18,822 research outputs found

    Aluminum alloys with improved strength

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    Mechanical strength and stress corrosion of new BAR and 7050 alloys that include Zn instead of Cr have been studied and compared with those of 7075 aluminum alloy. Added mechanical strength of new alloys is attributed to finer grain size of 5 to 8 micrometers, however, susceptibility to stress corrosion attack is increased

    Avoidance of stress corrosion susceptibility in high strength aluminum alloys by control of grain boundary and matrix microstructure

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    The relation of microstructure to the mechanical strength and stress corrosion resistance of highest strength and overaged tempers of BAR and 7050 aluminum alloys was investigated. Comparison is made with previously studied 7075 aluminum alloy. Optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry were used to characterize the grain morphology, matrix microstructure, and grain boundary microstructure of these tempers. Grain boundary interparticle spacing was significant to stress corrosion crack propagation for all three alloys; increasing interparticle spacing led to increased resistance to crack propagation. In addition, the fire grain size in Bar and 7050 appears to enhance crack propagation. The highest strength temper of 7050 has a comparatively high resistance to crack initiation. Overall stress corrosion behavior is dependent on environment pH, and evaluation over a range of pH is recommended

    The role of Lambda in the cosmological lens equation

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    The cosmological constant Lambda affects cosmological gravitational lensing. Effects due to Lambda can be studied in the framework of the Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime. Two novel contributions, which can not be accounted for by a proper use of angular diameter distances, are derived. First, a term 2m b Lambda/3 has to be added to the bending angle, where "m" is the lens mass and "b" the impact parameter. Second, Lambda brings about a difference in the redshifts of multiple images. Both effects are quite small for real astrophysical systems (contribution to the bending < 0.1 microarcsec and difference in redshift < 10^{-7}).Comment: 4 pages. (Univ. Zuerich); v2: presentation improved, discussion extended, references to papers posted after the v1-version added. In press on Phys. Rev. Let

    On the polar decomposition of right linear operators in quaternionic Hilbert spaces

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    In this article we prove the existence of the polar decomposition for densely defined closed right linear operators in quaternionic Hilbert spaces: If TT is a densely defined closed right linear operator in a quaternionic Hilbert space HH, then there exists a partial isometry U0U_{0} such that T=U0TT = U_{0}|T|. In fact U0U_{0} is unique if N(U0)=N(T)N(U_{0}) = N(T). In particular, if HH is separable and UU is a partial isometry with T=UTT = U|T|, then we prove that U=U0U = U_{0} if and only if either N(T)={0}N(T) = \{0\} or R(T)={0}R(T)^{\bot} = \{0\}.Comment: 17 page

    No Eigenvalue in Finite Quantum Electrodynamics

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    We re-examine Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) with massless electron as a finite quantum field theory as advocated by Gell-Mann-Low, Baker-Johnson, Adler, Jackiw and others. We analyze the Dyson-Schwinger equation satisfied by the massless electron in finite QED and conclude that the theory admits no nontrivial eigenvalue for the fine structure constant.Comment: 13 pages, Late

    Rain estimation from satellites: An examination of the Griffith-Woodley technique

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    The Griffith-Woodley Technique (GWT) is an approach to estimating precipitation using infrared observations of clouds from geosynchronous satellites. It is examined in three ways: an analysis of the terms in the GWT equations; a case study of infrared imagery portraying convective development over Florida; and the comparison of a simplified equation set and resultant rain map to results using the GWT. The objective is to determine the dominant factors in the calculation of GWT rain estimates. Analysis of a single day's convection over Florida produced a number of significant insights into various terms in the GWT rainfall equations. Due to the definition of clouds by a threshold isotherm the majority of clouds on this day did not go through an idealized life cycle before losing their identity through merger, splitting, etc. As a result, 85% of the clouds had a defined life of 0.5 or 1 h. For these clouds the terms in the GWT which are dependent on cloud life history become essentially constant. The empirically derived ratio of radar echo area to cloud area is given a singular value (0.02) for 43% of the sample, while the rainrate term is 20.7 mmh-1 for 61% of the sample. For 55% of the sampled clouds the temperature weighting term is identically 1.0. Cloud area itself is highly correlated (r=0.88) with GWT computed rain volume. An important, discriminating parameter in the GWT is the temperature defining the coldest 10% cloud area. The analysis further shows that the two dominant parameters in rainfall estimation are the existence of cold cloud and the duration of cloud over a point

    Schwinger Algebra for Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics

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    It is shown that the measurement algebra of Schwinger, a characterization of the properties of Pauli measurements of the first and second kinds, forming the foundation of his formulation of quantum mechanics over the complex field, has a quaternionic generalization. In this quaternionic measurement algebra some of the notions of quaternionic quantum mechanics are clarified. The conditions imposed on the form of the corresponding quantum field theory are studied, and the quantum fields are constructed. It is shown that the resulting quantum fields coincide with the fermion or boson annihilation-creation operators obtained by Razon and Horwitz in the limit in which the number of particles in physical states NN \to \infty.Comment: 20 pages, Plain Te

    Black Extended Objects, Naked Singularities and P-Branes

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    We treat the horizons of charged, dilaton black extended objects as quantum mechanical objects. We show that the S matrix for such an object can be written in terms of a p-brane-like action. The requirements of unitarity of the S matrix and positivity of the p-brane tension equivalent severely restrict the number of space-time dimensions and the allowed values of the dilaton parameter a. Generally, black objects transform at the extremal limit into p-branes.Comment: 9 pages, REVTE

    Implications of Weak-Interaction Space Deformation for Neutrino Mass Measurements

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    The negative values for the squares of both electron and muon neutrino masses obtained in recent experiments are explained as a possible consequence of a change in metric within the weak-interaction volume in the energy-momentum representation. Using a model inspired by a combination of the general theory of relativity and the theory of deformation for continuous media, it is shown that the negative value of the square of the neutrino mass can be obtained without violating allowed physical limits. The consequence is that the negative value is not necessary unphysical.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, LaTe

    Breaking quantum linearity: constraints from human perception and cosmological implications

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    Resolving the tension between quantum superpositions and the uniqueness of the classical world is a major open problem. One possibility, which is extensively explored both theoretically and experimentally, is that quantum linearity breaks above a given scale. Theoretically, this possibility is predicted by collapse models. They provide quantitative information on where violations of the superposition principle become manifest. Here we show that the lower bound on the collapse parameter lambda, coming from the analysis of the human visual process, is ~ 7 +/- 2 orders of magnitude stronger than the original bound, in agreement with more recent analysis. This implies that the collapse becomes effective with systems containing ~ 10^4 - 10^5 nucleons, and thus falls within the range of testability with present-day technology. We also compare the spectrum of the collapsing field with those of known cosmological fields, showing that a typical cosmological random field can yield an efficient wave function collapse.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 3 figure