9 research outputs found

    Situasi Pasca Pengobatan Massal Filariasis Di Desa Buru Kaghu, Kecamatan Wewewa Selatan, Sumba Barat Daya

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    Filariasis limfatik adalah penyakit parasit dimana cacing filaria (Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi dan Brugia timori) menginfeksi jaringan limfe (getah Bening). Mikrofilaria rate di Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya tahun 2011 sebesar 1,16%, mf rate di Desa Buru Kaghu sebesar 1,32%. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran situasi daerah endemis filariasis pasca pengobatan massal filariasis di Desa Buru Kaghu. Desain penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, jenis penelitian tanpa intervensi. Sampel penelitian yakni masyarakat dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 501 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 501 responden tidak ditemukan kasus positif mikrofilaria. Jumlah nyamuk tertangkap sebanyak 174 ekor dengan puncak kepadatan pada Pkl. 20.00-21.00 WITA sebanyak 31 ekor. Cx. vishnui memiliki jumlah terbanyak dibandingkan dengan spesies lain yaitu 52 ekor (29,9%), puncak kepadatannya pada Pkl. 22.00 - 23.00 WITA sebanyak 10 ekor. Pembedahan pada seluruh spesies secara individu tidak ditemukan larva filaria dalam tubuh nyamuk. Habitat perkembangbiakan yang banyak berupa sawah dengan rata-rata suhu 280C, pH rata-rata 7 dan salinitas rata-rata 0,2%o. Kepadatan tertinggi pada sawah padi umur 1 bulan sebesar 5,8 percidukan, pada umumnya terkena sinar matahari langsung, air yang keruh. Biota air yang ditemukan adalah padi dan lumut. Lima spesies hasil pencidukan yaitu An.barbirostris, An.vagus, An.annullaris, An. vishnui, dan Cx. pseudovishnui

    Effects of (a Combination of) the Beta2-Adrenoceptor Agonist Indacaterol and the Muscarinic Receptor Antagonist Glycopyrrolate on Intrapulmonary Airway Constriction

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    Expression of bronchodilatory β2-adrenoceptors and bronchoconstrictive muscarinic M3-receptors alter with airway size. In COPD, (a combination of) β2-agonists and muscarinic M3-antagonists (anticholinergics) are used as bronchodilators. We studied whether differential receptor expression in large and small airways affects the response to β2-agonists and anticholinergics in COPD. Bronchoprotection by indacaterol (β2-agonist) and glycopyrrolate (anticholinergic) against methacholine- and EFS-induced constrictions of large and small airways was measured in guinea pig and human lung slices using video-assisted microscopy. In guinea pig lung slices, glycopyrrolate (1, 3 and 10 nM) concentration-dependently protected against methacholine- and EFS-induced constrictions, with no differences between large and small intrapulmonary airways. Indacaterol (0.01, 0.1, 1 and 10 μM) also provided concentration-dependent protection, which was greater in large airways against methacholine and in small airways against EFS. Indacaterol (10 μM) and glycopyrrolate (10 nM) normalized small airway hyperresponsiveness in COPD lung slices. Synergy of low indacaterol (10 nM) and glycopyrrolate (1 nM) concentrations was greater in LPS-challenged guinea pigs (COPD model) compared to saline-challenged controls. In conclusion, glycopyrrolate similarly protects large and small airways, whereas the protective effect of indacaterol in the small, but not the large, airways depends on the contractile stimulus used. Moreover, findings in a guinea pig model indicate that the synergistic bronchoprotective effect of indacaterol and glycopyrrolate is enhanced in COPD

    Comparative Analysis of Qualitative Dermatoglyphic Traits of Albanian and Turkish Populations Living in the Area of Dukagjin Valley in Kosovo

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    Dermatoglyphic prints were collected from 800 inhabitants of Dukagjin valley in Kosovo. The sample consisted of two ethnically different sub-populations who refer themselves as Albanians (N=400) and Turks (N=400). Qualitative analysis of prints concerned the frequency of the patterns on fingers (arch, ulnar and radial loop, whorl, accidental whorl) and on palms (Thenar and I, II, III, and IV interdigital area and the hypothenar, main line index, and the axial »t« triradius position). As was expected due to previous study of quantitative dermatoglyphic traits, in the same population the Albanians and Turks showed to be significantly different in most explored qualitative dermatoglyphic variables. Found differences indicated that the reproductive isolation between the Albanian and Turkish population in Kosovo is substantial, despite the fact that those two ethnic sub-populations live in the close vicinity through several centuries