25 research outputs found

    Revealing the Archetype: The Journey of a Trecento Madonna and Child at the National Museum of Scotland

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    The National Museums Scotland Madonna and Child project sought to uncover and document the history of a fine polychrome wood carving attributed to The Master of the Gualino St Catherine and to prepare it for display. A new body of knowledge has been assembled by the interdisciplinary team. The conservation treatment was informed by this work and led to further discoveries: the removal of overpaint exposing a previously hidden underdrawing. The ethics of the treatment decisions, including the removal of the Christ Child’s 1960s’ fingers required team dialogue and was opened up for the public to respond to in a series of blogs. The discovery of a rich polychromy including gold and glazed tin has led to further plans to produce a 3-D colour reconstruction. The collaborations developed during this project will facilitate future joint ventures for polychrome sculpture in Scottish collections

    The diet of Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) in Terra Nova Bay using stable isotope analysis

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    Stable isotope analyses were used to investigate the diet of Weddell seals in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea) and the potential variation of their foraging behaviour with age, sex and body mass. For this purpose, skin samples were collected from adult breeding seals and pups, together with muscle samples of their potential prey. Our results showed variation in foraging behavior between age classes, with pups reporting lower δ13C values than adults, while no significant differences in δ15N were recorded. In addition, contrary to expectations, a mixing model analysis showed that adult seals foraged mainly on shallow benthic prey, such as Trematomus spp. (34.1%) and Dissostichus mawsoni (21.1%), rather than on pelagic fish, such as Pleuragramma antarcticum (9.8%). Overall, with this paper we provide novel diet information on a seal colony not previously sampled, adding new insight into the feeding ecology of a top Antarctic predator

    L’accordo per la definizione della “vertenza fasce” degli anni 2010-2016: dal blocco delle relazioni sindacali al rilancio della progettazione dell’innovazione organizzativa nella Azienda Sanitaria di Matera

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    Riassunto: L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è di ripercorrere il percorso strategico-amministrativo che ha portato alla risoluzione della annosa problematica della “vertenza fasce” 2010-2016 nell’Azienda Sanitaria di Matera (ASM), conseguente all’ispezione MEF-RGS del 2018, con la quale veniva contestato un irregolare trasferimento permanente di risorse dal Fondo “Produttività” al Fondo “Posizione”. Inquadrato nell’ambito teorico del Management Strategico e della Public Service Motivation, il lavoro intende evidenziare: i) i passaggi necessari al raggiungimento dell’accordo (poi approvato dal MEFRGS nel 2020) con le organizzazioni sindacali; ii) come tale accordo abbia contribuito a sbloccare la paralisi dei processi produttivi, gestionali e d’innovazione organizzativa della ASM; iii) gli attuali risultati operativi dell’ASM dopo la positiva risoluzione della vertenzaThis work aims to retrace the strategic-managerial path that led to the resolution of the 2010-2016 “dispute on roles” in the Matera Health Authority (ASM). This controversy was consequent to the 2018 inspection from the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF-RGS), which notified an irregular transfer of financial resources from the “Productivity” Fund to the “Position” one. Based on the theoretical background of Strategic Management and Public Service Motivation, the work highlights: i) the steps required to reach an agreement (MEF-RGS approved in 2020) with trade Unions; ii) how this agreement contributed to unjamming the paralysis of ASM management, operational and organizational innovation processes; iii) the current ASM results and outcomes, after the positive resolution of the dispute

    La vita in Antartide

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    Trasmissione televisiva Geo Magazine, Rai 3. Partecipazione in presenza a puntata dedicata alle ricerche di biologia marina in Antartid

    Comunicare la scienza polare: i pesci dell\u2019Antartide

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    Rapporto Campagna Antartica Estate Australe 2010-2011 PNRA, Roma: 66-67 ISSN 1723-708


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    Trasmissione televisiva "Pianeta Mare" . Puntata dedicata all'Antartide. Partecipazione in presenz