353 research outputs found

    Optically induced spin to charge transduction in donor spin read-out

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    The proposed read-out configuration D+D- for the Kane Si:P architecture[Nature 393, 133 (1998)] depends on spin-dependent electron tunneling between donors, induced adiabatically by surface gates. However, previous work has shown that since the doubly occupied donor state is so shallow the dwell-time of the read-out state is less than the required time for measurement using a single electron transistor (SET). We propose and analyse single-spin read-out using optically induced spin to charge transduction, and show that the top gate biases, required for qubit selection, are significantly less than those demanded by the Kane scheme, thereby increasing the D+D- lifetime. Implications for singlet-triplet discrimination for electron spin qubits are also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures; added reference, corrected typ

    Effect of biostimulants on apple quality at harvest and after storage

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    Nutritional unbalances, such as calcium deficiency at the fruit level, are generally the causative agent of post-harvest disorders in apples. Foliar application of Ca as calcium chloride is the current solution to increase Ca concentration in apples, even though the effectiveness of this approach is often not satisfactory. In this research, we tested the efficacy of a combined application of Ca with selected biostimulants to improve apple quality and to reduce the incidence of storage disorders. The experiment was conducted in two \u201cJonathan\u201d apple orchards that differed in management systems and characteristics. Tree canopies were sprayed with calcium chloride alone and in combination with a commercial product containing zinc and silicon or a seaweed extract. The seaweed extract increased apple quality by boosting the reddish coloration (+32% of color index) and by enhancing final anthocyanin concentration of fruit skin. Both biostimulants significantly reduced (by 20%) the incidence of the physiological disorder, known as \u201cJonathan spot\u201d, after 160 days of storage. Increased concentration of nutrients (Ca, Zn, and Mn) in the skin of apples after biostimulant applications, together with changes of the phenolic profile during the storage, are discussed as the possible causes of the reduced fruit susceptibility to post-harvest disorders

    Floristic changes of vascular flora in the city of Rome through grid-cell census over 23 years

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    Pyramiding resistance genes and widening the genetic base of the apple (Malus 7 domestica Borkh.) crop

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    Apple breeding is active worldwide and yet the apple crop is in a precarious state as it relies on few dominant cultivars and only the Rvi6 (formerly Vf) gene, that confers resistance to scab, has been extensively exploited in the cultivars entered the market in recent years. However, there are some 20 disease resistance genes described in apple and the apple germplasm includes thousands of accessions in the repositories. In this paper, a breeding programme is described, whereby 36 genotypes, including ancient and contemporary apple cultivars, were crossed to produce a new set of selections that combine extensive genetic resources with pyramided resistance genes to several apple diseases, such as scab and powdery mildew. The 110 cross combinations carried out successfully, of the 260 initially planned, produced 7,876 offsprings, reduced to 2,969 after screening with molecular markers associated with five resistance genes. Selections with three or two resistance genes and good agronomic characteristics were kept for further field observations with the aims of creating new cultivars for the market and new parents for future breeding projects

    Biogeography of orchids and their pollination syndromes in small Mediterranean islands

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    Aims Despite the research on orchid in insular conditions, few studies are focused on the spatial distribution of their reproductive syndromes across complex insular systems. By using island species-area relationships (ISAR), we explore orchid biogeography in the Central Western-Mediterranean islands. In this study, we aim to investigate variation in ISARs using orchid pollination mechanisms as proxies to establish permanent populations explaining how the c and z parameters of ISARs vary among island types and pollination strategies and defining the most influential factors in shaping orchids' distribution.LocationMediterranean Basin.TaxonOrchidaceae. MethodsChecklist of native orchids was obtained for 112 islands of Central-Western Mediterranean Basin. The Arrhenius power function (S=c center dot AzS=câ‹…Az S=c\cdotp {A}z ) was used to fit ISARs for the total number of orchids as well as for functional groups defined by the pollination strategies, across different island types. We used GLM to investigate the relation between pollination syndromes with area and isolation as well as elevation, island origin, taxa richness of the source area and habitat diversity.ResultsWe found that ISARs differ between continental and volcanic islands depending on isolation. The z-value was found to be higher for more specialized strategies while the c-value increases from autogamy to allogamy, supporting the role of these two parameters in understanding distributional dynamics. Distance from the mainland is a negative predictor for all the strategies except when deception is decoupled; island area is a positive predictor only for allogamic, deceptive and food deceptive strategies, while habitat diversity is a positive predictor for allogamic, rewarding and deceptive strategies. Main Conclusions Pollination syndromes contribute in explaining the distribution of orchids in insular conditions. Furthermore, we identified differences in ISARs across pollination syndromes in which the intercept increases when the pollination shifts from a generalist to a more specialized one

    Gametic and somatic embryogenesis through in vitro anther culture of different Citrus genotypes

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    Abstract: In vitro tissue culture represents a useful technique for advancing Citrus breeding and propagation. Among in vitro regeneration systems, anther culture is commonly used to produce haploids and doubled haploids for a fast-track producing homozygous lines, in comparison with the traditional self-pollination approach, which involves several generations of selfing. In addition, anthers culture can produce somatic embryos that can also be used for clonal propagation. In this study, two thermal shocks were applied to the anthers of six Citrus genotypes (two clementine and four sweet oranges), just after they were put in culture. The response obtained was different depending on the genotype: both clementines, namely Hernandina and Corsica, produced homozygous and triploid regenerants (microspore-derived embryos), whereas all of the analyzed regenerants from sweet oranges, three cultivars of Tarocco and Moro, produced heterozygous and diploid regenerants similar to the parental genotypes (somatic embryos)

    Targeted mutagenesis of the female-suppressor sygi gene in tetraploid kiwifruit by crispr/cas9

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    Kiwifruit belong to the genus Actinidia with 54 species apparently all functionally dioecious. The sex-determinants of the type XX/XY, with male heterogametic, operate independently of the ploidy level. Recently, the SyGI protein has been described as the suppressor of female development. In the present study, we exploited the CRISPR/Cas9 technology by targeting two different sites in the SyGI gene in order to induce a stable gene knock-out in two tetraploid male accessions of Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis. The two genotypes showed a regenerative efficiency of 58% and 73%, respectively. Despite not yet being able to verify the phenotypic effects on the flower structure, due to the long time required by tissue-cultured kiwifruit plants to flower, we obtained two regenerated lines showing near fixation of a unique modification in their genome, resulting in both cases in the onset of a premature stop codon, which induces the putative gene knock-out. Evaluation of gRNA1 locus for both regenerated plantlets resulted in co-amplification of a minor variant differing from the target region for a single nucleotide. A genomic duplication of the region in proximity of the Y genomic region could be postulated

    Investigating the effect of selective logging on tree biodiversity and structure of the tropical forests of Papua New Guinea

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    Abstract: Unsustainable exploitation of tropical forest resources is raising worldwide concern. In Papua New Guinea (PNG) timber harvesting has been identified as a major contributor to deforestation and forest degradation but its impact on biodiversity is still poorly understood. In this study we investigated the effect of selective logging on tree taxonomic composition, structure and diversity of PNG forests. We used data from 101 one-hectare permanent sample plots (PSPs) belonging to two vegetation types: low altitude forests on plains and fans (type P) and low altitude forests on uplands (type H). We used multivariate techniques to test for significant differences in species composition between plots of different vegetation types and disturbance regimes, identifying the tree taxa to which these differences could be ascribed. ANOVA was used to test for differences between logged-over and unlogged forest PSPs with respect to biodiversity (richness, Shannon's diversity, Pielou's evenness) and stand structure (stem density, basal area - BA). Temporal trends of forest features were analyzed using linear regression. Significant differences in taxonomic composition were found between logged-over and unlogged plots of the H type (p = 0.04). No differences were found in richness, diversity and evenness between logged-over and unlogged forest plots, while stem density was higher in the latter (421 ± 153 stems ha-1). Greater BA was found in unlogged forests (30.28 ± 4.45 m2 ha-1) of the H type when compared to the logged-over stands (15.52 ± 4.04 m2 ha-1). We detected positive trends in richness (0.55 ± 0.19 taxa ha-1 yr-1) and diversity after logging. Furthermore, H type forest exhibited positive trends in stem density (9 ± 1 stems ha-1 yr-1) and BA (0.42 ± 0.06 m2 ha-1 yr-1) with elapsed time since harvesting. Our analysis highlights some significant effects of logging activities on biodiversity and structure of PNG forests. Additionally, forests exhibited a significant recovery with respect to richness, diversity and stand structure. These preliminary results will be compared with data collected by the forthcoming National Forest Inventory in order to assess and monitor the effects of human activities and ecological factors on PNG forest biodiversity and develop appropriate conservation measures and sustainable management strategies
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