find an exact analytic solution for the repulsive interaction between two similar circularly symmetric inclusions. This repulsion extends over length scales of order tens of nanometers, and contrasts with the membrane-mediated contact attraction for similar inclusions on tensionless membranes. For non circularly symmetric inclusions we study the small, algebraically long-ranged, attractive contribution to the force that arises. We discuss the relevance of our results to biological phenomena, such as the budding of caveolae from cell membranes and the striations that are observed on their coats.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Unwrapping Closed Timelike Curves

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    Closed timelike curves (CTCs) appear in many solutions of the Einstein equation, even with reasonable matter sources. These solutions appear to violate causality and so are considered problematic. Since CTCs reflect the global properties of a spacetime, one can attempt to change its topology, without changing its geometry, in such a way that the former CTCs are no longer closed in the new spacetime. This procedure is informally known as unwrapping. However, changes in global identifications tend to lead to local effects, and unwrapping is no exception, as it introduces a special kind of singularity, called quasi-regular. This "unwrapping" singularity is similar to the string singularities. We give two examples of unwrapping of essentially 2+1 dimensional spacetimes with CTCs, the Gott spacetime and the Godel universe. We show that the unwrapped Gott spacetime, while singular, is at least devoid of CTCs. In contrast, the unwrapped Godel spacetime still contains CTCs through every point. A "multiple unwrapping" procedure is devised to remove the remaining circular CTCs. We conclude that, based on the two spacetimes we investigated, CTCs appearing in the solutions of the Einstein equation are not simply a mathematical artifact of coordinate identifications, but are indeed a necessary consequence of General Relativity, provided only that we demand these solutions do not possess naked quasi-regular singularities.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Spacetime Information

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    In usual quantum theory, the information available about a quantum system is defined in terms of the density matrix describing it on a spacelike surface. This definition must be generalized for extensions of quantum theory which do not have a notion of state on a spacelike surface. It must be generalized for the generalized quantum theories appropriate when spacetime geometry fluctuates quantum mechanically or when geometry is fixed but not foliable by spacelike surfaces. This paper introduces a four-dimensional notion of the information available about a quantum system's boundary conditions in the various sets of decohering histories it may display. The idea of spacetime information is applied in several contexts: When spacetime geometry is fixed the information available through alternatives restricted to a spacetime region is defined. The information available through histories of alternatives of general operators is compared to that obtained from the more limited coarse- grainings of sum-over-histories quantum mechanics. The definition of information is considered in generalized quantum theories. We consider as specific examples time-neutral quantum mechanics with initial and final conditions, quantum theories with non-unitary evolution, and the generalized quantum frameworks appropriate for quantum spacetime. In such theories complete information about a quantum system is not necessarily available on any spacelike surface but must be searched for throughout spacetime. The information loss commonly associated with the ``evolution of pure states into mixed states'' in black hole evaporation is thus not in conflict with the principles of generalized quantum mechanics.Comment: 47pages, 2 figures, UCSBTH 94-0

    Unitarity and Causality in Generalized Quantum Mechanics for Non-Chronal Spacetimes

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    Spacetime must be foliable by spacelike surfaces for the quantum mechanics of matter fields to be formulated in terms of a unitarily evolving state vector defined on spacelike surfaces. When a spacetime cannot be foliated by spacelike surfaces, as in the case of spacetimes with closed timelike curves, a more general formulation of quantum mechanics is required. In such generalizations the transition matrix between alternatives in regions of spacetime where states {\it can} be defined may be non-unitary. This paper describes a generalized quantum mechanics whose probabilities consistently obey the rules of probability theory even in the presence of such non-unitarity. The usual notion of state on a spacelike surface is lost in this generalization and familiar notions of causality are modified. There is no signaling outside the light cone, no non-conservation of energy, no ``Everett phones'', and probabilities of present events do not depend on particular alternatives of the future. However, the generalization is acausal in the sense that the existence of non-chronal regions of spacetime in the future can affect the probabilities of alternatives today. The detectability of non-unitary evolution and violations of causality in measurement situations are briefly considered. The evolution of information in non-chronal spacetimes is described.Comment: 40pages, UCSBTH92-0

    The sensitivity of the vortex filament method to different reconnection models

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    We present a detailed analysis on the effect of using different algorithms to model the reconnection of vortices in quantum turbulence, using the thin-filament approach. We examine differences between four main algorithms for the case of turbulence driven by a counterflow. In calculating the velocity field we use both the local induction approximation (LIA) and the full Biot-Savart integral. We show that results of Biot-Savart simulations are not sensitive to the particular reconnection method used, but LIA results are.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Morris-Thorne wormholes with a cosmological constant

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    First, the ideas introduced in the wormhole research field since the work of Morris and Thorne are briefly reviewed, namely, the issues of energy conditions, wormhole construction, stability, time machines and astrophysical signatures. Then, spherically symmetric and static traversable Morris-Thorne wormholes in the presence of a generic cosmological constant are analyzed. A matching of an interior solution to the unique exterior vacuum solution is done using directly the Einstein equations. The structure as well as several physical properties and characteristics of traversable wormholes due to the effects of the cosmological term are studied. Interesting equations appear in the process of matching. For instance, one finds that for asymptotically flat and anti-de Sitter spacetimes the surface tangential pressure of the thin-shell, at the boundary of the interior and exterior solutions, is always strictly positive, whereas for de Sitter spacetime it can take either sign as one could expect, being negative (tension) for relatively high cosmological constant and high wormhole radius, positive for relatively high mass and small wormhole radius, and zero in-between. Finally, some specific solutions with generic cosmological constant, based on the Morris-Thorne solutions, are provided.Comment: latex, 49 pages, 8 figures. Expanded version of the paper published in Physical Review

    Hippocampus, Amygdala and Basal Ganglia Based Navigation Control

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    In this paper we present a novel robot navigation system aimed at testing hypotheses about the roles of key brain areas in foraging behavior of rats. The key components of the control network are: 1. a Hippocampus inspired module for spatial localization based on associations between sensory inputs and places; 2. an Amygdala inspired module for the association of values with places and sensory stimuli; 3. a Basal Ganglia inspired module for the selection of actions based on the evaluated sensory inputs. By implementing this Hippocampus-Amygdala-Basal Ganglia based control network with a simulated rat embodiment we intend to test not only our understanding of the individual brain areas but especially the interaction between them. Understanding the neural circuits that allows rats to efficiently forage for food will also help to improve the ability of robots to autonomously evaluate and select navigation targets