2,029 research outputs found


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    Efforts to disclose the mechanisms of transcranial therapeutic electro-magnetic fields (EMF) acting on the brain\u27s cells (Marino, Kibleur) and recently immune cells (Gülöksüz) meet unsolved physiological details of blood vessels, exclusively arterial vasomotion or the non-glial-related former g(lia)-lymphatic flow (Iliff; Liu DX) - now replaced by an astrocytic AQP4-pipeline cooling the brain (Nakada 2014). Here within the convergent dyn4TAM-framework, which had suggested the first mast cell behavioral experiment (Fitzpatrick & Morrow 2017), three intertwined physiological concepts are contributed: A) “autocrinicity” – how flushed, thus absent, autocrine signals integrate external fluidics into cellular computations e.g. on motility: EMFs could increase such absences by targeting e.g. dipole-cytokines; B) a new concept of the arterial wall based on a tangible interpretation of the coronal histology of all arteries as a co-axial pulse-dampening engine (Treviranus 2012). In the brain this engine might provide the quickest cerebral outflow via the Cerebral IntraMUral Reverse Arterial Flow (Treviranus 2018b), while transmitting further forces acting upstream to the paravascular spaces; C) some key roles for mast cells in neuro-psychiatry (Silver & Curley 2013) and their interactive lymphatic and non-luminal vascular routes to the brain dictated by peripheral imprinting as to destiny (Csaba 1987) and destination (Treviranus 2013). Within the skull they might advance against para-arterial upstream currents. Some known causal mediators of the effects of transcranially applied EFMs and puzzling results are then put tentatively in perspective with the above “tangible” models, e.g. by aligning probable induced currents with arterial segments or the new direct meningeal-calvario-myeloid channels. Results: The case for a role of mast cells and diverse flows in transcranial electromagnetic brain therapy seems promising


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    Mechanisms of cortical psychoses are approached by complementing big data-driven genetics and imaging with a putatively subverted neurovascular “reverse plumbing” by arteries. The “cortical spread” of grey matter loss in schizophrenia and the midpericallosal “congestion” in fMRI of periodic catatonia - treatable electromagnetically along arteries - are interpreted in terms of the fastest interstitial outflow through the Cerebral IntraMural Reverse Arterial Flow-engine (CIMURAF, Treviranus 2018-19) draining “waste” via arterio-adventitial lymphatics to the neck. Such repetitively sliding segments of CIMURAF are wrung downstream by muscles likely steered by the neurovascular pterygopalatine ganglion. At the pericallosal artery, along its ideal long straight segment, this likely happens diverging from the mid-callosum towards the front and the back. In the case of a convergent inversion a mid-callosal clash will result, which is observable in psychoses as a mid-callosal high-flow-spot simultaneously with hyper-perfusions of branches and “backwatering” of pial vessels with reactive waste - till date interpreted psycho-mathematically. CIMURAF might also accelerate the perivascular intrusion of MCs by flushing autocrine signals (of which electro-magnetism moves the dipoles) through a putative periadventitial counter-current. Psychoses plausible occur through tryptase-mediated attacks operated by mast cells against oligodendrocytes` cytoskeleton (Medic 2009) and probably via complement-4 (Schizophrenia WG, 2014) against neurons. Usually MCs are essential long-lived “orchestrators” of homeostases and immune or barrier defences interacting with nerves, immunocytes, organs, and routes. MCs after somatic programming as to “destination & destiny” (Treviranus 2017a, 6.2., 2018) rapidly intrude also into the brain`s parenchyma, first within the lymphatics and then putatively by crossing-over to extraluminal arterial routes. MCs transverse the BBBs, while macrophages only trespass in “disease“ (Faraco et al. 2017). Both can be “subverted” by a list of microbes (and putatively blown up by COVID-19 within walls). Enuresis and MCs’ reactions to clozapine add to the interactive support from (epi-)genetics and imaging


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    Background: The orthogonal axes of Thought (T), Action (A), and Mood (M) span a phase space which corresponds e.g. to the three medial thalamic areas related to three resonating cortico-subcortico-thalamo-cortical loops. The above three of several loops constitute an “appropriative engine”, since within that space, as hinted to via Fig. 228 by Emil Kraepelin to illustrate bipolar mixed states, circular waves of appropriative functioning - from need via action to e.g. satisfaction - reflect a spectrum of temperamental to anxio-affective signatures of sequential appropriation waves. This neo-classical “dyn4TAM”-model also posits that a prime (thalamic) motivating system of Uncertainty-orientation (R. M. Sorrentino) regulates the temperamental balance between only 4- dimensional (D)-“Thought” (G. Halford) about effort-sparing models and high-D-“Action” (G. Rizzolatti) meaningfully related to movement. In fact the exchange across this “complexity divide” - between “grasping” action-related high-D-modules and “calculating” 4D-modules of brains – even concerns the grounding of symbolic relational “concepts.” It thus expands on the Franco-Kraepelinian “TAM”-System (FKS) which suffered a distortion by Kraepelin and the eliminative eugenicist Wilhelm Weygandt, unfortunately carried on in the “bipolar spectrum” current. Because the above loops are independently segregated they generate true dimensions. Furthermore the phenomena they jointly create become patterns, i.e. independently filled slots. Now these are irremediably destroyed at acquisition by Galtonian statistics which is detrimental to conceiving dimensional topics. Hypothesis: Here we posit that preponderantly “uncertainty-oriented”, calculating academics unless depressed, are attracted by 4D-Thought and repulsed by intuition. They thus avoid bio-psychologically the “comprehension” of patterns. Method & Result: New research initiated by dyn4TAM confirmed, that the homologous rodent sign-tracking depends on mast cells modulating the ACC-loop for “Action.” Conclusion: The “complexity divide” warrants more attention in clinical and pure cognitive sciences and should include a “psychology of statistics”


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    Unresolved infectious psycho-neuro-endocrino-inflammation (PNEI) denotes an area of tragically accelerated interest because of SARS-CoV-2`s capacity to meddle with the immune responses in a stage-wise fashion. Its pandemic, interacting with antecedent further deteriorating health and living conditions, takes a direct toll of million human lives. In order to withstand the plethora of slowly or never easing ailments labeled "Post-acute Sequelae of Covid-19 (PASC)" comprehensive understanding from the intrusions up to its emerging aftermaths is paramount. For the strained health professions these prospect care requirements of 1 in 5 for a non-convalescence overlapping also with other tedious long-hauling triggered disorders adjacent to psychiatry like chronic fatigue with orthostasis intolerance or intracranial hypertension (ME/CFS-OI; IIH). For the lattter two new pathophysiologies are proposed in order to inform a strong rehabilitative psychiatric liaison not referring sufferers to a psychiatric "enigmo-somatic bin" but to an invigorated somato-psychic care e. g. for exertional malaise. Starting from early stimulation of escalating myeloid-derived suppressor cells the neglected mast cells show up (for now without their lymphatic partners) as ambivalent core participants. They interact or orchestrate or sequentially explode in etosis guarding or breaking sane barriers especially at cerebral arteries. In Covid- 19 they seem unleashed at the blood-brain-barrier by the early virally invaded nasal ganglia, which plausibly mis-direct the quickest interstitial arterio-intramural outflow - thus a.) losing its abillity to "comply" wiith pulsatile flow through varying the width of its sliding chambers causing ME/CFS-Orthostatic Intolerance and b.) inflaming and stiffening the brain\u27s interstitium through a "push-back" outpacing the confuted inventive "glymphatic-1.0" model.Mast cells - colonized or not - plausibly permeabilize the choroid plexus and venous or bony brain barriers co-causing the not so rare Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. Innate memory - as activated by short RNAs through BCG-vaccinations directed against the permanent TBC-pandemic leads to hopes for a hastening of resolutions through a combined medical, exertional, psychosocial, and psychiatric rehabilitation informed by a new "PNEI" - paving the way for amplified-BCG or future psychiatric vaccinations


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    Unresolved infectious psycho-neuro-endocrino-inflammation (PNEI) denotes an area of tragically accelerated interest because of SARS-CoV-2`s capacity to meddle with the immune responses in a stage-wise fashion. Its pandemic, interacting with antecedent further deteriorating health and living conditions, takes a direct toll of million human lives. In order to withstand the plethora of slowly or never easing ailments labeled "Post-acute Sequelae of Covid-19 (PASC)" comprehensive understanding from the intrusions up to its emerging aftermaths is paramount. For the strained health professions these prospect care requirements of 1 in 5 for a non-convalescence overlapping also with other tedious long-hauling triggered disorders adjacent to psychiatry like chronic fatigue with orthostasis intolerance or intracranial hypertension (ME/CFS-OI; IIH). For the lattter two new pathophysiologies are proposed in order to inform a strong rehabilitative psychiatric liaison not referring sufferers to a psychiatric "enigmo-somatic bin" but to an invigorated somato-psychic care e. g. for exertional malaise. Starting from early stimulation of escalating myeloid-derived suppressor cells the neglected mast cells show up (for now without their lymphatic partners) as ambivalent core participants. They interact or orchestrate or sequentially explode in etosis guarding or breaking sane barriers especially at cerebral arteries. In Covid- 19 they seem unleashed at the blood-brain-barrier by the early virally invaded nasal ganglia, which plausibly mis-direct the quickest interstitial arterio-intramural outflow - thus a.) losing its abillity to "comply" wiith pulsatile flow through varying the width of its sliding chambers causing ME/CFS-Orthostatic Intolerance and b.) inflaming and stiffening the brain\u27s interstitium through a "push-back" outpacing the confuted inventive "glymphatic-1.0" model.Mast cells - colonized or not - plausibly permeabilize the choroid plexus and venous or bony brain barriers co-causing the not so rare Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. Innate memory - as activated by short RNAs through BCG-vaccinations directed against the permanent TBC-pandemic leads to hopes for a hastening of resolutions through a combined medical, exertional, psychosocial, and psychiatric rehabilitation informed by a new "PNEI" - paving the way for amplified-BCG or future psychiatric vaccinations

    Recent tests for the statistical parton distributions

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    We compare some recent experimental results obtained at DESY, SLAC and Jefferson Lab., with the predictions of the statistical model, we have previously proposed. The result of this comparison is very satisfactory.Comment: 12 pages, 6 eps figures, version to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Towards the Standard Model spectrum from elliptic Calabi-Yau

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    We show that it is possible to construct supersymmetric three-generation models of Standard Model gauge group in the framework of non-simply-connected elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau, without section but with a bi-section. The fibrations on a cover Calabi-Yau, where the model has 6 generations of SU(5) and the bundle is given via the spectral cover description, use a different description of the elliptic fibre which leads to more than one global section. We present two examples of a possible cover Calabi-Yau with a free involution: one is a fibre product of rational elliptic surfaces dP9dP_9; another example is an elliptic fibration over a Hirzebruch surface. There we give the necessary amount of chiral matter by turning on in the bundles a further parameter, related to singularities of the fibration and the branching of the spectral cover.Comment: 31 pages, 1 eps-figure, reference added, bundle parameters for dP9 model change

    A study of Feshbach resonances and the unitary limit in a model of strongly correlated nucleons

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    A model of strongly interacting and correlated hadrons is developed. The interaction used contains a long range attraction and short range repulsive hard core. Using this interaction and various limiting situations of it, a study of the effect of bound states and Feshbach resonances is given. The limiting situations are a pure square well interaction, a delta-shell potential and a pure hard core potential. The limit of a pure hard core potential are compared with results for a spinless Bose and Fermi gas. The limit of many partial waves for a pure hard core interaction is also considered and result in expressions involving the hard core volume. This feature arises from a scaling relation similar to that for hard sphere scattering with diffractive corrections. The role of underlying isospin symmetries associated with the strong interaction of protons and neutrons in this two component model is investigated. Properties are studied with varying proton fraction. An analytic expression for the Beth Uhlenbeck continuum integral is developed which closely approximates exact results based on the potential model considered. An analysis of features associated with a unitary limit is given. In the unitary limit of very large scattering length, the ratio of effective range to thermal wavelength appears as a limiting scale. Thermodynamic quantities such as the entropy and compressibility are also developed. The effective range corrections to the entropy vary as the cube of this ratio for low temperatures and are therefore considerably reduced compared to the corrections to the interaction energy which varies linearly with this ratio. Effective range corrections to the compressibility are also linear in the ratio.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figures, 2 table
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