94 research outputs found

    Razvoj matriksnih sustava za transdermalnu isporuku pentazocina: In vitro/in vivo ispitivanje

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    The present study aimed to develop hydroxypropyl methylcellulose based transdermal delivery of pentazocine. In formulations containing lower proportions of polymer, the drug released followed the Higuchi kinetics while, with an increase in polymer content, it followed the zero-order release kinetics. Release exponent (n) values imply that the release of pentazocine from matrices was non-Fickian. FT-IR, DSC and XRD studies indicated no interaction between drug and polymer. The in vitro dissolution rate constant, dissolution half-life and pharmacokinetic parameters (Cmax, tmax, AUC(s), t1/2, Kel, and MRT) were evaluated statistically by two-way ANOVA. A significant difference was observed between but not within the tested products. Statistically, a good correlation was found between per cent of drug absorbed from patches vs. Cmax, and AUC(s). A good correlation was also observed when per cent drug released was correlated with the blood drug concentration obtained at the same time point. The results of this study indicate that the polymeric matrix films of pentazocine hold potential for transdermal drug delivery.U radu je opisan razvoj transdermalnih sustava na bazi hidroksipropil metilceluloze za isporuku pentazocina. U pripravcima koji sadrĆŸe manje udjele polimera, otpuĆĄtanje lijeka slijedilo je Higuchijevu kinetiku. Međutim, ako je udio polimera veći oslobađanje je najbolje odgovaralo kinetici nultog reda. Vrijednost eksponenta n implicira da oslobađanje pentazocina iz matriksa nije po Fickovom zakonu. FT-IR, DSC i X RD studije ukazuju da nema interakcije između ljekovite tvari i polimera. In vitro konstanta oslobađanja, poluvrijeme oslobađanja i farmakokinetički parametri (Cmax, tmax, AUC(s), t1/2, Kel, i MRT) procijenjeni su statistički koristeći ANOVA program. Značajna razlika primijećena je između, ali ne i unutar testiranih pripravaka. Pronađena je dobra korelacija između lijeka apsorbiranog iz flastera i Cmax i AUC(s) te oslobođenog lijeka i koncentracije lijeka u krvi. Rezultati ukazuju da su polimerni matriksni filmovi pentazocina potencijalno dobri sustavi za transdermalnu primjenu lijeka

    Antifungal activity of amphotericin B conjugated to nanosized magnetite in the treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis

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    This study reports on in vitro and in vivo tests that sought to assess the antifungal activity of a newly developed magnetic carrier system comprising amphotericin B loaded onto the surface of pre-coated (with a double-layer of lauric acid) magnetite nanoparticles. The in vitro tests compared two drugs; i.e., this newly developed form and free amphotericin B. We found that this nanocomplex exhibited antifungal activity without cytotoxicity to human urinary cells and with low cytotoxicity to peritoneal macrophages. We also evaluated the efficacy of the nanocomplex in experimental paracoccidioidomycosis. BALB/c mice were intratracheally infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and treated with the compound for 30 or 60 days beginning the day after infection. The newly developed amphotericin B coupled with magnetic nanoparticles was effective against experimental paracoccidioidomycosis, and it did not induce clinical, biochemical or histopathological alterations. The nanocomplex also did not induce genotoxic effects in bone marrow cells. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that amphotericin B coupled to magnetic nanoparticles and stabilized with bilayer lauric acid is a promising nanotool for the treatment of the experimental paracoccidioidomycosis because it exhibited antifungal activity that was similar to that of free amphotericin B, did not induce adverse effects in therapeutic doses and allowed for a reduction in the number of applications

    Controlled Release of Octreotide and Assessment of Peptide Acylation from Poly(D,L-lactide-co-hydroxymethyl glycolide) Compared to PLGA Microspheres

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    # The Author(s) 2011. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Purpose To investigate the in vitro release of octreotide acetate, a somatostatin agonist, from microspheres based on a hydrophilic polyester, poly(D,L-lactide-co-hydroxymethyl glycolide) (PLHMGA). Methods Spherical and non-porous octreotide-loaded PLHMGA microspheres (12 to 16 ÎŒm) and loading efficiency of 60–70% were prepared by a solvent evaporation. Octreotide release profiles were compared with commercial PLGA formulation (Sandostatin LAR Âź); possible peptide modification with lactic, glycolic and hydroxymethyl glycolic acid units was monitored. Results PLHMGA microspheres showed burst release (~20%) followed by sustained release for 20–60 days, depending on the hydrophilicity of the polymer. Percentage of released loaded peptide was high (70–90%);>60 % of released peptide was native octreotide. PLGA microspheres did not show peptide release for the first 10 days, after which it was released in a sustained manner over the next 90 days;>75 % of released peptides were acylated adducts. Conclusions PLHMGA microspheres are promising controlled systems for peptides with excellent control over release kinetics. Moreover, substantially less peptide modification occurred in PLHMGA than in PLGA microspheres. KEY WORDS acylation. aliphatic polyester. controlle

    Interbilayer-crosslinked multilamellar vesicles as synthetic vaccines for potent humoral and cellular immune responses

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    available in PMC 2011 September 1Vaccines based on recombinant proteins avoid the toxicity and antivector immunity associated with live vaccine (for example, viral) vectors, but their immunogenicity is poor, particularly for CD8+ T-cell responses. Synthetic particles carrying antigens and adjuvant molecules have been developed to enhance subunit vaccines, but in general these materials have failed to elicit CD8+ T-cell responses comparable to those for live vectors in preclinical animal models. Here, we describe interbilayer-crosslinked multilamellar vesicles formed by crosslinking headgroups of adjacent lipid bilayers within multilamellar vesicles. Interbilayer-crosslinked vesicles stably entrapped protein antigens in the vesicle core and lipid-based immunostimulatory molecules in the vesicle walls under extracellular conditions, but exhibited rapid release in the presence of endolysosomal lipases. We found that these antigen/adjuvant-carrying vesicles form an extremely potent whole-protein vaccine, eliciting endogenous T-cell and antibody responses comparable to those for the strongest vaccine vectors. These materials should enable a range of subunit vaccines and provide new possibilities for therapeutic protein delivery.Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and HarvardBill & Melinda Gates FoundationUnited States. Dept. of Defense (contract W911NF-07-D-0004)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (P41RR002250)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (RC2GM092599

    Assessing chemical mechanisms underlying the effects of sunflower pollen on a gut pathogen in bumble bees

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    Many pollinator species are declining due to a variety of interacting stressors including pathogens, sparking interest in understanding factors that could mitigate these outcomes. Diet can affect host-pathogen interactions by changing nutritional reserves or providing bioactive secondary chemicals. Recent work found that sunflower pollen (Helianthus annuus) dramatically reduced cell counts of the gut pathogen Crithidia bombi in bumble bee workers (Bombus impatiens), but the mechanism underlying this effect is unknown. Here we analyzed methanolic extracts of sunflower pollen by LC-MS and identified triscoumaroyl spermidines as the major secondary metabolite components, along with a flavonoid quercetin-3-O-hexoside and a quercetin-3-O-(6-O-malonyl)-hexoside. We then tested the effect of triscoumaroyl spermidine and rutin (as a proxy for quercetin glycosides) on Crithidia infection in B. impatiens, compared to buckwheat pollen (Fagopyrum esculentum) as a negative control and sunflower pollen as a positive control. In addition, we tested the effect of nine fatty acids from sunflower pollen individually and in combination using similar methods. Although sunflower pollen consistently reduced Crithidia relative to control pollen, none of the compounds we tested had significant effects. In addition, diet treatments did not affect mortality, or sucrose or pollen consumption. Thus, the mechanisms underlying the medicinal effect of sunflower are still unknown; future work could use bioactivity-guided fractionation to more efficiently target compounds of interest, and explore non-chemical mechanisms. Ultimately, identifying the mechanism underlying the effect of sunflower pollen on pathogens will open up new avenues for managing bee health
