808 research outputs found

    Protostellar Jet and Outflow in the Collapsing Cloud Core

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    We investigate the driving mechanism of outflows and jets in star formation process using resistive MHD nested grid simulations. We found two distinct flows in the collapsing cloud core: Low-velocity outflows (sim 5 km/s) with a wide opening angle, driven from the first adiabatic core, and high-velocity jets (sim 50 km/s) with good collimation, driven from the protostar. High-velocity jets are enclosed by low-velocity outflow. The difference in the degree of collimation between the two flows is caused by the strength of the magnetic field and configuration of the magnetic field lines. The magnetic field around an adiabatic core is strong and has an hourglass configuration. Therefore, the low-velocity outflow from the adiabatic core are driven mainly by the magnetocentrifugal mechanism and guided by the hourglass-like field lines. In contrast, the magnetic field around the protostar is weak and has a straight configuration owing to Ohmic dissipation in the high-density gas region. Therefore, high-velocity jet from the protostar are driven mainly by the magnetic pressure gradient force and guided by straight field lines. Differing depth of the gravitational potential between the adiabatic core and the protostar cause the difference of the flow speed. Low-velocity outflows correspond to the observed molecular outflows, while high-velocity jets correspond to the observed optical jets. We suggest that the protostellar outflow and the jet are driven by different cores (the first adiabatic core and protostar), rather than that the outflow being entrained by the jet.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the "Protostellar Jets in Context" conference held on the island of Rhodes, Greece (7-12 July 2008

    Properties of Newly Formed Dust Grains in The Luminous Type IIn Supernova 2010jl

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    Supernovae (SNe) have been proposed to be the main production sites of dust grains in the Universe. Our knowledge on their importance to dust production is, however, limited by observationally poor constraints on the nature and amount of dust particles produced by individual SNe. In this paper, we present a spectrum covering optical through near-Infrared (NIR) light of the luminous Type IIn supernova (SN IIn) 2010jl around one and half years after the explosion. This unique data set reveals multiple signatures of newly formed dust particles. The NIR portion of the spectrum provides a rare example where thermal emission from newly formed hot dust grains is clearly detected. We determine the main population of the dust species to be carbon grains at a temperature of ~1,350 - 1,450K at this epoch. The mass of the dust grains is derived to be ~(7.5 - 8.5) x 10^{-4} Msun. Hydrogen emission lines show wavelength-dependent absorption, which provides a good estimate on the typical size of the newly formed dust grains (~0.1 micron, and most likely <~0.01 micron). We attribute the dust grains to have been formed in a dense cooling shell as a result of a strong SN-circumstellar media (CSM) interaction. The dust grains occupy ~10% of the emitting volume, suggesting an inhomogeneous, clumpy structure. The average CSM density is required to be >~3 x 10^{7} cm^{-3}, corresponding to a mass loss rate of >~0.02 Msun yr^{-1} (for a mass loss wind velocity of ~100 km s^{-1}). This strongly supports a scenario that SN 2010jl and probably other luminous SNe IIn are powered by strong interactions within very dense CSM, perhaps created by Luminous Blue Variable (LBV)-like eruptions within the last century before the explosion.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. Accepted by ApJ on 30 July 2013. The accepted version was submitted on 8 July 2013, and the original version was submitted on 3 March 201

    Renormalized Thermodynamic Entropy of Black Holes in Higher Dimensions

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    We study the ultraviolet divergent structures of the matter (scalar) field in a higher D-dimensional Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole and compute the matter field contribution to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy by using the Pauli-Villars regularization method. We find that the matter field contribution to the black hole entropy does not, in general, yield the correct renormalization of the gravitational coupling constants. In particular we show that the matter field contribution in odd dimensions does not give the term proportional to the area of the black hole event horizon.Comment: Final Revision Form as to be published in Physical Review D, ReVTeX, No Figure

    New Asymptotic Expanstion Method for the Wheeler-DeWitt Equation

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    A new asymptotic expansion method is developed to separate the Wheeler-DeWitt equation into the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation for a matter field and the Einstein-Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the gravitational field including the quantum back-reaction of the matter field. In particular, the nonadiabatic basis of the generalized invariant for the matter field Hamiltonian separates the Wheeler-DeWitt equation completely in the asymptotic limit of mp2m_p^2 approaching infinity. The higher order quantum corrections of the gravity to the matter field are found. The new asymptotic expansion method is valid throughout all regions of superspace compared with other expansion methods with a certain limited region of validity. We apply the new asymptotic expansion method to the minimal FRW universe.Comment: 24 pages of Latex file, revte

    One-Parameter Squeezed Gaussian States of Time-Dependent Harmonic Oscillator and Selection Rule for Vacuum States

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    By using the invariant method we find one-parameter squeezed Gaussian states for both time-independent and time-dependent oscillators. The squeezing parameter is expressed in terms of energy expectation value for time-independent case and represents the degree of mixing positive and negative frequency solutions for time-dependent case. A {\it minimum uncertainty proposal} is advanced to select uniquely vacuum states at each moment of time. We show that the Gaussian states with minimum uncertainty coincide with the true vacuum state for time-independent oscillator and the Bunch-Davies vacuum for a massive scalar field in a de Sitter spacetime.Comment: 13 Pages, ReVTeX, no figure

    Discovery of Small-Scale Spiral Structures in the Disk of SAO 206462 (HD 135344B): Implications for the Physical State of the Disk from Spiral Density Wave Theory

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    We present high-resolution, H-band, imaging observations, collected with Subaru/HiCIAO, of the scattered light from the transitional disk around SAO 206462 (HD 135344B). Although previous sub-mm imagery suggested the existence of the dust-depleted cavity at r~46AU, our observations reveal the presence of scattered light components as close as 0.2" (~28AU) from the star. Moreover, we have discovered two small-scale spiral structures lying within 0.5" (~70AU). We present models for the spiral structures using the spiral density wave theory, and derive a disk aspect ratio of h~0.1, which is consistent with previous sub-mm observations. This model can potentially give estimates of the temperature and rotation profiles of the disk based on dynamical processes, independently from sub-mm observations. It also predicts the evolution of the spiral structures, which can be observable on timescales of 10-20 years, providing conclusive tests of the model. While we cannot uniquely identify the origin of these spirals, planets embedded in the disk may be capable of exciting the observed morphology. Assuming that this is the case, we can make predictions on the locations and, possibly, the masses of the unseen planets. Such planets may be detected by future multi-wavelengths observations.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, ApJL in press, typo correcte

    Gemini Observations of Disks and Jets in Young Stellar Objects and in Active Galaxies

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    We present first results from the Near-infrared Integral Field Spectrograph (NIFS) located at Gemini North. For the active galaxies Cygnus A and Perseus A we observe rotationally-supported accretion disks and adduce the existence of massive central black holes and estimate their masses. In Cygnus A we also see remarkable high-excitation ionization cones dominated by photoionization from the central engine. In the T-Tauri stars HV Tau C and DG Tau we see highly-collimated bipolar outflows in the [Fe II] 1.644 micron line, surrounded by a slower molecular bipolar outflow seen in the H_2 lines, in accordance with the model advocated by Pyo et al. (2002).Comment: Invited paper presented at the 5th Stromlo Symposium. 9 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Subaru Imaging of Asymmetric Features in a Transitional Disk in Upper Scorpius

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    We report high-resolution (0.07 arcsec) near-infrared polarized intensity images of the circumstellar disk around the star 2MASS J16042165-2130284 obtained with HiCIAO mounted on the Subaru 8.2 m telescope. We present our HH-band data, which clearly exhibits a resolved, face-on disk with a large inner hole for the first time at infrared wavelengths. We detect the centrosymmetric polarization pattern in the circumstellar material as has been observed in other disks. Elliptical fitting gives the semimajor axis, semiminor axis, and position angle (P.A.) of the disk as 63 AU, 62 AU, and -14 ^{\circ}, respectively. The disk is asymmetric, with one dip located at P.A.s of 85\sim85^{\circ}. Our observed disk size agrees well with a previous study of dust and CO emission at submillimeter wavelength with Submillimeter Array. Hence, the near-infrared light is interpreted as scattered light reflected from the inner edge of the disk. Our observations also detect an elongated arc (50 AU) extending over the disk inner hole. It emanates at the inner edge of the western side of the disk, extending inward first, then curving to the northeast. We discuss the possibility that the inner hole, the dip, and the arc that we have observed may be related to the existence of unseen bodies within the disk.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, published 2012 November 7 by ApJL, typo correcte

    AO Assisted Near-IR Spectroscopy of SVS 13 and its Jet

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    We present long-slit H- and K-band spectroscopy of the low-mass outflow source SVS 13, obtained with the adaptive-optics assisted imager-spectrometer NACO on the VLT. With a spatial resolution of < 0.25 arcsec and a pixel scale of 0.027 arcsec we precisely establish the relative offsets of H2, [FeII], CO, HI and NaI components from the source continuum. The H2 and [FeII] peaks are clearly associated with the jet, while the CO, HI and NaI peaks are spatially unresolved and coincident with the source, as is expected for emission associated with accretion processes. The H2 profile along the slit is resolved into multiple components, which increase in size though decrease in intensity with distance from the source. This trend might be consistent with thermal expansion of packets of gas ejected during periods of increased accretion activity. Indeed, for the brightest component nearest the source, proper motion measurements indicate a tangential velocity of 0.028 arcsec/year. It therefore seems unlikely that this emission peak is associated with a stationary zone of warm gas at the base of the jet. However, the same can not be said for the [FeII] peak, for which we see no evidence for motion downwind, even though radial velocity measurements indicate that the emission is associated with higher jet velocities. We postulate that the [FeII] could be associated with a collimation shock at the base of the jet.Comment: Astrophys. J accepted, 14 pages, 5 figures. See also http://www.jach.hawaii.edu/~cdavi