11,183 research outputs found

    An In Depth Study into Using EMI Signatures for Appliance Identification

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    Energy conservation is a key factor towards long term energy sustainability. Real-time end user energy feedback, using disaggregated electric load composition, can play a pivotal role in motivating consumers towards energy conservation. Recent works have explored using high frequency conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) on power lines as a single point sensing parameter for monitoring common home appliances. However, key questions regarding the reliability and feasibility of using EMI signatures for non-intrusive load monitoring over multiple appliances across different sensing paradigms remain unanswered. This work presents some of the key challenges towards using EMI as a unique and time invariant feature for load disaggregation. In-depth empirical evaluations of a large number of appliances in different sensing configurations are carried out, in both laboratory and real world settings. Insights into the effects of external parameters such as line impedance, background noise and appliance coupling on the EMI behavior of an appliance are realized through simulations and measurements. A generic approach for simulating the EMI behavior of an appliance that can then be used to do a detailed analysis of real world phenomenology is presented. The simulation approach is validated with EMI data from a router. Our EMI dataset - High Frequency EMI Dataset (HFED) is also released

    Identification of the [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Responsible for Hydrogen Generation in Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum and Demonstration of Increased Ethanol Yield via Hydrogenase Knockout

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    Three putative hydrogenase enzyme systems in Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum were investigated at the genetic, mRNA, enzymatic, and phenotypic levels. A four-gene operon containing two [FeFe]-hydrogenase genes, provisionally termed hfs (hydrogenase-Fe-S), was found to be the main enzymatic catalyst of hydrogen production. hfsB, perhaps the most interesting gene of the operon, contains an [FeFe]-hydrogenase and a PAS sensory domain and has several conserved homologues among clostridial saccharolytic, cellulolytic, and pathogenic bacteria. A second hydrogenase gene cluster, hyd, exhibited methyl viologen-linked hydrogenase enzymatic activity, but hyd gene knockouts did not influence the hydrogen yield of cultures grown in closed-system batch fermentations. This result, combined with the observation that hydB contains NAD(P)+ and FMN binding sites, suggests that the hyd genes are specific to the transfer of electrons from NAD(P)H to hydrogen ions. A third gene cluster, a putative [NiFe]-hydrogenase with homology to the ech genes, did not exhibit hydrogenase activity under any of the conditions tested. Deletion of the hfs and hydA genes resulted in a loss of detectable methyl viologen-linked hydrogenase activity. Strains with a deletion of the hfs genes exhibited a 95% reduction in hydrogen and acetic acid production. A strain with hfs and ldh deletions exhibited an increased ethanol yield from consumed carbohydrates and represents a new strategy for engineering increased ethanol yields in T. saccharolyticum

    Rotational quenching rate coefficients for H_2 in collisions with H_2 from 2 to 10,000 K

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    Rate coefficients for rotational transitions in H_2 induced by H_2 impact are presented. Extensive quantum mechanical coupled-channel calculations based on a recently published (H_2)_2 potential energy surface were performed. The potential energy surface used here is presumed to be more reliable than surfaces used in previous work. Rotational transition cross sections with initial levels J <= 8 were computed for collision energies ranging between 0.0001 and 2.5 eV, and the corresponding rate coefficients were calculated for the temperature range 2 < T <10,000 K. In general, agreement with earlier calculations, which were limited to 100-6000 K, is good though discrepancies are found at the lowest and highest temperatures. Low-density-limit cooling functions due to para- and ortho-H_2 collisions are obtained from the collisional rate coefficients. Implications of the new results for non-thermal H_2 rotational distributions in molecular regions are also investigated

    Natural Competence in Thermoanaerobacter and Thermoanaerobacterium Species

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    Low-G+C thermophilic obligate anaerobes in the class Clostridia are considered among the bacteria most resistant to genetic engineering due to the difficulty of introducing foreign DNA, thus limiting the ability to study and exploit their native hydrolytic and fermentative capabilities. Here, we report evidence of natural genetic competence in 13 Thermoanaerobacter and Thermoanaerobacterium strains previously believed to be difficult to transform or genetically recalcitrant. In Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum JW/SL-YS485, natural competence- mediated DNA incorporation occurs during the exponential growth phase with both replicating plasmid and homologous recombination-based integration, and circular or linear DNA. In T. saccharolyticum, disruptions of genes similar to comEA, comEC, and a type IV pilus (T4P) gene operon result in strains unable to incorporate further DNA, suggesting that natural competence occurs via a conserved Gram-positive mechanism. The relative ease of employing natural competence for gene transfer should foster genetic engineering in these industrially relevant organisms, and understanding the mechanisms underlying natural competence may be useful in increasing the applicability of genetic tools to difficult-to-transform organisms

    Halting indigenous biodiversity decline: ambiguity, equity, and outcomes in RMA assessment of significance

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    In New Zealand, assessment of ‘significance’ is undertaken to give effect to a legal requirement for local authorities to provide for protection of significant sites under the Resource Management Act (1991). The ambiguity of the statute enables different interests to define significance according to their goals: vested interests (developers), local authorities, and non-vested interests in pursuit of protection of environmental public goods may advance different definitions. We examine two sets of criteria used for assessment of significance for biological diversity under the Act. Criteria adapted from the 1980s Protected Natural Areas Programme are inadequate to achieve the maintenance of biological diversity if ranking is used to identify only highest priority sites. Norton and Roper-Lindsay (2004) propose a narrow definition of significance and criteria that identify only a few high-quality sites as significant. Both sets are likely to serve the interests of developers and local authorities, but place the penalty of uncertainty on non-vested interests seeking to maintain biological diversity, and are likely to exacerbate the decline of biological diversity and the loss of landscape-scale processes required for its persistence. When adopting criteria for assessment of significance, we suggest local authorities should consider whose interests are served by different criteria sets, and who will bear the penalty of uncertainty regarding biological diversity outcomes. They should also ask whether significance criteria are adequate, and sufficiently robust to the uncertainty inherent in the assessment of natural values, to halt the decline of indigenous biological diversity

    High prevalence of penicillin-nonsusceptible Streptococcus pneumoniae at a community hospital in Oklahoma.

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    During 1997, Oklahoma City's Hospital A reported penicillin-nonsusceptible Streptococcus pneumoniae in almost 67% of isolates. To confirm this finding, all Hospital A S. pneumoniae isolates from October 23, 1997, through February 19, 1998, were tested for antibiotic susceptibility and repeat-tested at two other hospital laboratories. Medical records of Hospital A patients with invasive S. pneumoniae infections during 1994 through 1997 were also reviewed. These data were compared with 1998 statewide sentinel hospital surveillance data for invasive S. pneumoniae. Of 48 S. pneumoniae isolates from Hospital A during October 23, 1997, through February 19, 1998, 31 (65%) were penicillin-nonsusceptible S. pneumoniae, and 23 (48%) were highly penicillin resistant. Similar prevalences were confirmed at the other hospital laboratories; however, significant interlaboratory differences were noted in the determination of third-generation cephalosporin susceptibility. During 1994 through 1997, a trend toward increasing penicillin nonsusceptibility (p <0.05) was noted among S. pneumoniae isolates from nursing home patients. During 1998, 85 (30%) of 282 invasive isolates reported to the state surveillance system were penicillin-nonsusceptible S. pneumoniae; 33 (12%) were highly resistant. The increase in resistance observed is notable; the interlaboratory discrepancies are unexplained. To respond, a vaccination program was implemented at Hospital A, and vaccination efforts were initiated at nursing homes

    Exclusion process for particles of arbitrary extension: Hydrodynamic limit and algebraic properties

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    The behaviour of extended particles with exclusion interaction on a one-dimensional lattice is investigated. The basic model is called ℓ\ell-ASEP as a generalization of the asymmetric exclusion process (ASEP) to particles of arbitrary length ℓ\ell. Stationary and dynamical properties of the ℓ\ell-ASEP with periodic boundary conditions are derived in the hydrodynamic limit from microscopic properties of the underlying stochastic many-body system. In particular, the hydrodynamic equation for the local density evolution and the time-dependent diffusion constant of a tracer particle are calculated. As a fundamental algebraic property of the symmetric exclusion process (SEP) the SU(2)-symmetry is generalized to the case of extended particles

    Characterisation of a new VUV beamline at the Daresbury SRS using a dispersed fluorescence apparatus incorporating CCD detection

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    The design and performance of a new normal incidence monochromator at the Daresbury Synchrotron Radiation Source, optimised for experiments requiring high flux of vacuum-UV radiation, are described. The re-developed beamline 3.1, based on the Wadsworth design of monochromator, is the source of tunable vacuum-UV photons in the range 4 – 31 eV, providing over two orders of magnitude more flux than the vacuum-UV, Seya monochromator in its previous manifestation. The undispersed and dispersed fluorescence spectra resulting from photoexcitation of N2_2, CO2_2, CF4_4 and C6_6F6_6 are presented. Emitting species observed were N2+_2^+ B2ÎŁu+^2\Sigma_u^+ - X2ÎŁg+^2\Sigma_g^+, CO2+_2^+ A2Πu^2\Pi_u - X2Πg^2\Pi_g and B2ÎŁu+^2\Sigma_u^+ - X2Πg^2\Pi_g, CF4_4+^+ C2^2T2_2 - X2^2T1_1 and C2^2T2_2 - A2^2T2_2, CF3_3* 2^2A2’^’_2 - 2^2A2”^”_2, and C6_6F6+_6^+ B2^2A2u_{2u} - X2^2E1g_{1g}. A CCD multi-channel detector has significantly reduced the time period needed to record dispersed fluorescence spectra with a comparable signal-to-noise ratio

    Carbon Abundances in the Small Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebulae

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    As an ongoing study of Magellanic Cloud PNe we have obtained UV spectra of 9 PNe in the SMC to measure their carbon abundances. The spectra have been acquired with ACS HRC/PR200L and SBC/PR130L. The ACS prisms give a reasonable resolution in the range of 1200 -- 2500 A to detect the C IV, C III], and C II] nebular emission, essential for chemical studies of the PNe. The carbon abundances of SMC PNe, together with those of the LMC previously determined with STIS spectroscopy, will allow a comparative study of nebular enrichment and provide the basis for comparison with stellar evolution models at various metallicity.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figures. To appear in the proceedings of IAU Symp. 234: Planetary Nebulae in our Galaxy and Beyon
