183 research outputs found

    Comparison of silver nanoparticles confined in nanoporous silica prepared by chemical synthesis and by ultra-short pulsed laser ablation in liquid

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    Hexagonally ordered mesoporous silica materials MCM-41 and SBA-15 have been synthesized and loaded with Ag nanoparticles, utilizing both chemical synthesis and ultra-short pulsed laser ablation in liquid. In laser ablation, a silver target, immersed in aqueous suspension of ordered mesoporous silica SBA-15, was irradiated by ultra-short laser pulses to generate silver nanoparticles. For comparison samples of similar silver contents were prepared either by incorporating silver into the SBA-15 during a hydrothermal synthesis or by introducing silver in MCM-41 by template ion-exchange. Samples were characterized by XRD, N2 physisorption, TEM and UV-vis spectroscopy. All preparations contained significant amount of 5-50 nm size silver agglomerates on the outer surface of the silica particles. The laser ablation process did not cause significant destruction of the SBA-15 structure and metallic silver (Ag0) nanoparticles were mainly generated. It is demonstrated that by laser ablation in aqueous silica suspension smaller and more uniform metallic silver particles can be produced and loaded on the surface of the silica support than by synthesis procedures. Catalytic properties of the samples have been tested in the total oxidation of toluene. Because of its favorable Ag dispersity the Ag/SBA-15 catalyst, generated by the laser ablation method, had better catalytic stability and, relative to its Ag load, higher activity than the conventional Ag/SBA-15 preparations

    LIPSS applied to wide bandgap semiconductors and dielectrics: assessment and future perspectives

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    With the aim of presenting the processes governing the Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSS), its main theoretical models have been reported. More emphasis is given to those suitable for clarifying the experimental structures observed on the surface of wide bandgap semiconductors (WBS) and dielectric materials. The role played by radiation surface electromagnetic waves as well as Surface Plasmon Polaritons in determining both Low and High Spatial Frequency LIPSS is briefly discussed, together with some experimental evidence. Non-conventional techniques for LIPSS formation are concisely introduced to point out the high technical possibility of enhancing the homogeneity of surface structures as well as tuning the electronic properties driven by point defects induced in WBS. Among these, double-or multiple-fs-pulse irradiations are shown to be suitable for providing further insight into the LIPSS process together with fine control on the formed surface structures. Modifications occurring by LIPSS on surfaces of WBS and dielectrics display high potentialities for their cross-cutting technological features and wide applications in which the main surface and electronic properties can be engineered. By these assessments, the employment of such nanostructured materials in innovative devices could be envisaged

    Associative agreement as a predictor of naming ability in alzheimer’s disease: A case for the semantic nature of associative links

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    We aimed to address the long-standing issue of the nature of the relationships that link a cue word to words associated with it. In keeping with a recently proposed neuropsychological model of semantic memory (Zannino et al., 2015), we provide support for the hypothesis that associative links are semantic in nature and not lexical. In support of this hypothesis, we demonstrate a relationship in healthy subjects between the probability of producing word X in response to cue word Y in a free association task and the probability of using word X to describe the meaning of word Y. Furthermore, we provide evidence that associative measures are altered in people suffering from Alzheimer's disease (AD) and predict their level of performance in a picture-naming task. We provide a parsimonious account of the experimental data gathered form these different sources of evidence according to the hypothesis that the links between a cue word and its associates can be viewed as binding a concept (the cue) to pieces of information regarding its meaning (the associates)