317 research outputs found

    Constraints on the braneworld from compact stars

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    According to the braneworld idea, ordinary matter is confined on a 3-dimensional space (brane) that is embedded in a higher-dimensional space-time where gravity propagates. In this work, after reviewing the limits coming from general relativity, finiteness of pressure and causality on the brane, we derive observational constraints on the braneworld parameters from the existence of stable compact stars. The analysis is carried out by solving numerically the brane-modified Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations, using different representative equations of state to describe matter in the star interior. The cases of normal dense matter, pure quark matter and hybrid matter are considered.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables; new EoS considered, references and comments adde

    Mass-radius relation for magnetized strange quark stars

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    We review the stability of magnetized strange quark matter (MSQM) within the phenomenological MIT bag model, taking into account the variation of the relevant input parameters, namely, the strange quark mass, baryon density, magnetic field and bag parameter. A comparison with magnetized asymmetric quark matter in β\beta-equilibrium as well as with strange quark matter (SQM) is presented. We obtain that the energy per baryon for MSQM decreases as the magnetic field increases, and its minimum value at vanishing pressure is lower than the value found for SQM, which implies that MSQM is more stable than non-magnetized SQM. The mass-radius relation for magnetized strange quark stars is also obtained in this framework.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. To be published in the Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysical and Astronomy IWARA0

    Vorticity statistics in the two-dimensional enstrophy cascade

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    We report the first extensive experimental observation of the two-dimensional enstrophy cascade, along with the determination of the high order vorticity statistics. The energy spectra we obtain are remarkably close to the Kraichnan Batchelor expectation. The distributions of the vorticity increments, in the inertial range, deviate only little from gaussianity and the corresponding structure functions exponents are indistinguishable from zero. It is thus shown that there is no sizeable small scale intermittency in the enstrophy cascade, in agreement with recent theoretical analyses.Comment: 5 pages, 7 Figure

    A Cross-Over in the Enstrophy Decay in Two-Dimensional Turbulence in a Finite Box

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    The numerical simulation of two-dimensional decaying turbulence in a large but finite box presented in this paper uncovered two physically different regimes of enstrophy decay. During the initial stage, the enstrophy, generated by a random Gaussian initial condition, decays as t^{-gamma} with gamma approximately 0.7-0.8. After that, the flow undergoes a transition to a gas or fluid composed of distinct vortices. Simultaneously, the magnitude of the decay exponent crosses over to gamma approximately 0.4. An exact relation for the total number of vortices, N(t), in terms of the mean circulation of an individual vortex is derived. A theory predicting that N(t) is proportional to t^{-xi} and the magnitudes of exponents gamma=2/5 and xi=4/5 is presented and the possibility of an additional very late-time cross-over to gamma=1/3 and xi=2/3 is also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Magnetized strangelets at finite temperature

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    The main properties of magnetized strangelets, namely, their energy per baryon, radius and electric charge, are studied. Temperature effects are also taken into account in order to study their stability compared to the 56Fe isotope and non-magnetized strangelets using the liquid drop model. Massive quarks are considered with the aim to have a more realistic description for strangelets in the astrophysical context and the environment of heavy ion colliders, playing also an important role in the thermodynamical quantities of the quark gas. It is concluded that the presence of a magnetic field tends to stabilize more the strangelets, even when temperature effects are taken into account. Magnetized strangelets in a paired superconductor phase (magnetized color flavor locked phase) are also discussed. It is shown that they are more stable than ordinary magnetized strangelets for typical gap values of the order of O(100) MeV.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, discussion extended, new references adde

    Universality and saturation of intermittency in passive scalar turbulence

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    The statistical properties of a scalar field advected by the non-intermittent Navier-Stokes flow arising from a two-dimensional inverse energy cascade are investigated. The universality properties of the scalar field are directly probed by comparing the results obtained with two different types of injection mechanisms. Scaling properties are shown to be universal, even though anisotropies injected at large scales persist down to the smallest scales and local isotropy is not fully restored. Scalar statistics is strongly intermittent and scaling exponents saturate to a constant for sufficiently high orders. This is observed also for the advection by a velocity field rapidly changing in time, pointing to the genericity of the phenomenon. The persistence of anisotropies and the saturation are both statistical signatures of the ramp-and-cliff structures observed in the scalar field.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure

    Statistical geometry in scalar turbulence

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    A general link between geometry and intermittency in passive scalar turbulence is established. Intermittency is qualitatively traced back to events where tracer particles stay for anomalousy long times in degenerate geometries characterized by strong clustering. The quantitative counterpart is the existence of special functions of particle configurations which are statistically invariant under the flow. These are the statistical integrals of motion controlling the scalar statistics at small scales and responsible for the breaking of scale invariance associated to intermittency.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Universal decay of scalar turbulence

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    The asymptotic decay of passive scalar fields is solved analytically for the Kraichnan model, where the velocity has a short correlation time. At long times, two universality classes are found, both characterized by a distribution of the scalar -- generally non-Gaussian -- with global self-similar evolution in time. Analogous behavior is found numerically with a more realistic flow resulting from an inverse energy cascade.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figures, submitted to PR
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