8 research outputs found

    Performance Test of Lab Scale Batch for Rough Rice Drying Using Husk of Rice Fuel

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    The increase in fuel prices and electricity, husk of rice can be used by farmers as alternative energy for rough rice drying. Mechanical drying such as by using batch dryer can be used to overcome the advantage of sun drying especially in rainning season. This research aim to examine the performance of batch dryer lab scale (capacity of 15 kg - 25 kg of grain) with husk of rice fuel. This research was conducted at three variations of thickness which were 15,3 cm, 20,3 cm, and 25,5 cm. The results showed that the average of drying temperature and moisture content for the treatments were respectivelly, 34,78 °C and 13,97%; 34,20°C and 13,77%; 37,92 °C and 13,67%. The higher temperature used the shorter the drying time and the less thick of rough rice the shorter the drying process. The number of rice husk fuel used for the three different thicknesses were 12 kg, 14 kg and 16 kg, respectivelly. Further, the drying durations for each treatments were 10 hours, 11,3 hours, and 12 hours, respectivelly and the drying efficiencies were 3,05%, 3,41%, and 3.63%, respectivelly. One kg of rice husk could be used to dry about 1,35 kg of wet rough rice

    Hubungan Gaya Hidup terhadap Kejadian Stroke di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Gambiran Kediri

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    Stroke occupies the third rank of cause of death disease after heart attack and cancer. Moreover, it occupies the first rank of death cause in hospital. In the year 2020, 7.6 million people are estimated will die because of stroke. The highest case occurs in development countries. One of the causes of high number of stroke occurring in Indonesia is unhealthy lifestyle. The aim of this research is to analyze the relation between lifestyle and the possibility of getting stroke, consist respondent characteristics (age and gender), refraction of consuming fatty food and cholesterol, refraction of consuming water, smoking habit and sport activity. This research applied case control study. The numbers of the samples are 72 respondents. The research was in the hospital Gambiran Kediri. Statistical analysis was used Chi Square Test in order to know how the risk was. The result indicated that there was a relation between age, gender, and consumption of fatty food and cholesterol, consumption of water, and smoking habit in the cause of stroke. The most dominant variable as a cause of stroke was smoking habit with value OR= 6,510 [95% Cl (2,248 <OR < 18,850)]. It meant that the respondents with smoking habit had 6,510 times to get stroke compared with the respondents which did not have smoking habit. Therefore, health promotion to public is needed to start to apply a healthy lifestyle so that public awareness will increase

    Defect detection in textile fabric images using subband domain subspace analysis

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    In this work, a new model that combines the concepts of wavelet transformation and subspace analysis tools, like Independent Component Analysis, Topographic Independent Component Analysis, and Independent Subspace Analysis, is developed for the purpose of defect detection in textile images. In previous works, it has been shown that reduction of the textural components of the textile image by preprocessing has increased the performance of the system. Based on this observation, in present work, the aforementioned subspace analysis tools are aimed to be applied on the sub-band images. The feature vector of a sub-window of a test image is compared with that of the defect-free image in order to make a decision. This decision is based on a Euclidean distance classifier. The performance increase that results using wavelet transformation prior to subspace analysis has been discussed in detail. While all the subspace analysis methods has been found to lead to the same detection performances, as a further step, independent subspace analysis is used to classify the detected defects according to their directionalities

    Tinjauan Atas Retinopati Valsalva

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    Retinopati Valsalva adalah penyakit dengan gambaran perdarahan lapisan subhyaloid atau sub-Internal Limiting Membrane (ILM) retina yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas mirip manuver Valsalva seperti batuk, mengejan, muntah, atau latihan fisik yang kuat. Keluhan berupa penurunan tajam penglihatan mendadak mulai dari ringan sampai berat, bahkan hilangnya tajam penglihatan. Penyakit ini belum diketahui epidemiologinya. Perdarahan bisa mengalami resolusi dalam beberapa minggu atau beberapa bulan. Tindakan laser atau pembedahan dibutuhkan jika perdarahan cukup banyak atau tidak terjadi resolusi.Valsalva retinopathy is hemorrhage in subhyaloid or sub-Internal Limiting Membrane (ILM) layer in retina, caused by Valsalva maneuver-like activity such as cough, straining, vomiting, or vigorous physical activity. The symptom is mild to severe sudden painless decreased visual acuity, even loss of vision. The epidemiology of this disease is unknown. Hemorrhage in retinal layer can be resolved in weeks to months. Laser treatment or surgical treatment can be considered if in massive hemorrhage, or no resolution after observation

    Pengembangan Media Tiktok pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Perubahan Sosial Budaya sebagai Modernisasi Bangsa di Sekolah Dasar

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    Media pembelajaran video berbasis Tiktok merupakan sebuah video yang berada dalam aplikasi Tiktok berdurasi pendek untuk membantu peserta didik memahami materi Perubahan sosial budaya sebagai modernisasi bangsa pada mata pelajaran IPS di SD. Tujuan pengembangan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menghasilkan sebuah kebaharuan di bidang pendidikan yakni produk berupa media pembelajaran khususnya pada mata pelajaran IPS kelas IV di SD. Dalam pembelajaran peserta didik memerlukan berbagai media digital, namun dari berbagai media digital yang ada video pembelajaran merupakan media yang paling diminati. Dengan mengunakan metode Design Based Research (DBR) dikembangakanlah media video tiktok berdasarkan dari analisi ketertarikan media digital. Pengembangan media meliputi tahap analisis hingga validasi media. Analisis dilakukan mulai dari permasalahan atau kebutuhan di lapangan dan validasi dilakukan kepada mahasiswa PGSD UPI Kampus Sumedang. Hasilnya dapat disimpukan bahwa media digital yang dikembangan yaitu video tiktok layak digunakan sebagai media digital yang dapat dipilih guru dalam mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial

    International Telecommunication Union-Radiocommunication Sector P.837-6 and P.837-7 performance to estimate Indonesian rainfall

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    This work evaluated the performance of International Telecommunication Union-Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) P.837-6 and P.837-7 models (Annex 1) to estimate one-minute rainfall rates in Indonesia. In addition to the default ITU-R P.837-6, the input of ITU-R P.837-6 is also modified using data which has better spatial resolution, i.e. a combination of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3A25 and 3B43 (ITU-R+3A25+3B43), 3B42 and 3B43 (ITU-R+3B42+3B43), Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (ITU-R+GSMaP), and Global Precipitation Measurement (ITU-R+GPM). Among the five test sites, the default ITU-R P.837-6 and ITU-R+3A25+3B43 could predict one-minute rainfall rates at two locations accurately. The ITU-R P.837-7 exhibited a marginally better performance for sites that had a high percentage of very heavy rain, particularly at large (1%) and small (0.001%) percentages of time exceeded. The spatial distribution of rainfall rate produced by ITU-R P.837-7 and ITU-R+3A25+3B43 was closer to the pattern demonstrated by recent satellite precipitation measurements