25,217 research outputs found

    Effect of anode ring arrangement on the spectroscopic characteristics of the NASA Lewis bumpy torus plasma

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    The modified Penning discharge in the NASA Lewis Bumpy Torus is normally produced by an anode ring at high voltage in each of the 12 magnetic mirror midplanes. For this investigation, the plasma was run with 12, 6, 3, and 1 anode rings. When 3 anode rings were used, the spectroscopically determined relative electron density and mean ion residence time increase by factors of 10 and 5, respectively, in one mode of operation. The discharge is observed to uniformly fill all bumps around the torus regardless of the anode arrangement and number. A plasma density on axis of 10 to the 11th power cm/3 is estimated for the 3 anode case in one mode of operation based on an observed discharge current to ion loss rate correlation and a measured mean ion residence time of .5 msec

    Determination of electron temperature in a penning discharge by the helium line ratio method

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    The helium line ratio technique was used to determine electron temperatures in a toroidal steady-state Penning discharge operating in helium. Due to the low background pressure, less than .0001 torr, and the low electron density, the corona model is expected to provide a good description of the excitation processes in this discharge. In addition, by varying the Penning discharge anode voltage and background pressure, it is possible to vary the electron temperature as measured by the line ratio technique over a wide range (10 to 100+ eV). These discharge characteristics allow a detailed comparison of electron temperatures measured from different possible line ratios over a wide range of temperatures and under reproducible steady-state conditions. Good agreement is found between temperatures determined from different neutral line ratios, but use of the helium ion line results in a temperature systematically 10 eV high compared to that from the neutral lines

    The Photometry of Undersampled Point Spread Functions

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    An undersampled point spread function may interact with the microstructure of a solid-state detector such that the total flux detected can depend sensitively on where the PSF center falls within a pixel. Such intra-pixel sensitivity variations will not be corrected by flat field calibration and may limit the accuracy of stellar photometry conducted with undersampled images, as are typical for Hubble Space Telescope observations. The total flux in a stellar image can vary by up to 0.03 mag in F555W WFC images depending on how it is sampled, for example. For NIC3, these variations are especially strong, up to 0.39 mag, strongly limiting its use for stellar photometry. Intra-pixel sensitivity variations can be corrected for, however, by constructing a well-sampled PSF from a dithered data set. The reconstructed PSF is the convolution of the optical PSF with the pixel response. It can be evaluated at any desired fractional pixel location to generate a table of photometric corrections as a function of relative PSF centroid. A caveat is that the centroid of an undersampled PSF can also be affected by the pixel response function, thus sophisticated centroiding methods, such as cross-correlating the observed PSF with its fully-sampled counterpart, are required to derive the proper photometric correction.Comment: 20 pages, 14 postscript figures, submitted to the PAS

    Discrimination techniques employing both reflective and thermal multispectral signals

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    Recent improvements in remote sensor technology carry implications for data processing. Multispectral line scanners now exist that can collect data simultaneously and in registration in multiple channels at both reflective and thermal (emissive) wavelengths. Progress in dealing with two resultant recognition processing problems is discussed: (1) More channels mean higher processing costs; to combat these costs, a new and faster procedure for selecting subsets of channels has been developed. (2) Differences between thermal and reflective characteristics influence recognition processing; to illustrate the magnitude of these differences, some explanatory calculations are presented. Also introduced, is a different way to process multispectral scanner data, namely, radiation balance mapping and related procedures. Techniques and potentials are discussed and examples presented

    Advanced turbocharger design study program

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    The advanced Turbocharger Design Study consisted of: (1) the evaluation of three advanced engine designs to determine their turbocharging requirements, and of technologies applicable to advanced turbocharger designs; (2) trade-off studies to define a turbocharger conceptual design and select the engine with the most representative requirements for turbocharging; (3) the preparation of a turbocharger conceptual design for the Curtiss Wright RC2-32 engine selected in the trade-off studies; and (4) the assessment of market impact and the preparation of a technology demonstration plan for the advanced turbocharger

    Initial results from the NASA Lewis Bumpy Torus experiment

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    Initial results were obtained from low power operation of the NASA Lewis Bumpy Torus experiment, in which a steady-state ion heating method based on the modified Penning discharge is applied in a bumpy torus confinement geometry. The magnet facility consists of 12 superconducting coils, each 19 cm i.d. and capable of 3.0 T, equally spaced in a toroidal array 1.52 m in major diameter. A 18 cm i.d. anode ring is located at each of the 12 midplanes and is maintained at high positive potentials by a dc power supply. Initial observations indicate electron temperatures from 10 to 150 eV, and ion kinetic temperatures from 200 eV to 1200 eV. Two modes of operation were observed, which depend on background pressure, and have different radial density profiles. Steady state neutron production was observed. The ion heating process in the bumpy torus appears to parallel closely the mechanism observed when the modified Penning discharge was operated in a simple magnetic mirror field

    Characteristics of the NASA Lewis bumpy-torus plasma generated with positive applied potentials

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    Experimental observations were made during steady-state operation of a bumpy-torus plasma at input powers up to 150 kW in deuterium and helium gas and with positive potentials applied to the midplane electrodes. In this steady-state ion heating method a modified Penning discharge is operated such that the plasma is acted upon by a combination of strong electric and magnetic fields. Experimental investigation of a deuterium plasma revealed electron temperatures from 14 to 140 eV and ion kinetic temperatures from 160 to 1785 eV. At least two distinct modes of operation exist. Experimental data shows that the average ion residence time in the plasma is virtually independent of the magnetic field strength. Data was taken when all 12 anode rings were at high voltage, and in other symmetric configurations in which the toroidal plasma was generated by applying positive potentials to six anode rings, three anode rings, and a single anode ring

    Evaluation of algorithms for estimating wheat acreage from multispectral scanner data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Fourteen different classification algorithms were tested for their ability to estimate the proportion of wheat in an area. For some algorithms, accuracy of classification in field centers was observed. The data base consisted of ground truth and LANDSAT data from 55 sections (1 x 1 mile) from five LACIE intensive test sites in Kansas and Texas. Signatures obtained from training fields selected at random from the ground truth were generally representative of the data distribution patterns. LIMMIX, an algorithm that chooses a pure signature when the data point is close enough to a signature mean and otherwise chooses the best mixture of a pair of signatures, reduced the average absolute error to 6.1% and the bias to 1.0%. QRULE run with a null test achieved a similar reduction