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    In this paper we propose the theory of finite difference methode for calculating heat transfer on rectangular tin pan alloy which the  center temperature is 7000c and the ambien temperature is 300 c. The aim in this paper we used this method for calculating of heat transfer on the pan in order to process of making activated charcoal especially called “arang aktif-13”. We design a furnace which is the heat resources in the center only then choosing 9 points rectangularly on the plate pan that it will be calculated the value of temperature and the velocity of temperature on these points. By assumption the temperature at the center of the pan on the furnice is consistence or stable, then we do the process of defried of row material coconut shell until cooked as activated charcoal. We consider choosing 9 points in order tobe caculated as manually easiely and therefore can be comparing with using software lindo, and also for more points grather than 9 we suggested using masine more efficient. The spreading of the heat on the plate pan when the moment achieve the condition of the temperature araund the pan stable, then it can be animated by using software matlab. By doing depried of row material, that process will need 13 minutes to become activated charcoal

    Hubungan Keterampilan Menjahit dengan Nilai Mata Kuliah Konstruksi Busana Wanita pada Mahasiswa Tata Busana Pkk Fkip Unsyiah

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    Dalam penyelesaian busana diperlukan pola yang sudah sesuai dengan ukuran si pemakai. Pola tersebut diperlukan agar busana yang dijahit memiliki lekuk-lekuk tubuh yang tepat dan nyaman dipakai. Supaya busana terlihat serasi dan nyaman dibutuhkan keterampilan menjahit yang baik. Dalam kurikulum program studi Tata Busana, terdapat satu mata kuliah yang berkaitan dengan pembuatan pola dan pengembangan pola, yaitu mata kuliah Konstruksi Busana Wanita yang merupakan inti dari pengetahuan pola busana. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan Wanita. Hipotesisnya yaitu “Ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara keterampilan menjahit dengan nilai mata kuliah Konstruksi Busana Wanita pada mahasiswa Tata Busana PKK FKIP Universitas Syiah Kuala”. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, sampel penelitian berjumlah 23 orang mahasiswa tata Busana PKK FKIP Unsyiah angkatan 2014/2015, pengambilan sampel secara total sampling dengan pengumpulan data secara observasi dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, menunjukkan bahwa koefisien korelasi product moment antara keterampilan menjahit dengan nilai mata kuliah Konstruksi Busana Wanita diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar r = 0,600 dengan tingkat korelasi yang kuat. Hubungan yang terjadi berjalan searah, semakin tinggi keterampilan menjahit mahasiswa maka nilai akhir yang diperoleh akan semakin tinggi. Kesimpulannya adalah terdapat korelasi yang positif antara keterampilan menjahit dengan nilai mata kuliah Konstruksi Busana Wanita pada mahasiswa Tata Busana PKK FKIP Unsyiah. Hipotesis penelitian yang diajukan pada penelitian ini diterima

    Telaah Kritis Terhadap Teori Perkembangan Moral Lawrence Kohlberg

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    The theory of moral development from Kohlberg has become a prominent theory and has been widely used to explain individual moral development, as well as a reference in designing the process of moral education. As a theory, Kohlberg's moral development possesses some strengths as well as weaknesses. Kohlberg divides human moral development into three levels and six phases. Level I is pre-conventional level, consisting of phase 1: Obedience and punishment- anxiety orientation, and phase 2: Egotistical naïve/instrumental hedonism orientation. Level II is conventional level, consisting of phase 3: Good child orientation, and phase 4: Morality of maintaining authority and social regulations. Level III is post-conventional level, consisting of phase 5: Morality of social contract and individual rights, and phase 6: Morality of individual principles and conscience.Kohlberg's theory constitutes a classical theory of cognitive development, giving an emphasis on integrated characteristic. One strength of Kohlberg's moral development theory is on the phases of development themselves which make it easier for people to understand moral development. Besides that, this theory shows more on the cross cultural universality compared to other moral development theories.Meanwhile, some notes on the weaknesses of Kohlberg's theory are: 1)methodologically, the scoring procedure used in this theory is esoteric,subjective, and unstable, thus the results is rather unacceptable for someexperts; 2) it is difficult to prove that there is consistent correlationsbetween Kohlberg's moral development and one's moral attitudes. Thetheory proposed by Kohlberg cannot explain about moral excellencebecause its emphasis is on moral rationality and it tends to ignorecharacter and moral features; 3) although it is considered more universal,the definitions of phases and assumptions on which the theory lays arecultural bias and ethnocentric; 4) the moral reasoning phase of Kohlbergcannot be applied equally between men and women; and 5) Kohlberg'schoice towards one philosophical tradition brings about negative impacts,i.e.: (a) a rigid emphasis on law and fairness; (b) a moral concept which islimited to cognitive aspects, yet pays no attention to feelings, attitude andcharacter, and (c) a failure in using phenomenological perspective fromsubjective morality experience