552 research outputs found

    Voltage-Controlled High-Bandwidth Terahertz Oscillators Based On Antiferromagnets

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    Producing compact voltage-controlled frequency generators and sensors operating in the terahertz (THz) regime represents a major technological challenge. Here, we show that noncollinear antiferromagnets (NCAFM) with kagome structure host gapless self-oscillations whose frequencies are tunable from 0 Hz to the THz regime via electrically induced spin-orbit torques (SOTs). The auto-oscillations' initiation, bandwidth, and amplitude are investigated by deriving an effective theory, which captures the reactive and dissipative SOTs. We find that the dynamics strongly depends on the ground state's chirality, with one chirality having gapped excitations, whereas the opposite chirality provides gapless self-oscillations. Our results reveal that NCAFMs offer unique THz functional components, which could play a significant role in filling the THz technology gap.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Spin texture motion in antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic nanowires

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    We propose a Hamiltonian dynamics formalism for the current and magnetic field driven dynamics of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic domain walls in one dimensional systems. To demonstrate the power of this formalism, we derive Hamilton equations of motion via Poisson brackets based on the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert phenomenology, and add dissipative dynamics via the evolution of the energy. We use this approach to study current induced domain wall motion and compute the drift velocity. For the antiferromagnetic case, we show that a nonzero magnetic moment is induced in the domain wall, which indicates that an additional application of a magnetic field would influence the antiferromagnetic domain-wall dynamics. We consider both cases of the magnetic field being parallel and transverse to the N{\'e}el field. Based on this formalism, we predict an orientation switch mechanism for antiferromagnetic domain walls which can be tested with the recently discovered N{\'e}el spin orbit torques.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Dopamine transporter trafficking and Rit2 GTPase: Mechanism of action and in vivo impact

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    Following its evoked release, DA signaling is rapidly terminated by presynaptic reuptake, mediated by the cocaine-sensitive DAT. DAT surface availability is dynamically regulated by endocytic trafficking, and direct PKC activation acutely diminishes DAT surface expression by accelerating DAT internalization. Previous cell line studies demonstrated that PKC-stimulated DAT endocytosis requires both Ack1 inactivation, which releases a DAT-specific endocytic brake, and the neuronal GTPase, Rit2, which binds DAT. However, it is unknown whether Rit2 is required for PKC-stimulated DAT endocytosis in DAergic terminals, or whether there are region- and/or sex-dependent differences in PKC-stimulated DAT trafficking. Moreover, the mechanisms by which Rit2 controls PKC-stimulated DAT endocytosis are unknown. Here, we directly examined these important questions. Ex vivo studies revealed that PKC activation acutely decreased DAT surface expression selectively in ventral, but not dorsal, striatum. AAV-mediated, conditional Rit2 knockdown in DAergic neurons impacted baseline DAT surface:intracellular distribution in DAergic terminals from female ventral, but not dorsal, striatum. Further, Rit2 was required for PKC-stimulated DAT internalization in both male and female ventral striatum. FRET and surface pulldown studies in cell lines revealed that PKC activation drives DAT-Rit2 surface dissociation, and that the DAT N-terminus is required for both PKC-mediated DAT-Rit2 dissociation and DAT internalization. Finally, we found that Rit2 and Ack1 independently converge on DAT to facilitate PKC-stimulated DAT endocytosis. Together, our data provide greater insight into mechanisms that mediate PKC-regulated DAT internalization, and reveal unexpected region-specific differences in PKC-stimulated DAT trafficking in bona fide DAergic terminals

    The effect of modafinil on the rat dopamine transporter and dopamine receptors D1–D3 paralleling cognitive enhancement in the radial arm maze

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    A series of drugs have been reported to increase memory performance modulating the dopaminergic system and herein modafinil was tested for its working memory (WM) enhancing properties. Reuptake inhibition of dopamine, serotonin (SERT) and norepinephrine (NET) by modafinil was tested. Sixty male Sprague–Dawley rats were divided into six groups (modafinil-treated 1–5–10 mg/kg body weight, trained and untrained and vehicle treated trained and untrained rats; daily injected intraperitoneally for a period of 10 days) and tested in a radial arm maze (RAM), a paradigm for testing spatial WM. Hippocampi were taken 6 h following the last day of training and complexes containing the unphosphorylated or phosphorylated dopamine transporter (DAT-CC and pDAT-CC) and complexes containing the D1–3 dopamine receptor subunits (D1–D3-CC) were determined. Modafinil was binding to the DAT but insignificantly to SERT or NET and dopamine reuptake was blocked specifically (IC50 = 11.11 μM; SERT 1547 μM; NET 182 μM). From day 8 (day 9 for 1 mg/kg body weight) modafinil was decreasing WM errors (WMEs) in the RAM significantly and remarkably at all doses tested as compared to the vehicle controls. WMEs were linked to the D2R-CC and the pDAT-CC. pDAT and D1–D3-CC levels were modulated significantly and modafinil was shown to enhance spatial WM in the rat in a well-documented paradigm at all the three doses and dopamine reuptake inhibition with subsequent modulation of D1–3-CC is proposed as a possible mechanism of action. © 2015 Karabacak, Sase, Aher, Sase, Saroja, Cicvaric, Höger, Berger, Bakulev, Sitte, Leban, Monje and Lubec