4 research outputs found

    Scale Efficiency and its Determinants of Cattle Fattening Enterprise in Borno State, Nigeria

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    This Study was conducted to examinethe scale efficiency of cattle fattening enterprise in Borno state, Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling technique was use to select the sample respondents. Primary data was used for the study which was collected with the aid of structured questionnaire. The data gathered includes those on socio-economic variables of the cattle fatteners, inputs used and the output (quantity of beef). The data gathered were analysed using the descriptive statistics, Data Envelopment Analysis and Logit regression model.The result of the scale efficiency analysis revealed a mean efficiency score of 0.541. The main sources of inefficiencies were level of education, age, access to credit and extension services. The study therefore recommends that formal credit facilities should be channel to the cattle fatteners to increase their scale of operation and the fatteners should be encourage to form a strong cooperative societies. Keywords: Cattle fattening, enterprise, scale efficienc

    Membership of Rice Farmers Associations and Adoption of Improved Rice Production Technology in Kaduna and Kano States, North West Nigeria

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    The study examined adoption of recommended practices on improved rice production technology among members and non-members of Rice Farmers Associations in Kaduna and Kano States, North West Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used for the selection of 282 respondents comprising of 141 members and 141 non-members from both States and semi-structured questionnaires were used for data collection. Data analysis was done by using descriptive statistics and Z-test. Results of the study showed that apart from number of years of formal education and use of mobile phones, there were significant differences (P<0.05) in age, household size, household labour, size of rice field and years of experience in rice production among members and non-members. In terms of adoption of recommended practices on improved rice production technology, performance of members was significantly better (P<0.05) than that of non-members in Kaduna whereas no significant difference was observed among members and non-members in Kano. Encouraging farmers to join Rice Farmers Associations alone may not lead to better adoption of improved rice production technology. It is recommended that the capacity of Rice Farmers Associations should be strengthened for them to operate as business entities and gain access to formal markets. Keywords: Adoption, Improved Rice Production Technology, Rice Farmers Associations and Socioeconomic Characteristic

    Effects of Membership of Rice Farmers Associations on Access to Institutional Support for Rice Production in Kaduna and Kano States, Northwest Nigeria

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    The study examined the effects of membership of Rice Farmers Associations (RFAs) on access to institutional support for rice production in Kaduna and Kano States, North West Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used for the selection of 282 respondents comprising of 141 members and 141 non-members from both States while semi-structured questionnaires were used for data collection. Data was analysis was done using descriptive statistics and Z-test. Results of the study showed that members had significantly higher amount of agricultural credit than non-members in Kaduna and Kano. There was no significant difference at P<0.05 in access to agricultural extension services among members and non-members in Kaduna.  In Kano, access to agricultural extension services was significantly better among members than non-members. Access to improved seeds and subsidised fertiliser through the Growth Enhancement Support Scheme of the Federal Government was not influenced by membership of RFAs in the study area. The study concluded that access to institutional support for rice production was similar among members and non-members of RFAs. It is recommended that the government should ensure that farmers are not only encouraged to join associations but are supported with necessary inputs and extension advisory services to boost food production. Existing local structures that farmers depend on for support in food production should be identified and strengthened for them to provide better services. Keywords: Rice Farmers Associations, access to credit, access to extension services, access to seeds and subsidised fertiliser, Nigeri

    Evaluation of the impact of non-governmental organisation developmental programmes on the livelihood of some rural communities in Nasarawa state.

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    This study evaluates the impact · of ·Actiortaid · developmental activities· in s9hle communities in Nasarawa:. state: The apptoach used was looking at the situation befo_re. and_ after the intervention of Actionaid in these ·communities: Results from ·the stl},dy shows that the lives of the people·of taffected communities have witnessed considerable improvement in terms of their knowledge and ·application ·of good hygiene, better attendance of hospital for babies'-deliveries as ·well as postnatal care. The people:riow , are economically better-as more -people-can now eat three-square meals per-day as· opposed to just one or two in the past.-It was also shown that there are now prim~.ry: schools and- health centres in these communities thus making it possible for children . that, would have been out of school to be in schools and making health care delivery to be at that doorstep of the people of these communities. The studies has thus confirrii~d • that Actionaid is not just out as a noise making NGOs .but really interested::and. committed to the development of less privileged members of the rural communities in Nigeria It is also hoped that more efforts by various _NGOs .arid government w·ould facilitate rapid rural areas developmentthat would heln iri promoting good succession in agricultural development s_ince young people would.be ready to stay in such developeo rural areas and consequently embrace agriculture as a profession