106 research outputs found

    The stochastic spectator

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    We study the stochastic distribution of spectator fields predicted in different slow-roll inflation backgrounds. Spectator fields have a negligible energy density during inflation but may play an important dynamical role later, even giving rise to primordial density perturbations within our observational horizon today. During de-Sitter expansion there is an equilibrium solution for the spectator field which is often used to estimate the stochastic distribution during slow-roll inflation. However slow roll only requires that the Hubble rate varies slowly compared to the Hubble time, while the time taken for the stochastic distribution to evolve to the de-Sitter equilibrium solution can be much longer than a Hubble time. We study both chaotic (monomial) and plateau inflaton potentials, with quadratic, quartic and axionic spectator fields. We give an adiabaticity condition for the spectator field distribution to relax to the de-Sitter equilibrium, and find that the de-Sitter approximation is never a reliable estimate for the typical distribution at the end of inflation for a quadratic spectator during monomial inflation. The existence of an adiabatic regime at early times can erase the dependence on initial conditions of the final distribution of field values. In these cases, spectator fields acquire sub-Planckian expectation values. Otherwise spectator fields may acquire much larger field displacements than suggested by the de-Sitter equilibrium solution. We quantify the information about initial conditions that can be obtained from the final field distribution. Our results may have important consequences for the viability of spectator models for the origin of structure, such as the simplest curvaton models

    Kinome-wide analysis of the effect of statins in colorectal cancer

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    Background Epidemiological studies and meta-analyses show an association between statin use and a reduced incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC). We have shown that statins act on CRC through bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling, but the exact cellular targets and underlying mechanism of statin action remain elusive. In this study, we set out to assess the influence of statins on global cancer cell signalling by performing an array-based kinase assay using immobilised kinase substrates spanning the entire human kinome. Methods CRC cells with or without Lovastatin treatment were used for kinome analysis. Findings on kinome arrays were further confirmed by immunoblotting with activity-specific antibodies. Experiments in different CRC cell lines using immunoblotting, siRNA-mediated knockdown and treatment with specific BMP inhibitor Noggin were performed. The relevance of in vitro findings was confirmed in xenografts and in CRC patients treated with Simvastatin. Results Kinome analysis can distinguish between non-specific, toxic effects caused by 10 mu M of Lovastatin and specific effects on cell signalling caused by 2 mu M Lovastatin. Statins induce upregulation of PTEN activity leading to downregulation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signalling. Treatment of cells with the specific BMP inhibitor Noggin as well as PTEN knockdown and transfection of cells with a constitutively active form of AKT abolishes the effect of Lovastatin on mTOR phosphorylation. Experiments in xenografts and in patients treated with Simvastatin confirm statin-mediated BMP pathway activation, activation of PTEN and downregulation of mTOR signalling. Conclusions Statins induce BMP-specific activation of PTEN and inhibition of PI3K/Akt/mTOR signalling in CRC.Cellular mechanisms in basic and clinical gastroenterology and hepatolog

    Ten golden rules for reforestation to optimize carbon sequestration, biodiversity recovery and livelihood benefits

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    Urgent solutions to global climate change are needed. Ambitious tree-planting initiatives, many already underway, aim to sequester enormous quantities of carbon to partly compensate for anthropogenic CO2 emissions, which are a major cause of rising global temperatures. However, tree planting that is poorly planned and executed could actually increase CO2 emissions and have long-term, deleterious impacts on biodiversity, landscapes and livelihoods. Here, we highlight the main environmental risks of large-scale tree planting and propose 10 golden rules, based on some of the most recent ecological research, to implement forest ecosystem restoration that maximizes rates of both carbon sequestration and biodiversity recovery while improving livelihoods. These are as follows: (1) Protect existing forest first; (2) Work together (involving all stakeholders); (3) Aim to maximize biodiversity recovery to meet multiple goals; (4) Select appropriate areas for restoration; (5) Use natural regeneration wherever possible; (6) Select species to maximize biodiversity; (7) Use resilient plant material (with appropriate genetic variability and provenance); (8) Plan ahead for infrastructure, capacity and seed supply; (9) Learn by doing (using an adaptive management approach); and (10) Make it pay (ensuring the economic sustainability of the project). We focus on the design of long-term strategies to tackle the climate and biodiversity crises and support livelihood needs. We emphasize the role of local communities as sources of indigenous knowledge, and the benefits they could derive from successful reforestation that restores ecosystem functioning and delivers a diverse range of forest products and services. While there is no simple and universal recipe for forest restoration, it is crucial to build upon the currently growing public and private interest in this topic, to ensure interventions provide effective, long-term carbon sinks and maximize benefits for biodiversity and people

    The BMP pathway either enhances or inhibits the Wnt pathway depending on the SMAD4 and p53 status in CRC

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    Background: Constitutive Wnt activation is essential for colorectal cancer (CRC) initiation but also underlies the cancer stem cell phenotype, metastasis and chemosensitivity. Importantly Wnt activity is still modulated as evidenced by higher Wnt activity at the invasive front of clonal tumours termed the β-catenin paradox. SMAD4 and p53 mutation status and the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) pathway are known to affect Wnt activity. The combination of SMAD4 loss, p53 mutations and BMP signalling may integrate to influence Wnt signalling and explain the β-catenin paradox. Methods: We analysed the expression patterns of SMAD4, p53 and β-catenin at the invasive front of CRCs using immunohistochemistry. We activated BMP signalling in CRC cells in vitro and measured BMP/Wnt activity using luciferase reporters. MTT assays were performed to s

    Statin use is associated with a reduced incidence of colorectal cancer expressing SMAD4

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    Background Long-term use of statins is associated with a small reduced risk of colorectal cancer but their mechanism of action is not well understood. While they are generally believed to act on KRAS, we have previously proposed that they act via influencing the BMP pathway. The objective of this study was to look for associations between statin use and the risk of developing colorectal cancer of a particular molecular subtype. Methods By linking two registries unique to the Netherlands, 69,272 statin users and 94,753 controls were identified and, if they developed colorectal cancer, their specimens traced. Colorectal cancers were molecularly subtyped according to the expression of SMAD4 and the mutation status of KRAS and BRAF. Results Statin use was associated with a reduction in the risk of developing colorectal cancer regardless of molecular subtype (HR 0.77; 95% CI 0.66-0.89) and a larger reduction in the risk of developing SMAD4-positive colorectal cancer (OR 0.64; 95% CI 0.42-0.82). There was no relationship between statin use and the risk of developing colorectal cancer with a mutation in KRAS and/or BRAF. Conclusions Statin use is associated with a reduced risk of developing colorectal cancer with intact SMAD4 expression.Experimentele farmacotherapi