7,717 research outputs found

    ΔI=4\Delta I=4 and ΔI=8\Delta I=8 bifurcations in rotational bands of diatomic molecules

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    It is shown that the recently observed ΔI=4\Delta I=4 bifurcation seen in superdeformed nuclear bands is also occurring in rotational bands of diatomic molecules. In addition, signs of a ΔI=8\Delta I=8 bifurcation, of the same order of magnitude as the ΔI=4\Delta I=4 one, are observed both in superdeformed nuclear bands and rotational bands of diatomic molecules.Comment: LaTex twice, 10 pages and 5 PS figures provided upon demand by the Author

    Agrobiodiversity and Its Conservation in Nepal

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    Nepal is a part of the world\u27s biodiversity hotspot and ranks the 49th in the world for biodiversity. Agrobiodiversity and its conservation status were studied through literature review, field survey, key informant survey and focus group discussion. Results of field implementation of some good practices and action research were also documented. Among 24,300 total species in the country, 28% are agricultural genetic resources (AGRs), termed as agrobiodiversity. Agrobiodiversity has six components (crops, forages, livestock, aquatic, insects and microorganisms) and four sub-components (domesticated, semi-domesticated, wild relatives and wild edible) in Nepal. Agrobiodiversity on each component exists at agroecosystem, species, variety/breed/biotype/race/strain, genotype and allele levels, within an altitude range from 60 to 5,000 masl. There are 12 agroecosystems supporting 1026 species under crop component, 510 under forage, 35 under livestock, 250 under the aquatic animal, 17 under aquatic plant, 3,500 under insect and 800 under microorganism. An estimated loss of agrobiodiversity is 40%, however, farmers have reported up to 100% loss of AGRs in some areas for a particular species. Conservation of agrobiodiversity has been initiated since 1986. Four strategies namely ex-situ, on-farm, in-situ and breeding have been adopted for conservation and sustainable utilization of AGRs. Eighty good practices including process, methods and actions for managing agrobiodiversity have been in practice and these practices come under five conservation components (sensitization, method and approach, accelerator, value and enabling environment). Within the country, 18,765 accessions of AGRs have been conserved in different kinds of banks. A total of 24,683 accessions of Nepalese crops, forages and microbes have been conserved in different International and foreign genebanks. Some collections are conserved as safety duplication and safety backup in different CGIARs\u27 banks and World Seed Vault, Korea. Two global databases (GENESYS and EURISCO) have maintained 19,200 Nepalese accessions. Geographical Information System, Climate Analog Tool and biotechnological tools have been applied for better managing AGRs. Many stakeholders need to further concentrate on the conservation and utilization of AGRs. Global marketing of some native AGRs is necessary for sustaining agriculture and attracting young generations as well as conserving them through use

    Spin-induced symmetry breaking in orbitally ordered NiCr_2O_4 and CuCr_2O_4

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    At room temperature, the normal oxide spinels NiCr_2O_4 and CuCr_2O_4 are tetragonally distorted and crystallize in the I4_1/amd space group due to cooperative Jahn-Teller ordering driven by the orbital degeneracy of tetrahedral Ni2+^{2+} (t24t_2^4) and Cu2+^{2+} (t25t_2^5). Upon cooling, these compounds undergo magnetic ordering transitions; interactions being somewhat frustrated for NiCr_2O_4 but not for CuCr_2O_4. We employ variable-temperature high-resolution synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction to establish that at the magnetic ordering temperatures there are further structural changes, which result in both compounds distorting to an orthorhombic structure consistent with the Fddd space group. NiCr_2O_4 exhibits additional distortion, likely within the same space group, at a yet-lower transition temperature of TT = 30 K. The tetragonal to orthorhombic structural transition in these compounds appears to primarily involve changes in NiO_4 and CuO_4 tetrahedra

    Fluids of hard ellipsoids: Phase diagram including a nematic instability from Percus-Yevick theory

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    An important aspect of molecular fluids is the relation between orientation and translation parts of the two-particle correlations. Especially the detailed knowledge of the influence of orientation correlations is needed to explain and calculate in detail the occurrence of a nematic phase. The simplest model system which shows both orientation and translation correlations is a system of hard ellipsoids. We investigate an isotropic fluid formed of hard ellipsoids with Percus-Yevick theory. Solving the Percus-Yevick equations self-consistently in the high density regime gives a clear criterion for a nematic instability. We calculate in detail the equilibrium phase diagram for a fluid of hard ellipsoids of revolution. Our results compare well with Monte Carlo Simulations and density functional theory.Comment: 7 pages including 4 figure

    Precision Attitude Stabilization with Intermittent External Torque

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    The attitude stabilization of a micro-satellite employing a variable-amplitude cold gas thruster which reflects as a time varying gain on the control input is considered. Existing literature uses a persistence filter based approach that typically leads to large control gains and torque inputs during specific time intervals corresponding to the 'on' phase of the external actuation. This work aims at reducing the transient spikes placed upon the torque commands by the judicious introduction of an additional time varying scaling signal as part of the control law. The time update mechanism for the new scaling factor and overall closed-loop stability are established through a Lyapunov-like analysis. Numerical simulations highlight the various features of this new control algorithm for spacecraft attitude stabilization subject to torque intermittence.Comment: Presented as paper AAS 21-402 at the 31st AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Virtual, February 1-4 202
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