129 research outputs found

    Prognosis and Survival of Older Patients With Dizziness in Primary Care:a 10-year prospective cohort study

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    Purpose: The prognosis of dizzy older patients in primary care is unknown. Our objective was to determine the prognosis and survival of patients with different subtypes and causes of dizziness. Methods: In a primary care prospective cohort study, 417 older adults with dizziness (mean age 75.5 years) received a full diagnostic workup in 2006-2008. A panel of physicians classified their dizziness subtype and primary cause of dizziness. Presyncope was the most common dizziness subtype (69.1%), followed by vertigo (41.0%), disequilibrium (39.8%), and other dizziness (1.7%). The most common primary causes of dizziness were cardiovascular disease (56.8%) and peripheral vestibular disease (14.4%). Main outcome measures were mortality and dizziness-related impairment assessed at 10-year follow-up.Results: At 10-year follow-up 169 patients (40.5%) had died. Multivariable adjusted Cox models showed a lower mortality rate for patients with the subtype vertigo compared to other subtypes (HR 0.62 (95% CI 0.40 to 0.96)), and for peripheral vestibular disease versus cardiovascular disease as primary cause of dizziness (HR 0.46 (95% CI 0.25 to 0.84)). After 10 years, 47.7% of patients who filled out the follow-up measurement experienced substantial dizziness-related impairment. No significant difference in substantial impairment was seen between different subtypes and primary causes of dizziness. Conclusions: The 10-year mortality rate was lower for the dizziness subtype vertigo compared to other subtypes. Patients with dizziness primarily caused by peripheral vestibular disease had a lower mortality rate than patients with cardiovascular disease. Substantial dizziness-related impairment in older dizzy patients 10 years later is high, and indicates that current treatment strategies by FPs may be suboptimal.<br/

    Impact of dizziness on everyday life in older primary care patients: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dizziness is a common and often disabling symptom, but diagnosis often remains unclear; especially in older persons where dizziness tends to be multicausal. Research on dizziness-related impairment might provide options for a functional oriented approach, with less focus on finding diagnoses. We therefore studied dizziness-related impairment in older primary care patients and aimed to identify indicators related to this impairment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a cross-sectional study we included 417 consecutive patients of 65 years and older presenting with dizziness to 45 general practitioners in the Netherlands from July 2006 to January 2008. We performed tests, including patient history, and physical and additional examination, previously selected by an international expert panel and based on an earlier systematic review. Our primary outcome was impact of dizziness on everyday life measured with the Dutch validated version of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI). After a bootstrap procedure (1500x) we investigated predictability of DHI-scores with stepwise backward multiple linear and logistic regressions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>DHI-scores varied from 0 to 88 (maximum score: 100) and 60% of patients experienced moderate or severe impact on everyday life due to dizziness. Indicators for dizziness-related impairment were: onset of dizziness 6 months ago or more (OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.7-4.7), frequency of dizziness at least daily (OR 3.3, 95% CI 2.0-5.4), duration of dizziness episode one minute or less (OR 2.4, 95% CI 1.5-3.9), presence of anxiety and/or depressive disorder (OR 4.4, 95% CI 2.2-8.8), use of sedative drugs (OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.3-3.8) , and impaired functional mobility (OR 2.6, 95% CI 1.7-4.2). For this model with only 6 indicators the AUC was .80 (95% CI .76-.84).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Dizziness-related impairment in older primary care patients is considerable (60%). With six simple indicators it is possible to identify which patients suffer the most from their dizziness without exactly knowing the cause(s) of their dizziness. Influencing these indicators, if possible, may lead to functional improvement and this might be effective in patients with moderate or severe impact of dizziness on their daily lives.</p

    Physical functioning and quality of life after cancer rehabilitation

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    Physical functioning and quality of life after cancer rehabilitation van Weert, E; Hoekstra-Weebers, JEHM; Grol, BMF; Otter, R; Arendzen, JH; Postema, K; van der Schans, CP Con el fin de superar los problemas relacionados con el cá ncer y mejorar la calidad de vida, se desarrolló un programa de rehabilitació n multifocal intensiva para pacientes oncoló gicos. Nuestra hipó tesis era que un programa de rehabilitació n intensiva de seis semanas de duració n se traduciría en mejorías fisioló gicas y de la calidad de vida. Treinta y cuatro pacientes con problemas físicos y psicosociales relacionados con el cá ncer. A´mbito: Centro de rehabilitació n. Disen˜o: Estudio observacional prospectivo. Intervencio´n: Un programa de rehabilitació n multifocal intensiva de seis semanas constituido por cuatro componentes: ejercicio individual, deportes, psicoeducació n e informació n. Criterios de valoracio´n: Ejercicio en bicicleta ergomé trica limitado por los síntomas, fuerza muscular y calidad de vida (RAND-36, RSCL y MFI). Las mediciones se hicieron antes (T0) y despué s de seis semanas de rehabilitació n (T1). Despué s del programa de rehabilitació n intensiva se observaron mejorías estadísti-camente significativas en el ejercicio en bicicleta ergomé trica limitado por los síntomas, en la fuerza muscular y en varios dominios del RAND-36, RSCL y MFI. El programa de rehabilitació n multifocal intensiva de seis semanas tuvo efectos beneficiosos inmediatos sobre las variables fisioló gicas, la calidad de vida y la fatiga

    Assessment of atherosclerotic carotid plaque volume with multidetector computed tomography angiography

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    Purpose The amount of atherosclerotic plaque and its components (calcifications, fibrous tissue, and lipid core) could be better predictors of acute events than the now currently used degree of stenosis. Therefore, we evaluated a dedicated software tool for volume measurements of atherosclerotic carotid plaque and its components in multidetector computed tomography angiography (MDCTA) images. Materials and Methods Data acquisition was approved by the Institutional Review Board and all patients gave written informed consent. MDCTA images of 56 carotid arteries were analyzed by three observers. Plaque volumes were assessed by manual drawing of the outer vessel contour. The luminal boundary was determined based on a Hounsfield-Unit (HU) threshold. The contribution of different components was measured by the number of voxels within defined ranges of HU-values (calcification >130 HU, fibrous tissue 60–130 HU, lipid core <60 HU). Interobserver variability (IOV) was assessed. Results Plaque volume was 1,259 ± 621 mm3. The calcified, fibrous and lipid volumes were 238 ± 252 mm3, 647 ± 277 mm3 and 376 ± 283 mm3, respectively. IOV was moderate with interclass correlation coefficients (ICC) ranging from 0.76 to 0.99 and coefficients of variation (COV) ranging from 3% to 47%. Conclusion Atherosclerotic carotid plaque volume and plaque component volumes can be assessed with MDCTA with a reasonable observer variability

    Discovery of predictors of sudden cardiac arrest in diabetes: rationale and outline of the RESCUED (REcognition of Sudden Cardiac arrest vUlnErability in Diabetes) project

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    Introduction Early recognition of individuals with increased risk of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) remains challenging. SCA research so far has used data from cardiologist care, but missed most SCA victims, since they were only in general practitioner (GP) care prior to SCA. Studying individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) in GP care may help solve this problem, as they have increased risk for SCA, and rich clinical datasets, since they regularly visit their GP for check-up measurements. This information can be further enriched with extensive genetic and metabolic information. Aim To describe the study protocol of the REcognition of Sudden Cardiac arrest vUlnErability in Diabetes (RESCUED) project, which aims at identifying clinical, genetic and metabolic factors contributing to SCA risk in individuals with T2D, and to develop a prognostic model for the risk of SCA. Methods The RESCUED project combines data from dedicated SCA and T2D cohorts, and GP data, from the same region in the Netherlands. Clinical data, genetic data (common and rare variant analysis) and metabolic data (metabolomics) will be analysed (using classical analysis techniques and machine learning methods) and combined into a prognostic model for risk of SCA. Conclusion The RESCUED project is designed to increase our ability at early recognition of elevated SCA risk through an innovative strategy of focusing on GP data and a multidimensional methodology including clinical, genetic and metabolic analyses.Molecular Epidemiolog

    Determinants of outcome in operatively and non-operatively treated Weber-B ankle fractures

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    Introduction: Treatment of ankle fractures is often based on fracture type and surgeon's individual judgment. Literature concerning the treatment options and outcome are dated and frequently contradicting. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical and functional outcome after AO-Weber B-type ankle fractures in operatively and conservatively treated patients and to determine which factors influenced outcome. Patients and methods: A retrospective cohort study in patients with a AO-Weber B-type ankle fracture. Patient, fracture and treatment characteristics were recorded. Clinical and functional outcome was measured using the Olerud-Molander Ankle Score (OMAS), the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society ankle-hindfoot score (AOFAS) and a Visual Analog Score (VAS) for overall satisfaction (range 0-10). Results: Eighty-two patients were treated conservatively and 103 underwent operative treatment. The majority was female. Most conservatively treated fractures were AO-Weber B1.1 type fractures. Fractures with fibular displacement (mainly AO type B1.2 and Lauge-Hansen type SER-4) were predominantly treated operatively. The outcome scores in the non-operative group were OMAS 93, AOFAS 98, and VAS 8. Outcome in this group was independently negatively affected by age, affected side, BMI, fibular displacement, and duration of plaster immobilization. In the surgically treated group, the OMAS, AOFAS, and VAS scores were 90, 97, and 8, respectively, with outcome negatively influenced by duration of plaster immobilization. Conclusion: Treatment selection based upon stability and surgeon's judgment led to overall good clinical outcome in both treatment groups. Reducing the cast immobilization period may further improve outcome

    Dizziness reported by elderly patients in family practice: prevalence, incidence, and clinical characteristics

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    Background: Although dizziness in elderly patients is very common in family practice, most prevalence studies on dizziness are community-based and include a study population that is not representative of family practice. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and incidence of dizziness reported by elderly patients in family practice, to describe their final diagnoses as recorded by the family physician, and to compare the clinical characteristics of dizzy patients with those of non-dizzy patients. Methods: Data were obtained from the Second Dutch National Survey of General Practice, a prospective registration study which took place over a 12-month period in 2001. We developed a search strategy consisting of 15 truncated search terms (based on Dutch synonyms for dizziness), and identified all patients aged 65 or older who visited their family physician because of dizziness (N=3,990). We used the mid-time population as denominator to calculate the prevalence and incidence, and for group comparisons we used the Student's t and Chi-square test, and logistic regression analysis. Results: The one-year prevalence of dizziness in family practice in patients aged 65 or older was 8.3%, it was higher in women than in men, and it increased with age. In patients aged 85 or older the prevalence was similar for men and women. The incidence of dizziness was 47.1 per 1000 person-years. For 39% of the dizzy patients the family physicians did not specify a diagnosis, and recorded a symptom diagnosis as the final diagnosis. Living alone, lower level of education, pre-existing cerebrovascular disease, and pre-existing hypertension were independently associated with dizziness. Conclusions: Dizziness in family practice patients increases with age. It is more common in women than in men, but this gender difference disappears in the very old. Because a large proportion of dizzy elderly patients in family practice remains undiagnosed, it would be worthwhile to carry out more diagnostic research on dizziness in a family practice setting