679 research outputs found

    A Pressure-Based Model for Two-Phase Flows Under Generic Equations of State

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    We present a diffuse interface method for a pressure-based Baer-Nunziato type model for compressible two-phase flows, which allows the use of generic equations of state to describe each phase. The model is made dimensionless by means of a special pressure scaling that recovers the correct scaling of the discrete governing equations in the zero Mach limit, and overcomes the difficulties related to the lack of a clear notion of reference speed of sound in non-equilibrium two-phase flows. The model is equipped with pressure and velocity relaxation terms to impose the mechanical equilibrium between phases after their independent evolution. Two different finite volume schemes are presented. First, a 1D semi-implicit staggered scheme is introduced to show the capability of the model to work with the Peng-Robinson EOS when each phase evolves close to the saturation curve. Then, a preliminary 2D explicit scheme, which does not include the relaxation terms, is presented as a first step toward the development of an unstructured 2D scheme for compressible two-phase flows at all Mach numbers. The validity of the preliminary 2D monolithic implementation of the hyperbolic operator is illustrated through the simulation of a shock-bubble interaction with air and helium. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Principal Component Analysis of the Time- and Position-Dependent Point Spread Function of the Advanced Camera for Surveys

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    We describe the time- and position-dependent point spread function (PSF) variation of the Wide Field Channel (WFC) of the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) with the principal component analysis (PCA) technique. The time-dependent change is caused by the temporal variation of the HSTHST focus whereas the position-dependent PSF variation in ACS/WFC at a given focus is mainly the result of changes in aberrations and charge diffusion across the detector, which appear as position-dependent changes in elongation of the astigmatic core and blurring of the PSF, respectively. Using >400 archival images of star cluster fields, we construct a ACS PSF library covering diverse environments of the HSTHST observations (e.g., focus values). We find that interpolation of a small number (∼20\sim20) of principal components or ``eigen-PSFs'' per exposure can robustly reproduce the observed variation of the ellipticity and size of the PSF. Our primary interest in this investigation is the application of this PSF library to precision weak-lensing analyses, where accurate knowledge of the instrument's PSF is crucial. However, the high-fidelity of the model judged from the nice agreement with observed PSFs suggests that the model is potentially also useful in other applications such as crowded field stellar photometry, galaxy profile fitting, AGN studies, etc., which similarly demand a fair knowledge of the PSFs at objects' locations. Our PSF models, applicable to any WFC image rectified with the Lanczos3 kernel, are publicly available.Comment: Accepted to PASP. To appear in December issue. Figures are degraded to meet the size limit. High-resolution version can be downloaded at http://acs.pha.jhu.edu/~mkjee/acs_psf/acspsf.pd

    Local seismic response studies in the north-western portion of the August 24th, 2016 Mw 6.0 earthquake affected area. The case of Visso village (Central Apennines).

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    In this work, we investigate the possible causes of the differential damaging observed in Visso village (Central Apennines, about 28 km north from the August 24th, 2016 Mw 6.0 earthquake epicenter). Following insights from the available geological cartography at 1:10.000 scale, a preliminary geophysical survey has been performed in the damaged area in order to constrain geometries and extent of the subsoil lithotypes. Then, these results have been used to retrieve a Vs profile close to the most heavily damaged buildings. This latter has been used as input for a numerical analysis aimed at deriving the motion at the ground level in the study area. In particular, a linear equivalent simulation has been performed by means of EERA code and the waveform has been obtained convolving the time history recorded during the August 24th, 2016 mainshock at Spoleto Monteluco (SPM) site. Our preliminary results indicate a possible correlation of damaging to the thickness and shape of the geological units. Nevertheless, further analyses are necessary to highlight any 2D basin and / non- linear soil behaviour effects in order to compare them to the intrinsic buildings vulnerability, according to the EMS98 guidelines

    The Low End of the Initial Mass Function in Young LMC Clusters: I. The Case of R136

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    We report the result of a study in which we have used very deep broadband V and I WFPC2 images of the R136 cluster in the Large Magellanic Cloud from the HST archive, to sample the luminosity function below the detection limit of 2.8 Mo previously reached. In these new deeper images, we detect stars down to a limiting magnitude of m_F555W = 24.7 (~ 1 magnitude deeper than previous works), and identify a population of red stars evenly distributed in the surrounding of the R136 cluster. A comparison of our color-magnitude diagram with recentely computed evolutionary tracks indicates that these red objects are pre-main sequence stars in the mass range 0.6 - 3 Mo. We construct the initial mass function (IMF) in the 1.35 - 6.5 Mo range and find that, after correcting for incompleteness, the IMF shows a definite flattening below ~ 2 Mo. We discuss the implications of this result for the R136 cluster and for our understanding of starburst galaxies formation and evolution in general.Comment: 29 pages, 6 tables, 11 figures included + 3 external files, accepted for publication by Ap.

    The admissibility domain of rarefaction shock waves in the near-critical vapour-liquid equilibrium region of pure typical fluids

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    Application of the scaled fundamental equation of state of Balfour et al. (Phys. Lett. A, vol. 65, 1978, pp. 223-225) based upon universal critical exponents, demonstrates that there exists a bounded thermodynamic domain, located within the vapour-liquid equilibrium region and close to the critical point, featuring so-called negative nonlinearity. As a consequence, rarefaction shock waves with phase transition are physically admissible in a limited two-phase region in the close proximity of the liquid-vapour critical point. The boundaries of the admissibility region of rarefaction shock waves are identified from first-principle conservation laws governing compressible flows, complemented with the scaled fundamental equations. The exemplary substances considered here are methane, ethylene and carbon dioxide. Nonetheless, the results are arguably valid in the near-critical state of any common fluid, namely any fluid whose molecular interactions are governed by short-range forces conforming to three-dimensional Ising-like systems, including, e.g. water. Computed results yield experimentally feasible admissible rarefaction shock waves generating a drop in pressure from 1 to 6 bar and pre-shock Mach numbers exceeding 1.5

    I Zw 18 revisited with HST/ACS and Cepheids: New Distance and Age

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    We present new V and I-band HST/ACS photometry of I Zw 18, the most metal-poor blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxy in the nearby universe. It has been argued in the past that I Zw 18 is a very young system that started forming stars only 1 Gyr) red giant branch (RGB) stars may also exist. Our new data, once combined with archival HST/ACS data, provide a deep and uncontaminated optical color-magnitude diagram (CMD) that now strongly indicates an RGB. The RGB tip (TRGB) magnitude yields a distance modulus (m-M)_0 = 31.30 +/- 0.17, i.e., D = 18.2 +/- 1.5 Mpc. The time-series nature of our observations allows us to also detect and characterize for the first time three classical Cepheids in I~Zw~18. The time-averaged Cepheid and magnitudes are compared to the VI reddening-free Wesenheit relation predicted from new non-linear pulsation models specifically calculated at the metallicity of I Zw 18. For the one bona-fide classical Cepheid with a period of 8.63 days this implies a distance modulus (m-M)_0 = 31.42 +/- 0.26. The other two Cepheids have unusually long periods (125.0 and 129.8 d) but are consistent with this distance. The coherent picture that emerges is that I Zw 18 is older and farther away than previously believed. This rules out the possibility that I Zw 18 is a truly primordial galaxy formed recently (z < 0.1) in the local universe.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ
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