213 research outputs found

    Bulk and edge excitations of a ν=1\nu =1 Hall ferromagnet

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    In this article, we shall focus on the collective dynamics of the fermions in a ν=1\nu = 1 quantum Hall droplet. Specifically, we propose to look at the quantum Hall ferromagnet. In this system, the electron spins are ordered in the ground state due to the exchange part of the Coulomb interaction and the Pauli exclusion principle. The low energy excitations are ferromagnetic magnons. In order to obtain an effective Lagrangian for these magnons, we shall introduce bosonic collective coordinates in the Hilbert space of many-fermion systems. These collective coordinates describe a part of the fermionic Hilbert space. Using this technique, we shall interpret the magnons as bosonic collective excitations in the Hilbert space of the many-electron Hall system. Furthermore, by considering a Hall droplet of finite extent, we shall also obtain the effective Lagrangian governing the spin collective excitations at the edge of the sample.Comment: 30 pages, plain TeX, no figure

    Simple Classification of Light Baryons

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    We introduce a classification number nn which describes the baryon mass information in a fuzzy manner. According to nn and JpJ^p of baryons, we put all known light baryons in a simple table in which some baryons with same (nn, JpJ^p) are classified as members of known octets or decuplets. Meanwhile, we predict two new possible octets.Comment: 5 latex pages, 5 tables, no figur

    Accurate numerical verification of the instanton method for macroscopic quantum tunneling: dynamics of phase slips

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    Instanton methods, in which imaginary-time evolution gives the tunneling rate, have been widely used for studying quantum tunneling in various contexts. Nevertheless, how accurate instanton methods are for the problems of macroscopic quantum tunneling (MQT) still remains unclear because of lack of their direct comparison with exact time evolution of the many-body Schroedinger equation. Here, we verify instanton methods applied to coherent MQT. Specifically applying the quasi-exact numerical method of time-evolving block decimation to the system of bosons in a ring lattice, we directly simulate the real-time quantum dynamics of supercurrents, where a coherent oscillation between two macroscopically distinct current states occurs due to MQT. The tunneling rate extracted from the coherent oscillation is compared with that given by the instanton method. We show that the error is within 10% when the effective Planck's constant is sufficiently small. We also discuss phase slip dynamics associated with the coherent oscillations.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 1 tabl

    Chern-Simons matrix model: coherent states and relation to Laughlin wavefunctions

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    Using a coherent state representation we derive many-body probability distributions and wavefunctions for the Chern-Simons matrix model proposed by Polychronakos and compare them to the Laughlin ones. We analyze two different coherent state representations, corresponding to different choices for electron coordinate bases. In both cases we find that the resulting probability distributions do not quite agree with the Laughlin ones. There is agreement on the long distance behavior, but the short distance behavior is different.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX; one reference added, abstract and section 5 expanded, typos correcte

    Solitons and excitations in the duality-based matrix model

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    We analyse a specific, duality-based generalization of the hermitean matrix model. The existence of two collective fields enables us to describe specific excitations of the hermitean matrix model. By using these two fields, we construct topologically non-trivial solutions (BPS solitons) of the model. We find the low-energy spectrum of quantum fluctuations around the uniform solution. Furthermore, we construct the wave functional of the ground state and obtain the corresponding Green function.Comment: 13 pages,v2: new solutions constructed, title changed accordingl

    Field Theory On The World Sheet: Improvements And Generalizations

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    This article is the continuation of a project of investigating planar phi^3 model in various dimensions. The idea is to reformulate them on the world sheet, and then to apply the classical (meanfield) approximation, with two goals: To show that the ground state of the model is a solitonic configuration on the world sheet, and the quantum fluctuations around the soliton lead to the formation of a transverse string. After a review of some of the earlier work, we introduce and discuss several generalizations and new results. In 1+2 dimensions, a rigorous upper bound on the solitonic energy is established. A phi^4 interaction is added to stabilize the original phi^3 model. In 1+3 and 1+5 dimensions, an improved treatment of the ultraviolet divergences is given. And significantly, we show that our approximation scheme can be imbedded into a systematic strong coupling expansion. Finally, the spectrum of quantum fluctuations around the soliton confirms earlier results: In 1+2 and 1+3 dimensions, a transverse string is formed on the world sheet.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, several typos and eqs.(74) and (75) are corrected, a comment added to section

    Soliton solutions of Calogero model in harmonic potential

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    A classical Calogero model in an external harmonic potential is known to be integrable for any number of particles. We consider here reductions which play a role of "soliton" solutions of the model. We obtain these solutions both for the model with finite number of particles and in a hydrodynamic limit. In the latter limit the model is described by hydrodynamic equations on continuous density and velocity fields. Soliton solutions in this case are finite dimensional reductions of the hydrodynamic model and describe the propagation of lumps of density and velocity in the nontrivial background.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    More On The Connection Between Planar Field Theory And String Theory

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    We continue work on the connection between world sheet representation of the planar phi^3 theory and string formation. The present article, like the earlier work, is based on the existence of a solitonic solution on the world sheet, and on the zero mode fluctuations around this solution. The main advance made in this paper is the removal of the cutoff and the transition to the continuum limit on the world sheet. The result is an action for the modes whose energies remain finite in this limit (light modes). The expansion of this action about a dense background of graphs on the world sheet leads to the formation of a string.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    Prevalence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Gram-negative bacterial sepsis in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência e a mortalidade de sepse neonatal por bactérias Gram negativas produtoras de beta-lactamase de espectro estendido (ESBL) em Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo e descritivo de 236 recém-nascidos com suspeita de sepse entre 2000 e 2004. O diagnóstico de sepse foi confirmado pela presença de sinais clínicos associada à positividade da hemocultura. A triagem para bactérias ESBL foi realizada segundo os critérios do National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. RESULTADOS: 84 (36%) recém-nascidos apresentaram hemocultura positiva, sendo a Klebsiella pneumoniae o agente mais prevalente (47%). A análise dos neonatos com infecção por Klebsiella pneumoniae mostrou que sete destas eram ESBL, perfazendo uma taxa de infecção de 0,4%. Todos os recém-nascidos com Klebsiella pneumoniae ESBL - exceto um - foram hospitalizados por mais de 21 dias e necessitaram de ventilação mecânica; todos tinham cateter central, nutrição parenteral e antibióticos de largo espectro. A mortalidade ocorreu em 36 (43%) dos 84 neonatos com sepse confirmada. Dentre os óbitos, as hemoculturas mostraram Gram negativos (67%) e fungos (19%). Em relação à Klebsiella pneumoniae ESBL, três recém-nascidos (43%) morreram. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de sepse por Klebsiella pneumoniae ESBL no período do estudo foi de 0,4% e a mortalidade de 43%. É importante a detecção e o controle da disseminação deste tipo de microrganismo por seu impacto negativo na sobrevida de recém-nascidos prematuros e/ou doentes.OBJECTIVE: To determine the neonatal sepsis prevalence and the mortality of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Gram-negative bacteria (ESBL) in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. METHODS: This is a descriptive and retrospective study of 236 newborn infants with sepsis suspicion from 2000 to 2004. The diagnosis was confirmed by clinical signs and positive blood culture. Screening for ESBL was carried out following the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards criteria. RESULTS: Eighty-four (36%) neonates showed positive blood culture. Klebsiella pneumoniae was the most prevalent agent (47%). Among the neonates with Klebsiella pneumoniae infection, seven presented ESBL infection, with an infection rate of 0.4%. All the patients with one exception had length of hospital stay greater than 21 days and needed mechanical ventilation; all the newborns used central catheters, parenteral nutrition and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Among the 84 patients with confirmed sepsis, 36 (43%) died and their blood cultures were positive for gram-negative bacteria (67%) and fungous (19%). In relation to ESBL Klebsiella pneumoniae, three (43%) neonates died. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of sepsis by ESBL Klebsiella pneumoniae was 0.4% and the mortality rate was 42.8%. It is important to detect and to control the spread of this infectious agent with its negative impact on the survival rate of premature and/or sick newborn infants