374 research outputs found

    Control of black hole evaporation?

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    Contradiction between Hawking's semi-classical arguments and string theory on the evaporation of black hole has been one of the most intriguing problems in fundamental physics. A final-state boundary condition inside the black hole was proposed by Horowitz and Maldacena to resolve this contradiction. We point out that original Hawking effect can be also regarded as a separate boundary condition at the event horizon for this scenario. Here, we found that the change of Hawking boundary condition may affect the information transfer from the initial collapsing matter to the outgoing Hawking radiation during evaporation process and as a result the evaporation process itself, significantly.Comment: Journal of High Energy Physics, to be publishe

    Black holes and Hawking radiation in spacetime and its analogues

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    These notes introduce the fundamentals of black hole geometry, the thermality of the vacuum, and the Hawking effect, in spacetime and its analogues. Stimulated emission of Hawking radiation, the trans-Planckian question, short wavelength dispersion, and white hole radiation in the setting of analogue models are also discussed. No prior knowledge of differential geometry, general relativity, or quantum field theory in curved spacetime is assumed.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures; to appear in the proceedings of the IX SIGRAV School on 'Analogue Gravity', Como (Italy), May 2011, eds. D. Faccio et. al. (Springer

    Quantum field theory on a growing lattice

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    We construct the classical and canonically quantized theories of a massless scalar field on a background lattice in which the number of points--and hence the number of modes--may grow in time. To obtain a well-defined theory certain restrictions must be imposed on the lattice. Growth-induced particle creation is studied in a two-dimensional example. The results suggest that local mode birth of this sort injects too much energy into the vacuum to be a viable model of cosmological mode birth.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures; v.2: added comments on defining energy, and reference

    Black Hole Entropy is Noether Charge

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    We consider a general, classical theory of gravity in nn dimensions, arising from a diffeomorphism invariant Lagrangian. In any such theory, to each vector field, ξa\xi^a, on spacetime one can associate a local symmetry and, hence, a Noether current (n1)(n-1)-form, j{\bf j}, and (for solutions to the field equations) a Noether charge (n2)(n-2)-form, Q{\bf Q}. Assuming only that the theory admits stationary black hole solutions with a bifurcate Killing horizon, and that the canonical mass and angular momentum of solutions are well defined at infinity, we show that the first law of black hole mechanics always holds for perturbations to nearby stationary black hole solutions. The quantity playing the role of black hole entropy in this formula is simply 2π2 \pi times the integral over Σ\Sigma of the Noether charge (n2)(n-2)-form associated with the horizon Killing field, normalized so as to have unit surface gravity. Furthermore, we show that this black hole entropy always is given by a local geometrical expression on the horizon of the black hole. We thereby obtain a natural candidate for the entropy of a dynamical black hole in a general theory of gravity. Our results show that the validity of the ``second law" of black hole mechanics in dynamical evolution from an initially stationary black hole to a final stationary state is equivalent to the positivity of a total Noether flux, and thus may be intimately related to the positive energy properties of the theory. The relationship between the derivation of our formula for black hole entropy and the derivation via ``Euclidean methods" also is explained.Comment: 16 pages, EFI 93-4

    Generally covariant model of a scalar field with high frequency dispersion and the cosmological horizon problem

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    Short distance structure of spacetime may show up in the form of high freqency dispersion. Although such dispersion is not locally Lorentz invariant, we show in a scalar field model how it can nevertheless be incorporated into a generally covariant metric theory of gravity provided the locally preferred frame is dynamical. We evaluate the resulting energy-momentum tensor and compute its expectation value for a quantum field in a thermal state. The equation of state differs at high temperatures from the usual one, but not by enough to impact the problems of a hot big bang cosmology. We show that a superluminal dispersion relation can solve the horizon problem via superluminal equilibration, however it cannot do so while remaining outside the Planck regime unless the dispersion relation is artificially chosen to have a rather steep dependence on wavevector.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; New section added with discussion of solution to the cosmological horizon problem using superluminal dispersion, title changed to reflect new content, various additional minor change

    Hawking Spectrum and High Frequency Dispersion

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    We study the spectrum of created particles in two-dimensional black hole geometries for a linear, hermitian scalar field satisfying a Lorentz non-invariant field equation with higher spatial derivative terms that are suppressed by powers of a fundamental momentum scale k0k_0. The preferred frame is the ``free-fall frame" of the black hole. This model is a variation of Unruh's sonic black hole analogy. We find that there are two qualitatively different types of particle production in this model: a thermal Hawking flux generated by ``mode conversion" at the black hole horizon, and a non-thermal spectrum generated via scattering off the background into negative free-fall frequency modes. This second process has nothing to do with black holes and does not occur for the ordinary wave equation because such modes do not propagate outside the horizon with positive Killing frequency. The horizon component of the radiation is astonishingly close to a perfect thermal spectrum: for the smoothest metric studied, with Hawking temperature TH0.0008k0T_H\simeq0.0008k_0, agreement is of order (TH/k0)3(T_H/k_0)^3 at frequency ω=TH\omega=T_H, and agreement to order TH/k0T_H/k_0 persists out to ω/TH45\omega/T_H\simeq 45 where the thermal number flux is O(1020O(10^{-20}). The flux from scattering dominates at large ω\omega and becomes many orders of magnitude larger than the horizon component for metrics with a ``kink", i.e. a region of high curvature localized on a static worldline outside the horizon. This non-thermal flux amounts to roughly 10\% of the total luminosity for the kinkier metrics considered. The flux exhibits oscillations as a function of frequency which can be explained by interference between the various contributions to the flux.Comment: 32 pages, plain latex, 16 figures included using psfi

    Black Hole Evaporation in the Presence of a Short Distance Cutoff

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    A derivation of the Hawking effect is given which avoids reference to field modes above some cutoff frequency ωcM1\omega_c\gg M^{-1} in the free-fall frame of the black hole. To avoid reference to arbitrarily high frequencies, it is necessary to impose a boundary condition on the quantum field in a timelike region near the horizon, rather than on a (spacelike) Cauchy surface either outside the horizon or at early times before the horizon forms. Due to the nature of the horizon as an infinite redshift surface, the correct boundary condition at late times outside the horizon cannot be deduced, within the confines of a theory that applies only below the cutoff, from initial conditions prior to the formation of the hole. A boundary condition is formulated which leads to the Hawking effect in a cutoff theory. It is argued that it is possible the boundary condition is {\it not} satisfied, so that the spectrum of black hole radiation may be significantly different from that predicted by Hawking, even without the back-reaction near the horizon becoming of order unity relative to the curvature.Comment: 35 pages, plain LaTeX, UMDGR93-32, NSF-ITP-93-2

    Lodged in the throat: Internal infinities and AdS/CFT

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    In the context of AdS3/CFT2, we address spacetimes with a certain sort of internal infinity as typified by the extreme BTZ black hole. The internal infinity is a null circle lying at the end of the black hole's infinite throat. We argue that such spacetimes may be described by a product CFT of the form CFT-L * CFT-R, where CFT-R is associated with the asymptotically AdS boundary while CFT-L is associated with the null circle. Our particular calculations analyze the CFT dual of the extreme BTZ black hole in a linear toy model of AdS3/CFT2. Since the BTZ black hole is a quotient of AdS3, the dual CFT state is a corresponding quotient of the CFT vacuum state. This state turns out to live in the aforementioned product CFT. We discuss this result in the context of general issues of AdS/CFT duality and entanglement entropy.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; v2 - some typos corrected, minor revision

    Quantum vacuum fluctuations and dark energy

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    It is shown that the curvature of space-time induced by vacuum fluctuations of quantum fields should be proportional to the square of Newton's constant GG. This offers a possible explanation for the success of the approximation Gm6c2h4G m^6 c^2 h^{-4} for the dark energy density, with mm being a typical mass of elementary particles.Comment: Changed conten

    On the Status of Highly Entropic Objects

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    It has been proposed that the entropy of any object must satisfy fundamental (holographic or Bekenstein) bounds set by the object's size and perhaps its energy. However, most discussions of these bounds have ignored the possibility that objects violating the putative bounds could themselves become important components of Hawking radiation. We show that this possibility cannot a priori be neglected in existing derivations of the bounds. Thus this effect could potentially invalidate these derivations; but it might also lead to observational evidence for the bounds themselves.Comment: 6 pages, RevTex, a few editorial change