8 research outputs found

    Polychaete invader enhances resource utilization in a species-poor system

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    Ecosystem consequences of biodiversity change are often studied from a species loss perspective, while the effects of invasive species on ecosystem functions are rarely quantified. In this experimental study, we used isotope tracers to measure the incorporation and burial of carbon and nitrogen from a simulated spring phytoplankton bloom by communities of one to four species of deposit-feeding macrofauna found in the species-poor Baltic Sea. The recently invading polychaete Marenzelleriaarctia, which has spread throughout the Baltic Sea, grows more rapidly than the native species Monoporeia affinis, Pontoporeia femorata (both amphipods) and Macoma balthica (a bivalve), resulting in higher biomass increase (biomass production) in treatments including the polychaete. Marenzelleria incorporated and buried bloom material at rates similar to the native species. Multi-species treatments generally had higher isotope incorporation, indicative of utilization of bloom material, than expected from monoculture yields of the respective species. The mechanism behind this observed over-yielding was mainly niche complementarity in utilization of the bloom input, and was more evident in communities including the invader. In contrast, multi-species treatments had generally lower biomass increase than expected. This contrasting pattern suggests that there is little overlap in resource use of freshly deposited bloom material between Marenzelleria and the native species but it is likely that interference competition acts to dampen resulting community biomass. In conclusion, an invasive species can enhance incorporation and burial of organic matter from settled phytoplankton blooms, two processes fundamental for marine productivity

    Ecosystem impacts of the widespread non-indigenous species in the Baltic Sea: literature survey evidences major limitations in knowledge

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    Invasion of non-indigenous species (NIS) is acknowledged as one of the most important external drivers affecting structure and functions of marine ecosystems globally. This paper offers literature-based analysis on the effects of the widespread (occurring in at least 50% of countries) and currently established NIS on ecosystem features in the Baltic Sea. It appears that out of the 18 NIS taxa studied, there are no published records on 28% of NIS for any of the seven impact categories investigated. When ecological impacts are known, laboratory experimental evidence dominates over field studies. Combined observations on impact strength, information type and confidence level suggest that the two benthic invertebrates, the polychaete Marenzelleria spp. and the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas 1771) exert the highest ecosystem impact. Despite continuously accumulating information on the NIS effects, however, the confidence of findings is still low. Thus, we still understand very little on both the direction and magnitude of the effects of even the most widespread NIS on the structure and dynamics of the Baltic Sea ecosystems. In order to increase reliability of such assessments, future research should be targeted towards spatially-explicit field surveys and experimenting of multitrophic systems, together with modelling of ecosystem impact

    Ecosystem impacts of the widespread non-indigenous species in the Baltic Sea: literature survey evidences major limitations in knowledge

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