7 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional dilute Bose gas in the normal phase

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    We consider a two-dimensional dilute Bose gas above its superfluid transition temperature. We show that the t-matrix approximation corresponds to the leading set of diagrams in the dilute limit, provided the temperature is sufficiently larger than the superfluid transition temperature. Within this approximation, we give an explicit expression for the wave vector and frequency dependence of the self-energy, and calculate the corrections to the chemical potential and the effective mass arising from the interaction. We also argue that the breakdown of the t-matrix approximation, which occurs upon lowering the temperature, provides a simple criterion to estimate the superfluid critical temperature for the two-dimensional dilute Bose gas. The critical temperature identified by this criterion coincides with earlier results obtained by Popov and by Fisher and Hohenberg using different methods. Extension of this procedure to the three-dimensional case gives good agreement with recent Monte Carlo data.Comment: 9 pages, 3 Figure

    Local exchange-correlation vector potential with memory in Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory: the generalized hydrodynamics approach

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    Using Landau Fermi liquid theory we derive a nonlinear non-adiabatic approximation for the exchange-correlation (xc) vector potential defined by the xc stress tensor. The stress tensor is a local nonlinear functional of two basic variables - the displacement vector and the second-rank tensor which describes the evolution of momentum in a local frame moving with Eulerian velocity. For irrotational motion and equilibrium initial state the dependence on the tensor variable reduces to that on a metrics generated by a dynamical deformation of the system.Comment: RevTex, 5 pages, no figures. Final version published in PR

    Correlation effects and the high-frequency spin susceptibility of an electron liquid: Exact limits

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    Spin correlations in an interacting electron liquid are studied in the high-frequency limit and in both two and three dimensions. The third-moment sum rule is evaluated and used to derive exact limiting forms (at both long- and short-wavelengths) for the spin-antisymmetric local-field factor, limωG(q,ω)\lim_{\omega \to \infty}G_-({\bf q, \omega}). In two dimensions limωG(q,ω)\lim_{\omega \to \infty}G_-({\bf q, \omega}) is found to diverge as 1/q1/q at long wavelengths, and the spin-antisymmetric exchange-correlation kernel of time-dependent spin density functional theory diverges as 1/q21/q^2 in both two and three dimensions. These signal a failure of the local-density approximation, one that can be redressed by alternative approaches.Comment: 5 page