108 research outputs found

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    Development and evolution of the metazoan heart

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    The mechanisms of the evolution and development of the heart in metazoans are highlighted, starting with the evolutionary origin of the contractile cell, supposedly the precursor of cardiomyocytes. The last eukaryotic common ancestor is likely a combination of several cellular organisms containing their specific metabolic pathways and genetic signaling networks. During evolution, these tool kits diversified. Shared parts of these conserved tool kits act in the development and functioning of pumping hearts and open or closed circulations in such diverse species as arthropods, mollusks, and chordates. The genetic tool kits became more complex by gene duplications, addition of epigenetic modifications, influence of environmental factors, incorporation of viral genomes, cardiac changes necessitated by air‐breathing, and many others. We evaluate mechanisms involved in mollusks in the formation of three separate hearts and in arthropods in the formation of a tubular heart. A tubular heart is also present in embryonic stages of chordates, providing the septated four‐chambered heart, in birds and mammals passing through stages with first and second heart fields. The four‐chambered heart permits the formation of high‐pressure systemic and low‐pressure pulmonary circulation in birds and mammals, allowing for high metabolic rates and maintenance of body temperature. Crocodiles also have a (nearly) separated circulation, but their resting temperature conforms with the environment. We argue that endothermic ancestors lost the capacity to elevate their body temperature during evolution, resulting in ectothermic modern crocodilians. Finally, a clinically relevant paragraph reviews the occurrence of congenital cardiac malformations in humans as derailments of signaling pathways during embryonic development.Article / Letter to editorInstituut Biologie Leide

    Development and evolution of the metazoan heart

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    The mechanisms of the evolution and development of the heart in metazoans are highlighted, starting with the evolutionary origin of the contractile cell, supposedly the precursor of cardiomyocytes. The last eukaryotic common ancestor is likely a combination of several cellular organisms containing their specific metabolic pathways and genetic signaling networks. During evolution, these tool kits diversified. Shared parts of these conserved tool kits act in the development and functioning of pumping hearts and open or closed circulations in such diverse species as arthropods, mollusks, and chordates. The genetic tool kits became more complex by gene duplications, addition of epigenetic modifications, influence of environmental factors, incorporation of viral genomes, cardiac changes necessitated by air‐breathing, and many others. We evaluate mechanisms involved in mollusks in the formation of three separate hearts and in arthropods in the formation of a tubular heart. A tubular heart is also present in embryonic stages of chordates, providing the septated four‐chambered heart, in birds and mammals passing through stages with first and second heart fields. The four‐chambered heart permits the formation of high‐pressure systemic and low‐pressure pulmonary circulation in birds and mammals, allowing for high metabolic rates and maintenance of body temperature. Crocodiles also have a (nearly) separated circulation, but their resting temperature conforms with the environment. We argue that endothermic ancestors lost the capacity to elevate their body temperature during evolution, resulting in ectothermic modern crocodilians. Finally, a clinically relevant paragraph reviews the occurrence of congenital cardiac malformations in humans as derailments of signaling pathways during embryonic development.Article / Letter to editorInstituut Biologie Leide

    Intrinsic histological and morphological abnormalities of the pediatric thoracic aorta in bicuspid aortic valve patients are predictive for future aortopathy

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    BackgroundPatients with a bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) have an increased risk to develop aortic complications. Many studies are pointing towards a possible embryonic explanation for the development of both a bicuspid aortic valve as well as a defective ascending aortic wall in these patients. The fetal and newborn ascending aortic wall has however scarcely been studied in bicuspid aortic valve patients. We hypothesize that early histopathological defects might already be visible in the fetal and pediatric ascending aortic wall of bicuspid aortic valve patients, indicating at an early embryonic defect.MethodsNon-dilated BAV ascending aortic wall samples were collected (n = 40), categorized in five age groups: premature (age range 17.5 weeks + days GA till 37.6 weeks + days GA) 2. neonate (age range 1 – 21 days) 3. infant (age range 1 month – 4 years) 4. adolescent (age range 12 years – 15 years) and 5. adult (age range 41 – 72 years). Specimen were studied for intimal and medial histopathological features.ResultsThe premature ascending aortic wall has a significantly thicker intimal and significantly thinner medial layer as compared to all other age categories (p birth the intimal thickness decreases significantly. The medial layer increases in thickness before adulthood (p extracellular matrix accumulation (p atherosclerosis was scarce and medial histopathological features such as overall medial degeneration, smooth muscle cell nuclei loss and elastic fiber fragmentation were not appreciated in the BAV ascending aortic wall of any age.ConclusionsThe main characteristics of a bicuspid ascending aortic wall are already present before adulthood, albeit not before birth. Considering the early manifestations of ascending aortic wall pathology in bicuspid aortic valve patients, the pediatric population should be considered while searching for markers predictive for future aortopathy.Cardiolog

    The distribution and characterization of HNK-1 antigens in the developing avian heart

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    The heart originates from splanchnic mesoderm and to a lesser extent from neural crest cells. The HNK-1 monoclonal antibody is a marker for early migrating neural crest cells, but reacts also with structures which are not derived from the neural crest. We investigated whether heart structures are HNK-1 positive before neural crest cells colonize these target tissues. To that end, we determined the HNK-1 antigen expression in the developing avian heart on immunohistochemical sections and on Western blots. The HNK-1 immunoreactivity in the developing chick heart is compared with data from literature cm the localization of neural crest cells in chick/quail chimeras. Structures with neural crest contribution, including parts of the early outflow tract and the related endocardial cushions, the primordia of the semilunar valve leaflets and the aorticopulmonary septum were HNK-1 positive. Furthermore, other structures were HNK-1 positive, such as the atrioventricular cushions, the wall of the sinus venosus at stage HH 15 through 21, parts of the endocardium at E3, parts of the myocardium at E6, and the extracellular matrix in the myocardial base of the semilunar valves at E14. HNK-1 expression was particularly observed in morphologically dynamic regions such as the developing valves, the outflow tract cushion, the developing conduction system and the autonomie nervous system of the heart. We observed that atrioventricular endocardial cushions are HNK-1 positive. We conclude that: a HNK-1 immunoreactivity does not always coincide with the presence of neural crest cells or their derivatives; (2) the outflow tract cushions and atrioventricular endocardial cushions are HNK-1 positive before neural crest cells are expected (stage HH 19) to enter the endocardial cushions of the outflow tract; (3) the observed spatio-temporal HNK-1 patterns observed in the developing heart correspond with various HNK-1 antigens. Apart from a constant pattern of HNK-1 antigens during development, stage-dependent HNK-1 antigens were also found

    Acutely altered hemodynamics following venous obstruction in the early chick embryo

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    In the venous clip model specific cardiac malformations are induced in the chick embryo by obstructing the right lateral vitelline vein with a microclip. Clipping alters venous return and intracardiac laminar blood flow patterns, with secondary effects on the mechanical load of the embryonic myocardium. We investigated the instantaneous effects of clipping the right lateral vitelline vein on hemodynamics in the stage-17 chick embryo. 32 chick embryos HH 17 were subdivided into venous clipped (N=16) and matched control embryos (N=16). Dorsal aortic blood flow velocity was measured with a 20 MHz pulsed Doppler meter. A time series of eight successive measurements per embryo was made starting just before clipping and ending 5h after clipping. Heart rate, peak systolic velocity, time-averaged velocity, peak blood flow, mean blood flow, peak acceleration and stroke volume were determined. All hemodynamic parameters decreased acutely after venous clipping and only three out of seven parameters (heart rate, time-averaged velocity and mean blood flow) showed a recovery to baseline values during the 5h study period. We conclude that the experimental alteration of venous return has major acute effects on hemodynamics in the chick embryo. These effects may be responsible for the observed cardiac malformations after clipping