579 research outputs found

    Effect of Minimal lengths on Electron Magnetism

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    We study the magnetic properties of electron in a constant magnetic field and confined by a isotropic two dimensional harmonic oscillator on a space where the coordinates and momenta operators obey generalized commutation relations leading to the appearance of a minimal length. Using the momentum space representation we determine exactly the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. We prove that the usual degeneracy of Landau levels is removed by the presence of the minimal length in the limits of weak and strong magnetic field.The thermodynamical properties of the system, at high temperature, are also investigated showing a new magnetic behavior in terms of the minimal length.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Elliptic Flow, Initial Eccentricity and Elliptic Flow fluctuations in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC

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    We present measurements of elliptic flow and event-by-event fluctuations established by the PHOBOS experiment. Elliptic flow scaled by participant eccentricity is found to be similar for both systems when collisions with the same number of participants or the same particle area density are compared. The agreement of elliptic flow between Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions provides evidence that the matter is created in the initial stage of relativistic heavy ion collisions with transverse granularity similar to that of the participant nucleons. The event-by-event fluctuation results reveal that the initial collision geometry is translated into the final state azimuthal particle distribution, leading to an event-by-event proportionality between the observed elliptic flow and initial eccentricity.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Lake Louise Winter Institute 2007. The proceedings of the institute will be published by World Scientifi

    Entropy of the Randall-Sundrum black brane world to all orders in the Planck length

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    We study the effects, to all orders in the Planck length from a generalized uncertainty principle (GUP), on the statistical entropy of massive scalar bulk fields in the Randall-Sundrum black brane world. We show that the Bekenstein-Hawking area law is not preserved, and contains small corrections terms proportional to the black hole inverse area.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure. (v2): section 4 improve

    Status and Performance of New Silicon Stripixel Detector for the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC: Beta Source, Cosmic-rays and Proton Beam at 120 GeV

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    We are constructing a Silicon Vertex Tracker detector (VTX) for the PHENIX experiment at RHIC. Our main motivation is to enable measurements of heavy flavor production (charm and beauty) in p+p, p+d and A+A collisions. Such data will illuminate the properties of the matter created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. The measurements also will reveal the distribution of gluons in protons from p+p collisions. The VTX detector consists of four layers of barrel detectors and covers |eta|< 1.2, and almost a 2pi in azimuth. The inner two silicon barrels consist of silicon pixel sensors; their technology accords with that of the ALICE1LHCB sensor-readout hybrid. The outer two barrels are silicon stripixel detectors with a new "spiral" design, and a single-sided sensor with 2-dimensional (X, U) readout. In this paper, we describe the silicon stripixel detector and discuss its performance, including its response to electrons from a beta source (90Sr), muons from cosmic-rays, and a 120 GeV proton beam. The results from the proton beam demonstrate that the principle of two-dimensional position sensitivity based on charge sharing works; the signal-to-noise value is 10.4, the position resolution is 33.6 um for X-stripixel (35.2 um for U-stripixel), and the tracking efficiencies in the X- and U-stripixels are, over 98.9 +/- 0.2%. The stripixel detector within the VTX project is in the pre-production phase.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Instrumentation (JINST). Invited talk at Pixel 2008 International Workshop, September 23-26, 2008, Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, U.S.

    Study of the Fusion-Fission Process in the 35Cl+24Mg^{35}Cl+^{24}Mg Reaction

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    Fusion-fission and fully energy-damped binary processes of the 35^{35}Cl+24^{24}Mg reaction were investigated using particle-particle coincidence techniques at a 35^{35}Cl bombarding energy of Elab_{lab} \approx 8 MeV/nucleon. Inclusive data were also taken in order to determine the partial wave distribution of the fusion process. The fragment-fragment correlation data show that the majority of events arises from a binary-decay process with a relatively large multiplicity of secondary light-charged particles emitted by the two primary excited fragments in the exit channel. No evidence is observed for ternary-breakup processes, as expected from the systematics recently established for incident energies below 15 MeV/nucleon and for a large number of reactions. The binary-process results are compared with predictions of statistical-model calculations. The calculations were performed using the Extended Hauser-Feshbach method, based on the available phase space at the scission point of the compound nucleus. This new method uses temperature-dependent level densities and its predictions are in good agreement with the presented experimental data, thus consistent with the fusion-fission origin of the binary fully-damped yields.Comment: 30 pages standard REVTeX file, 10 eps Figures; to be published at the European Physical Journal A - Hadrons and Nucle

    Deformation effects in the 28^{28}Si+12^{12}C and 28^{28}Si+28^{28}Si reaction Search

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    The possible occurence of highly deformed configurations is investigated in the 40^{40}Ca and 56^{56}Ni di-nuclear systems as formed in the 28^{28}Si+12^{12}C,28^{28}Si reactions by using the properties of emitted light charged particles. Inclusive as well as exclusive data of the heavy fragments and their associated light charged particles have been collected by using the {\sc ICARE} charged particle multidetector array. The data are analysed by Monte Carlo CASCADE statistical-model calculations using a consistent set of parameters with spin-dependent level densities. Significant deformation effects at high spin are observed as well as an unexpected large 8^{8}Be cluster emission of a binary nature.Comment: 3 pages latex, 2 eps figures, paper presented in "wokshop on physics with multidetector array (pmda2000)Calcutta, India (to be published at PRAMANA, journal of Physics, India

    Hadron production in heavy relativistic systems

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    We investigate particle production in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC energies as function of incident energy, and centrality in a three-sources Relativistic Diffusion Model. Pseudorapidity distributions of produced charged hadrons in Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 19.6 GeV, 62.4 GeV, 130 GeV and 200 GeV show an almost equilibrated midrapidity source that tends to increase in size towards higher incident energy, and more central collisions. It may indicate quark-gluon plasma formation prior to hadronization.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure