570 research outputs found

    Intercomparison of atmospheric water vapor soundings from the differential absorption lidar (DIAL) and the solar FTIR system on Mt. Zugspitze

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    We present an intercomparison of three years of measurements of integrated water vapor (IWV) performed by the mid-infrared solar FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra-Red) instrument on the summit of Mt. Zugspitze (2964 m a.s.l.) and by the nearby near-infrared differential absorption lidar (DIAL) at the Schneefernerhaus research station (2675 m a.s.l.). The solar FTIR was shown to be one of the most accurate and precise IWV sounders in recent work (Sussmann et al., 2009) and is taken as the reference here. By calculating the FTIR-DIAL correlation (22 min coincidence interval, 15 min integration time) we derive an almost ideal slope of 0.996 (10), a correlation coefficient of <i>R</i> = 0.99, an IWV intercept of −0.039 (42) mm (−1.2 % of the mean), and a bias of −0.052 (26) mm (−1.6 % of the mean) from the scatter plot. By selecting a subset of coincidences with an optimum temporal and spatial matching between DIAL and FTIR, we obtain a conservative estimate of the precision of the DIAL in measuring IWV which is better than 0.1 mm (3.2 % of the mean). We found that for a temporal coincidence interval of 22 min the difference in IWV measured by these two systems is dominated by the volume mismatch (horizontal distance: 680 m). The outcome from this paper is twofold: (1) the IWV soundings by FTIR and DIAL agree very well in spite of the differing wavelength regions with different spectroscopic line parameters and retrieval algorithms used. (2) In order to derive an estimate of the precision of state-of-the-art IWV sounders from intercomparison experiments, it is necessary to use a temporal matching on time scales shorter than 10 min and a spatial matching on the 100-m scale

    Spatio-Temporal Variability of Water Vapor in the Free Troposphere Investigated by Dial and Ftir Vertical Soundings

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    We report on the free tropospheric spatio-temporal variability of water vapor investigated by the analysis of a five-year period of water vapor vertical soundings above Mt. Zugspitze (2962 m a.s.l., Germany). Our results are obtained from a combination of measurements of vertically integrated water vapor (IWV), recorded with a solar Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) spectrometer and of water vapor profiles recorded with the nearby differential absorption lidar (DIAL). The special geometrical arrangement of one zenith-viewing and one sun-pointing instrument and the temporal resolution of both optical instruments allow for an investigation of the spatiotemporal variability of IWV on a spatial scale of less than one kilometer and on a time scale of less than one hour. We investigated the short-term variability of both IWV and water vapor profiles from statistical analyses. The latter was also examined by case studies with a clear assignment to certain atmospheric processes as local convection or long-range transport. This study is described in great detail in our recent publication [1]

    Spatiotemporal variability of water vapor investigated using lidar and FTIR vertical soundings above the Zugspitze

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    Water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas and its spatiotemporal variability strongly exceeds that of all other greenhouse gases. However, this variability has hardly been studied quantitatively so far. We present an analysis of a 5-year period of water vapor measurements in the free troposphere above the Zugspitze (2962 m a.s.l., Germany). Our results are obtained from a combination of measurements of vertically integrated water vapor (IWV), recorded with a solar Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer on the summit of the Zugspitze and of water vapor profiles recorded with the nearby differential absorption lidar (DIAL) at the Schneefernerhaus research station. The special geometrical arrangement of one zenith-viewing and one sun-pointing instrument and the temporal resolution of both instruments allow for an investigation of the spatiotemporal variability of IWV on a spatial scale of less than 1 km and on a timescale of less than 1 h. The standard deviation of differences between both instruments sigma IWV calculated for varied subsets of data serves as a measure of variability. The different subsets are based on various spatial and temporal matching criteria. Within a time interval of 20 min, the spatial variability becomes significant for horizontal distances above 2 km, but only in the warm season (sigma IWV = 0.35 mm). However, it is not sensitive to the horizontal distance during the winter season. The variability of IWV within a time interval of 30 min peaks in July and August (sigma IWV > 0.55 mm, mean horizontal distance = 2.5 km) and has its minimum around midwinter (sigma IWV 5 km). The temporal variability of IWV is derived by selecting subsets of data from both instruments with optimal volume matching. For a short time interval of 5 min, the variability is 0.05 mm and increases to more than 0.5 mm for a time interval of 15 h. The profile variability of water vapor is determined by analyzing subsets of water vapor profiles recorded by the DIAL within time intervals from 1 to 5 h. For all altitudes, the variability increases with widened time intervals. The lowest relative variability is observed in the lower free troposphere around an altitude of 4.5 km. Above 5 km, the relative variability increases continuously up to the tropopause by about a factor of 3. Analysis of the covariance of the vertical variability reveals an enhanced variability of water vapor in the upper troposphere above 6 km. It is attributed to a more coherent flow of heterogeneous air masses, while the variability at lower altitudes is also driven by local atmospheric dynamics. By studying the short-term variability of vertical water vapor profiles recorded within a day, we come to the conclusion that the contribution of long-range transport and the advection of heterogeneous layer structures may exceed the impact of local convection by 1 order of magnitude even in the altitude range between 3 and 5 km

    Referring Expressions and Communicative Success in Task-oriented Dialogues

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    This paper studies lexical and structural properties of coreference chains in task-oriented dialogue and investigates their relationship with perceived and factual com-municative success. In line with previous literature, our quantitative analysis shows that lexical entrainment is the most reliable predictor of task success, among the ones we compute. But also that there is a complex relationship between these factors – for example, neither high nor low, but rather intermediate levels of lexical alignment predict high perceived and factual success

    Cloud droplet size distribution broadening during diffusional growth: Ripening amplified by deactivation and reactivation

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    Cloud droplet size distributions (CDSDs), which are related to cloud albedo and rain formation, are usually broader in warm clouds than predicted from adiabatic parcel calculations. We investigate a mechanism for the CDSD broadening using a moving-size-grid cloud parcel model that considers the condensational growth of cloud droplets formed on polydisperse, submicrometer aerosols in an adiabatic cloud parcel that undergoes vertical oscillations, such as those due to cloud circulations or turbulence. Results show that the CDSD can be broadened during condensational growth as a result of Ostwald ripening amplified by droplet deactivation and reactivation, which is consistent with early work. The relative roles of the solute effect, curvature effect, deactivation and reactivation on CDSD broadening are investigated. Deactivation of smaller cloud droplets, which is due to the combination of curvature and solute effects in the downdraft region, enhances the growth of larger cloud droplets and thus contributes particles to the larger size end of the CDSD. Droplet reactivation, which occurs in the updraft region, contributes particles to the smaller size end of the CDSD. In addition, we find that growth of the largest cloud droplets strongly depends on the residence time of cloud droplet in the cloud rather than the magnitude of local variability in the supersaturation fluctuation. This is because the environmental saturation ratio is strongly buffered by numerous smaller cloud droplets. Two necessary conditions for this CDSD broadening, which generally occur in the atmosphere, are as follows: (1) droplets form on aerosols of different sizes, and (2) the cloud parcel experiences upwards and downwards motions. Therefore we expect that this mechanism for CDSD broadening is possible in real clouds. Our results also suggest it is important to consider both curvature and solute effects before and after cloud droplet activation in a cloud model. The importance of this mechanism compared with other mechanisms on cloud properties should be investigated through in situ measurements and 3-D dynamic models

    Spatio-temporal variability of water vapor investigated by lidar and FTIR vertical soundings above Mt. Zugspitze

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    Water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas and its spatio-temporal variability strongly exceeds that of all other greenhouse gases. However, this variability has hardly been studied quantitatively so far. We present an analysis of a five-year period of water vapor measurements in the free troposphere above Mt. Zugspitze (2962 m a.s.l., Germany). Our results are obtained from a combination of measurements of vertically integrated water vapor (IWV), recorded with a solar Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) spectrometer on the summit of Mt. Zugspitze and of water vapor profiles recorded with the nearby differential absorption lidar (DIAL) at the Schneefernerhaus research station. The special geometrical arrangement of one zenith-viewing and one sun-pointing instrument and the temporal resolution of both instruments allow for an investigation of the spatio-temporal variability of IWV on a spatial scale of less than one kilometer and on a time scale of less than one hour. The SD of differences between both instruments σIWV calculated for varied subsets of data serves as a measure of variability. The different subsets are based on various spatial and temporal matching criteria. Within a time interval of 20 min, the spatial variability becomes significant for horizontal distances above 2 km, but only in the warm season (σIWV = 0.35 mm). However, it is not sensitive to the horizontal distance during the winter season. The variability of IWV within a time interval of 30 min peaks in July and August (σIWV > 0.55 mm, mean horizontal distance = 2.5 km and has its minimum around midwinter (σIWV 5 km). The temporal variability of IWV is derived by selecting subsets of data from both instruments with optimal volume matching. For a short time interval of 5 min, the variability is 0.05 mm and increases to more than 0.5 mm for a time interval of 15 h. The profile variability of water vapor is determined by analyzing subsets of water vapor profiles recorded by the DIAL within time intervals from 1 to 5 h. For all altitudes, the variability increases with widened time intervals. The lowest relative variability is observed in the lower free troposphere around an altitude of 4.5 km. Above 5 km, the relative variability increases continuously up to the tropopause by about a factor of 3. Analysis of the covariance of the vertical variability reveals an enhanced variability of water vapor in the upper troposphere above 6 km. It is attributed to a more coherent flow of heterogeneous air masses, while the variability at lower altitudes is also driven by local atmospheric dynamics. By studying the short-term variability of vertical water vapor profiles recorded within a day, we come to the conclusion that the contribution of long-range transport and the advection of heterogeneous layer structures may exceed the impact of local convection by one order of magnitude even in the altitude range between 3 and 5 km

    Spatiotemporal variability of water vapor investigated using lidar and FTIR vertical soundings above the Zugspitze

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    Water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas and its spatiotemporal variability strongly exceeds that of all other greenhouse gases. However, this variability has hardly been studied quantitatively so far. We present an analysis of a 5-year period of water vapor measurements in the free troposphere above the Zugspitze (2962 m a.s.l., Germany). Our results are obtained from a combination of measurements of vertically integrated water vapor (IWV), recorded with a solar Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer on the summit of the Zugspitze and of water vapor profiles recorded with the nearby differential absorption lidar (DIAL) at the Schneefernerhaus research station. The special geometrical arrangement of one zenith-viewing and one sun-pointing instrument and the temporal resolution of both instruments allow for an investigation of the spatiotemporal variability of IWV on a spatial scale of less than 1 km and on a timescale of less than 1 h. The standard deviation of differences between both instruments σIWV calculated for varied subsets of data serves as a measure of variability. The different subsets are based on various spatial and temporal matching criteria. Within a time interval of 20 min, the spatial variability becomes significant for horizontal distances above 2 km, but only in the warm season (σIWV =0.35 mm). However, it is not sensitive to the horizontal distance during the winter season. The variability of IWV within a time interval of 30 min peaks in July and August (σIWV > 0.55 mm, mean horizontal distance = 2.5 km) and has its minimum around midwinter (σIWV 5 km). The temporal variability of IWV is derived by selecting subsets of data from both instruments with optimal volume matching. For a short time interval of 5 min, the variability is 0.05 mm and increases to more than 0.5 mm for a time interval of 15 h. The profile variability of water vapor is determined by analyzing subsets of water vapor profiles recorded by the DIAL within time intervals from 1 to 5 h. For all altitudes, the variability increases with widened time intervals. The lowest relative variability is observed in the lower free troposphere around an altitude of 4.5 km. Above 5 km, the relative variability increases continuously up to the tropopause by about a factor of 3. Analysis of the covariance of the vertical variability reveals an enhanced variability of water vapor in the upper troposphere above 6 km. It is attributed to a more coherent flow of heterogeneous air masses, while the variability at lower altitudes is also driven by local atmospheric dynamics. By studying the short-term variability of vertical water vapor profiles recorded within a day, we come to the conclusion that the contribution of long-range transport and the advection of heterogeneous layer structures may exceed the impact of local convection by 1 order of magnitude even in the altitude range between 3 and 5 km
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