1,666 research outputs found

    Tight lower bound to the geometric measure of quantum discord

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    Dakic, Vedral and Brukner [Physical Review Letters \tf{105},190502 (2010)] gave a geometric measure of quantum discord in a bipartite quantum state as the distance of the state from the closest classical quantum (or zero discord) state and derived an explicit formula for a two qubit state. Further, S.Luo and S.Fu [Physical Review A \tf{82}, 034302 (2010)] obtained a generic form of this geometric measure for a general bipartite state and established a lower bound. In this brief report we obtain a rigorous lower bound to the geometric measure of quantum discord in a general bipartite state which dominates that obtained by S.Luo and S.Fu.Comment: 10 pages,2 figures. In the previous versions, a constraint was ignored while optimizing the second term in Eq.(5), in which case, only a lower bound on the geometric discord can be obtained. The title is also consequently changed. Accepted in Phys.Rev.

    A Chromosomal Deletion and New Frameshift Mutation Cause ARSACS in an African-American

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    Autosomal Recessive Spastic Ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS) is a rare, progressive, neurodegenerative disease characterized by ataxia, spasticity and polyneuropathy. First described in the French-Canadian population of Quebec in 1978, ARSACS has since been identified in multiple patients worldwide. In this clinical case report, we describe the evaluation of an 11-years-old African-American male who presented to neuromuscular clinic for assessment of a gait abnormality. He had a history of gross motor delay since early childhood, frequent falls and a below average IQ. Chromosomal microarray revealed a 1.422 megabase loss in the 13q12.12 region, which includes the SACS gene. Next Generation Sequencing then showed a novel, predicted to be pathogenic missense mutation (c.11824dup) of this gene. His clinical presentation and neurological imaging further confirmed the diagnosis of ARSACS. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of this disease in the African-American population of the United States. This case report further highlights the growing trend of identifying genetic diseases previously restricted to single, ethnically isolated regions in many different ethnic groups worldwide

    Quantum Revivals in Periodically Driven Systems close to nonlinear resonance

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    We calculate the quantum revival time for a wave-packet initially well localized in a one-dimensional potential in the presence of an external periodic modulating field. The dependence of the revival time on various parameters of the driven system is shown analytically. As an example of application of our approach, we compare the analytically obtained values of the revival time for various modulation strengths with the numerically computed ones in the case of a driven gravitational cavity. We show that they are in very good agreement.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Utilizing of Elemental Sulfur from Oil and Gas Industry for Soil Treatment

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    The United Arab Emirates produces a large quantity of elemental sulfur from oil and gas industry. Elemental sulfur is widely used as soil treatment technique for reducing pH of alkaline soils than other techniques because it is cheaper and safer during treatment. In this study, different designs mixes were prepared based on its content of sulfur and calcium carbonate. Different application rates of elemental sulfur (0, 1, 2, and 3%S) were added to soils having different amounts of calcium carbonates (i.e., 16.2, 21.2, 26.2, 36.2, 46.2, and 56.2% for basic mix design, and mix designs types I, II, III, IV, and V, respectively. The changes in soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and sulfate concentration were measured at different time intervals (0, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 days) and statistically analyzed. Furthermore, mineral transformations were quantified via scanning electron microscope, x-ray diffraction analysis and energy depressive x-ray techniques. Mineral transformations were further analyzed in view of possible chemical reactions and thermodynamic modeling. The study concluded that sulfur addition for all treatments of basic mix design, mix design types I, III, IV, and V has no significant influence on pH changes but has high significance on pH changes for mix design type II as determined via statistical analysis. In this mix design, pH decreased by 1.14, 1.22, 1.27, 1.24 and 1.28 units after 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 days, respectively. For all treatment cases, sulfur addition has high influence on EC changes except for mix design type III that indicates no significance. For sulfur oxidation, similar conclusion to EC changes was reached. Furthermore, available water-soluble sulfate was highly correlated with EC. As sulfate increases, EC increases and vice versa

    Management of Pancreatic Cancer During COVID-19 Pandemic: To Treat or Not to Treat?

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    Pancreatic cancer is a very aggressive disease and survival remains dismal even with treatment. Currently, management of patients with pancreatic cancer has been complicated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Medical oncologists face the dilemma of whether to treat or to not treat these patients who are at high-risk of complications and even death from COVID-19. No current guidelines are available and our limited experience at this time makes it more difficult to manage these patients. Although we have general strategies available from experience in Italy, we need more treatment specific strategies to help mitigate risks of complications and toxicities from chemotherapy in order to protect our patients from COVID-19 as much as possible

    Continuous positive airway pressure reduces the incidence of atrial fibrillation in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review

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    INTRODUCTION: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and atrial fibrillation (AF) are disorders that have increased in the United States during recent years. Earlier investigations have shown that underlying undiagnosed and unmanaged OSA plays a significant role in high rates and also as a trigger for newly diagnosed AF. Since the introduction of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) as a main therapy for OSA, more studies have evaluated the effect of CPAP on the development or recurrence of AF in OSA patients. However, sample sizes in a limited number of studies have been too small to conclude whether CPAP therapy has a significant effect on the development of AF in patients with OSA. The authors report results of their systematic review and meta-analysis summarizing what is currently known about the efficacy of CPAP for mitigating AF in patients with OSA. METHOD: The authors systematically reviewed the published reports on CPAP use and the incidence of AF from PubMed, Google Scholar, EMBASE, Web of Science, meeting abstracts, and Cochrane databases published between January 2015 and November 2021. Study data were extracted by two reviewers and a random-effects meta-analysis was performed using RevMan version 5.4. RESULTS: A total of 17 studies that met inclusion criteria were identified Studies included a total of 6,523 patients, 3,248 (49.8%) who used CPAP and 3,275 (50.2%) who did not use CPAP. In a random effects model, patients treated with CPAP showed a decrease in the incidence of AF (OR, 0.51; 95% CI; 0.27; 0.97, p = 0.04). High heterogeneity among the included studies was also observed (I2 = 97%). CONCLUSION: Our results add to the increasing evidence that CPAP therapy may reduce the incidence of development of AF in patients with OSA. Prospective future studies and clinical trials are needed to refine our understanding of the relationship between OSA and AF and how CPAP may reduce cardiovascular disease development

    Dynamic Optimization and Optimal Control of Hydrogen Blending Operations in Natural Gas Networks

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    We present a dynamic model for the optimal control problem (OCP) of hydrogen blending into natural gas pipeline networks subject to inequality constraints. The dynamic model is derived using the first principles partial differential equations (PDEs) for the transport of heterogeneous gas mixtures through long distance pipes. Hydrogen concentration is tracked together with the pressure and mass flow dynamics within the pipelines, as well as mixing and compatibility conditions at nodes, actuation by compressors, and injection of hydrogen or natural gas into the system or withdrawal of the mixture from the network. We implement a lumped parameter approximation to reduce the full PDE model to a differential algebraic equation (DAE) system that can be easily discretized and solved using nonlinear optimization or programming (NLP) solvers. We examine a temporal discretization that is advantageous for time-periodic boundary conditions, parameters, and inequality constraint bound values. The method is applied to solve case studies for a single pipe and a multi-pipe network with time-varying parameters in order to explore how mixing of heterogeneous gases affects pipeline transient optimization

    Transitions from Monotonicity to Chaos in Gas Mixture Dynamics in Pipeline Networks

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    The blending of hydrogen generated using clean energy into natural gas pipeline networks is proposed in order to utilize existing energy systems for their planned lifetime while reducing their reliance on fossil fuels. We formulate a system of partial differential equations (PDEs) that govern the flow dynamics of mixtures of gases in pipeline networks under the influence of time-varying compressor and regulator control actions. The formulation is derived for general gas networks that can inject or withdraw arbitrary time-varying mixtures of gases into or from the network at arbitrarily specified nodes. The PDE formulation is discretized in space to form a nonlinear control system which is used to prove that homogeneous mixtures are well-behaved and heterogeneous mixtures may be ill-behaved in the sense of monotone-ordering of solutions. We use numerical simulations to compute interfaces that delimit periodic and monotone system responses and show that any solution in the monotonic operating region eventually approaches a periodic orbit. Our results are demonstrated for examples of a single pipeline and a small test network
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