221 research outputs found

    Aborsi, antara Harapan dan Kenyataan

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    The fact that women do abortion does never change with many reasons. In every country in the world the regulation on abortion is very variable in which nearly 55 mil/tons abortions were not reported every year (approximately 1/5 to 1/3 from all the pregnancies). The high rate of mortalities and morbidities is caused by lack of opportunity to get safe abortion services. and not explaines by the risk of abortion management. This article, explaines about abortion definitton, reasons women do abortions, safe abortions, unsafe abortions, the impact and complication of abortions, the abortion and family planning, the regulation on abortion in Indonesia and other countrtes, the policy and strategy of abortion in Indonesia, and also the management abortion services. In determining reproductive decicions, the women are influenced by cultural values, sosio-economic conditions and the facilties of women health services. To fulfill the women rights so that the services be factual m some ways ts the same as to liberalize regulation on contraceptive and abortion. Hence, it is important to facilitate women in access on safe and effective reproductive health to assure the access for safe abortion management

    The Availability and Properness of the Health Care Facilities for Waste Handling Based on Indonesian Topography and Geo

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    Background: medical facilities research (Rifakes) 2011 was performed to know a comprehensive image about thegovernment health care facilities as a plan in medical service development that fi ts with the society needs. Although healthcenter was already available, but the availability and the properness of the health care facilities were not spread evenly,such as waste handling facilities. The aim of this research is analyzing the availability and the properness of waste handlingin health center based on demography and geography in Indonesia. Methods: This research is a secondary data analysisof Rifakes 2011 about the availability and the properness of waste handling in health center. The data analysis was donein univariat and bivariat. The correlation between the properness of waste handling and the isolation of an area was testedwith spearmann correlation. The correlation between the properness of waste handling of health care in archipelago and ofthat in frontier area was tested with mann whitney test. Results: More than a half ( 66,8%) of the waste handling of healthcenter is already available, yet with improper category ( 72,7% ). There is a signifi cant correlation between the propernessof waste handling with a location topography ( isolation area, archipelago, and frontier area ). The improper waste handlingis especially in rural area with 80, 6%, whereas in city with 5,7%. Conclusion: There is a signifi cant correlation between theproperness of waste handling in health center with topographical and geographical condition. Recommendation: Wastemanagement in health centers should be more serious attention and handling, availability WWTP, feasibility of handlingthe waste, and if possible waste minimalisali clinic

    Analisis Sistem Surveilans Diare Puskesmas Tambakrejo Kota Surabaya

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    Backgrounds: Until now, diarrhea remains a public health problem in Indonesia, this could be seen with high morbidity rate. Puskesmas Tambakrejo is a public health center in Surabaya city with a high diarrhea cases. Futhermore, the diarrhea cases among infants ranked second and for all ages is ranked fourth in Surabaya. Methods: Therefore, research aimed to evaluate the diarrhea surveillance system in Puskesmas Tambakrejo. This was qualitative studies with observational design at Puskesmas Tambakrejo from August to September 2010. Data were obtained by in-depth interviews to diarrhea surveillance officer and head of the center to determine the implementation, observation of activities, data tracking and reporting. This was done descriptively by a systems approach (input, process and output). Results: The study showed that diarrhea surveillance systems at Puskesmas Tambakrejo was not optimal for component of input, process and output. Problems in input component were limited knowledge diarrhea surveillance among officer, incomplete report documents, no reports of environmental health coverage and health promotion in analysis. Beside, the methods used in surveillance of diarrhea has not been based on the book Diarrhea Disease Control Guidelines issued by the MOH Director General PP & PL 2009. Issues of component process were limitations of variable data in the diarrhea register book, the analysis had not been based on the variables service quality. coverage and service by cadres and degree of dehydration. Beside, data analysis had not been done for early warning system of diarrhea. The on output component problems were the information provide is very limited and no indicatorof service coverage and quality on diarrhea case. The priority issues on information systems of diarrhea surveillance was that data analysis had not been done for early warning system of diarrhea. Diarrhea Surveillance systems at Tambakrejo Public Health Center was not optimal in the component input, process and output. The priority issues on information systems of diarrhea surveillance was that data analysis had not been conducted for early warning system of diarrhea

    Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Eliminasi Malaria di Provinsi Bali

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    Background: ln ASEAN, lndonesia is one ofthree countries with the highest malaria morbidy ln lndonesia 396 (80%) of the total 495 districts/municipalities year 2007 were malaria endemie areas. In malaria control program, the Ministry of Health decreed Number 293 year 2009 on Malaria Eliminanition. It aimed to assess the implementation Ministry of Health decreed Number 293 year 2009 on Malaria Eliminanition in Bali Province, with specific objectives to assess understanding, implementation, innovation, budgetting and roles of government to support malaria elimination in Province Bali. Methods: It was observational study with cross sectional design, carried out in Bali Province and Karangasem District. Data were collected in September year 2011 by focus group discussion either in provincial and district level at Health Offices, District Planning Beureau, interrelated sectors (Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Department of Tourism, Department of Public Development, Department of Forestry, Department of Agriculture, Port Health Office, Department of Education, Department of Information and Communication, hospital), Health Centers (for district level) as well as document study Data were analyzed by content analysis. Data were validating by triangulation among provincial and district health office staffs, health policy expert and researchers. Results: The understanding of Ministry of Health decreed Number 293 year 2009 on Malaria Eliminanition in Bali at Provincial Health Office was good, but at interrelated sectors had not knew on the policy The policy implementation that the Governor issued Governor Regulation Number 10 year 2010 on activities in implementing malaria elimination in Bali Province and Karangasem District Regulation Number 2 year 2010 on malaria elimination in Karangasem District. The implementation of malaria elimination policy in Bali Provincial Health Office and Karangasem District Health Office were in accordance to Ministry of Health strategy Interrelated sectors activities were directly or indirectly in synergy with malaria elimination policy Innovation strategy activities in supporting the malaria elimination had be en developed in the district. The budgetting for malaria elimination policy in Bali Province and Karangasem District still depend local budget. The roles of local governments to support policies are by issueing policies/regulations, financing and socialization activities. Treatment should be based on new treatment strategies using artemisinin or ACT to prevent primary drug resistance of malaria. The budgetting for malaria program in Bali Province should be increased, either the total or the source. Then, it needs to develop Malaria Working Group both at the provincial and district levels so interrelated sector activities could be coordinated and integrated with the Health Offices activities to achieve malaria elimination by year 2012

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Karyawan pada PT. Kawasan Wisata Pantai Cermin Theme Park dan Resort Hotel

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    Competence is the basic characteristic of a person who allows an employee / employees expend maximum performance on the job. Human resources is a factor of the crisis (crusial factor) that can determine life and death reciprocation of a business.The low quality of human resources led to the fall of the effectiveness of employer / employee, which indirectly cause a drop in morale. Declining morale will have an impact on organizational climate will affect whether or not the goal is achieved and the effectiveness of organizations that have been planned.The formulation in this study is "How big Effects of Human Resource Competency Against Employee Effectiveness at PT. Kawasan Wisata Pantai Cermin Theme Park & Resort Hotel. The purpose of this study is to determine how much influence the competence of the Human Resources Employee Effectiveness at PT. Kawasan Wisata Pantai Cermin Theme Park & Resort Hotel. The method used in this research is descriptive method with quantitative analysis

    Integrasi Jamkesda dalam JKN Bagi PBI di Kota Blitar dan Kota Malang

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    The National Health insurance (JKN) appropriate road map is expected in 2016, all Jamkesda for the poor has been integrated in the JKN system. This study aims to investigate the implementation of Jamkesda (District Health Insurance) integration into the National Health Insurance implemented in the city. It was an observational study with a cross-sectional design, carried out in the city of Blitar and Malang in 2015. The respondents were related areas Jamkesda participation in City Health office, Social Services, BPJS and Local Government (Bappeda, BPKAD, Welfare). Data were collected by in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and secondary data on participation and policy documents. Integration process of membership Jamkesda into the system of JKN for PBI(Recipient of Contribution Subsidy) has been supported by the local regulations in the decree of the Mayors for determination of PBI participants and Cooperation Agreement BPJS withMunicipal Government. Membership ofcentral PBI in Blitar City (25,266 people) and Malang city (106,902), while district PBI in Blitar results integration of Jamkesda (8,508 people) and Malang (20,190 inhabitants). Integration of membership Jamkesda to JKN system for PBI has been implemented by the region in a different ways, both in terms of setting criteria, verification and validation of implementing institutions of the participants, the addition and reduction participant data, distributing the card and premium payment. Some of the constraints experienced by stakeholders in the integration Jamkesda include constraints in the membership management, limited human resourcesand budget, technical verification and system validation poor people and information system BPJS still new. The integration membership Jamkesda to JKN system has been implemented fairly well in accordance with the conditions in their respective areas. It needs a legal basis and Guidelines of Integration Implementation Jamkesda to JKN system, which may be a valid inference thus reducing inaccuracies in the implementation
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